Plant & care for Sungold tomatoes

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The Sungold tomato has a beautiful golden yellow color, according to its name. You can find out how to grow the cherry tomato ‘Sungold’ yourself and care for it properly in our article.

Tomato variety Sungold F1
The fruits of the ‘Sungold F1‘ variety hang on long panicles [Photo:
JoannaTkaczuk /]

‘Sungold F1‘ delights us in summer with its long panicles full of golden-yellow, sugar-sweet cherry tomatoes. In this profile you will find out what makes this variety special, and how it is best planted and cared for.


  • Sungold: Wanted poster
  • Origin and history of the tomato
  • Description and taste of the tomato variety Sungold
  • Planting and caring for sungold: this must be observed
  • Harvest and use Sungold tomatoes

Sungold: Wanted poster

fruit Cherry tomato; golden yellow
taste very sweet, light acidity, citrus and grape aromas
Ripening time early
growth Stick tomato, up to 2 m
Location Greenhouse, protected field, pot

Origin and history of the tomato

The golden yellow cherry tomato ‘Sungold‘ is a hybrid variety produced by the Tokia Seed Company in Japan. It was launched in 1992 and in the same year was available in Great Britain through the Thompson and Morgan seed trade as the "cutest tomato ever". Since then, the disease-resistant hybrid has enjoyed great popularity in England and other countries. The yellow ‘Sungold F1‘ was followed by a red variant, which is marketed under the name ‘Sungold Select Red‘.

Description and taste of the tomato variety Sungold

‘Sungold F1‘ is a tomato variety with vigorous growth up to about 200 centimeters in height. The fruits hang on the plant in panicles, are round and weigh about 15 grams. The harvest begins very early in July and continues until the end of the season in October. The taste of the numerous golden yellow cherry tomatoes can be described as very sweet with a slight acidity and aromas of citrus and grapes. The ‘Sungold F1‘ has cultivated resistances to the tomato mosaic virus (TMV), the tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and the Fusarium wilt. As an F1 hybrid, the yellow tomato variety not seed-proof and therefore cannot be propagated using one's own seeds. Anyone who wants to grow the ‘Sungold F1‘ for a longer period of time is dependent on the regular acquisition of new tomato seeds.

Ripe Sungold Tomato
From July the first ripe fruits of the ‘Sungold F1‘ can be harvested [Photo:
Kyaw Thiha /]

Planting and caring for sungold: this must be observed

The young plants of the ‘Sungold F1‘ can be kept in pots, outdoors or in a greenhouse. However, since they have no resistance to it Late blight and brown rot Tomatoes should be grown outdoors under a protective rain cover. Put the tomato plants in the greenhouse at the beginning of May, and in pots and outdoors from mid-May after the ice saints. The planters should be made of potting soil that is adapted to tomatoes - like ours Plantura organic tomato soil - be filled. This is pre-fertilized, so it already contains essential nutrients that support the young plants as they grow and supply them until the first fertilization in June. After planting, you should support and water the ‘Sungold F1 well.

High-yield cherry tomatoes such as the ‘Sungold F1‘ can be grown excellently with several shoots. You are allowed to take three to four side shoots deep on the trunk Skinning the tomatoes leave. The plant becomes bushy and needs to be tied up and supported better, but at the same time it also bears its sugar-sweet fruits on the side shoots. Fruiting begins in June, which is the ideal time for the first fertilization. Especially for fertilizing Balcony tomatoes we recommend using a purely organic liquid fertilizer, such as ours Plantura tomato and vegetable fertilizer. The application of the nutrients is very simple: about once a week you mix 15 to 25 ml of the fertilizer with 5 liters of irrigation water and then water as normal. Of course, the liquid fertilizer can also be used outdoors and in a greenhouse.

Harvest and use Sungold tomatoes

The cherry tomato ‘Sungold F1‘ is a real snack tomato that will delight young and old tomato lovers with its high yield and its sweet taste. The fruits taste best when they are still sun-warm, straight from the plant. The golden yellow fruits are also very suitable for drying and so you can benefit from the aromatic tomatoes of the ‘Sungold F1‘ even out of season. Homemade tomato jam made from the sweet Sungold fruits is particularly tasty.