Wonder flower, Mirabilis jalapa: 10 care tips

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The miracle flower rightly bears its name! You can discover up to five different flower colors on a single specimen. If you take our care tips into account, you can enjoy the splendor of flowers every summer.


  • Botanical name: Mirabilis jalapa
  • Family: Nyctaginaceae
  • Location: sunny
  • Substrate: fresh, sandy, humic
  • Height: 60 to 100 centimeters
  • Flower color: white, pink, yellow, orange, red or multicolored
  • Flowers: round, pleasantly fragrant
  • Leaves: oval to round, slightly pointed
  • Use: flower borders, container plants, cut flowers
  • Hardy: no

Flower miracle

The miracle flower (Mirabilis jalapa) comes from America. It probably owes its name to the fact that flowers of several colors can appear on a single perennial. Up to five colors are possible. The flowers don't open until late afternoon. Then they give off a pleasantly fresh orange scent. The flowers stay open until the early hours of the morning. It is often visited by moths and swarms. In the morning the panicle flowers close again. The flowers fade quickly. However, that does not fall

because new ones appear all the time.

Note: Remove the dead flowers regularly. In this way you stimulate flower formation and the plants always look attractive.

Location & substrate

A sunny location protected from wind and rain offers the best conditions for the perennial. We recommend using humus-rich, slightly sandy substrate. In order for the flowers to unfold, Mirabilis jalapa needs nutrient-rich soil. Provide the plant with fresh compost in spring.

Wonder flower - Mirabilis longiflora

Sow & plant

The miracle flower can be sown directly outdoors from the end of April. In colder regions we recommend sowing in trays in March. Cover the vessels with foil so that the small plants can develop well. Avoid direct sunlight so that the sensitive cotyledons do not burn.

Prick the seedlings when the first four leaves appear. Place the plants individually or in pairs in small pots. From the end of May, after the ice saints, they can go outdoors.

you can buy young plants or tubers in nurseries.

Planting instructions:

  1. Dig plant holes at intervals of 50 to 60 centimeters. The plants need a lot of space to develop their beauty.
  2. Mix the excavated material with horn shavings and compost soil.
  3. Insert the wonder flower flat.
  4. Only lightly cover the roots with soil.
  5. Water the perennial carefully.

Note: If you plant the miracle flower in a tub, fill the soil with a thick layer of drainage. Use vessels with large drainage holes.

to water

During the flowering period, the miracle flower needs regular watering. Water the plant morning and evening on dry days.
Avoid waterlogging.


In order for Mirabilis shrubs to bloom for many weeks, an adequate supply of nutrients must be ensured. Adding compost in the spring will get you off to a good start. Add flower fertilizer to the irrigation water once a week during flowering.


Wonder flowers have a bulbous, easily divisible rhizome. Divide the plant in autumn and plant the tubers in the bed in spring.
Propagation by seeds is also possible. Catch the seeds of the faded inflorescences. Dry these on paper towels. Sow the miracle flowers in seed trays in March or directly outdoors at the end of April.


Mirabilis jalapa is not hardy. Follow our instructions for wintering:

  1. When all the leaves have turned yellow, dig up the tubers with a digging fork. The best time is in autumn before the first frost.
  2. Cut the foliage with sharp secateurs.
  3. Fill a vessel with sawdust or dry sand.
  4. Put in the miracle flower bulbs.
  5. Place the vessel in a dark place in the basement. We recommend a temperature of five to ten degrees Celsius for the winter.

Diseases & pests

Wonder flowers are very robust. They are rarely attacked by aphids. Regularly wet the leaves with a mixture of milk and water in a ratio of 1: 2. The milk-water mixture has a preventive effect against aphid infestation. With good care, diseases rarely occur. However, if miracle flowers are weakened by waterlogging or long drought, even the robust plants can get sick and perish.

Wonder flower - Mirabilis longiflora

Planting partner

Create colorful flower beds with the decorative perennials. Combine different types of Mirabilis with each other and let yourself be enchanted by a sea of ​​flowers. Wonderful flowers develop a great effect in contrast to blue or purple flowers. In addition to blue delphinium or vanilla flowers, you can perfectly stage Mirabilis Jaspals. Herbs such as rosemary also let the flowering plants shine and at the same time repel pests.


Wonder flowers are an eye-catcher in the garden. Not only do people enjoy the splendor of the flowers, it also attracts many beneficial insects. Since the flowers are open from the afternoon until the early hours of the morning, Mirabilis jalapa is a valuable food plant for moths.

Tip: Plant miracle flowers in tubs. The heat-loving perennials are ideal for balconies and patios. When you sit down at the coffee table after work, you can enjoy the flowers and the delicate orange scent.

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