Balcony plants for shady locations: these 18 plants love shade

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Balcony with flower boxes

table of contents

  • Balcony plants for shade
  • Shady location - definition
  • Shade types
  • Balcony plants suitable for shade
  • Plants from B to D
  • Plants from F to G
  • Plants from K to P
  • Plants from S to V

With balcony plants, everyone can create an oasis of well-being decorated with flowers. An important aspect when choosing balcony flowers is the right location. While a garden usually offers sunny to shady spots, balcony owners are bound to the unchangeable lighting conditions. Most flowers need a sunny to shady location. At Plantopedia you can find out which balcony flowers also provide lush blooms in the shade.

Balcony plants for shade

If there is a lack of sun on the balcony, the selection of balcony plants is significantly less than for a place flooded with sunlight. Nevertheless, you do not have to do without splendidly thriving balcony flowers. In the following you will find an extensive list of balcony flowers that love shady balconies and offer you countless design options.

Shady location - definition

Before you buy balcony plants, you should know when there are shady conditions and what that means.

Shade types


We speak of penumbra when locations receive between three and four hours of sun per day and shade is created in the remaining hours. This is caused by the course of the sun, so that obstacles such as walls and trees block sunlight.

As a rule, most partial shade plants can withstand the blazing midday sun for a short time. A location for partial shade balcony plants is ideal when the morning sun hits them. The afternoon sun can get too hot and cause burns, especially in summer.

Light shade

A light shadow is given when the sun and shadow alternate continuously. This is usually a sunny spot that is shaded by the leaves of a tree, for example. With light foliage and / or branches, the wind ensures shady and sunny moments. Penumbral plants in particular thrive here.

Plant the flower box
Plant the flower box

Light shade

A light shadow is to be understood as a place that receives a lot of daylight but does not receive direct sunlight. It differs from a classic shade in that it has more daylight, while typically shady locations offer darker conditions overall. The light shadow is a fact that moves between penumbra and full shadow, without that Sunlight hits the balcony plants, but bright daylight is available through sunlight reflections stands.

Full shade

In full shade there is no sunlight and the daylight is quite dark. Sunlight reflections, such as in bright shadows or brief incidence of light through light foliage on trees, do not reach fully shaded locations. Full shade is predominantly found on balconies facing north. However, these are less common, as architects usually make sure that sunlight hits balconies when planning their construction. Nevertheless, trees or buildings in front of the building can also provide fully shaded locations on south-facing balconies. Balcony plants that are suitable for maximum partial shade often do not get along well in full shade. There are a few exceptions, as well as balcony plants that specifically prefer a fully shaded location.

Balcony plants suitable for shade

Plants from B to D

Begonias (Begonia)

The begonia is available in white, yellow, purple and pink. It blooms in all shade types from April to September. It grows up to 40 centimeters high, although growth can be a little inhibited in full shade.

Begonia x semperflorens cultorum, ice begonia
Begonia x semperflorens cultorum, ice begonia

Boxwood (Buxus)

Different types of boxwood are offered. They are available for every location. Whether sunny, partial shade or light shade, the respective variety decides which is suitable for your shady balcony. Since the growth is very slow, the hardy plants do not need excessive space to thrive. You can spend the winter outside and bring color to gray winter days.

Boxwood needs the right location
Boxwood needs the right location

Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum)

Most chrysanthemum varieties prefer a partially shaded to shady spot. In full shade, the flowering may not be very abundant and growth may be slower. Otherwise, these flowers appear in a wide variety of flower colors, which grace balconies tastefully from early summer and, depending on the variety, until late autumn / winter.

Chrysanthemums with full flowers
Chrysanthemums with full flowers

Fragrant violets (viola odorata)

With a strong scent, the scented violet fills the balcony environment in early spring as well as in late summer when the plant is in full bloom. The scented violet should never be too bright and sunny. For this reason it is the perfect balcony plant for light shade locations. If a tall tree with dense foliage is in front of a south-facing balcony, the scented violet will reward you with vigorous growth and abundance of flowers.

Fragrant violets
Fragrant violets

Plants from F to G

Fire Sage (Salvia Splendens)

With a final size of up to 40 centimeters, the fire sage is ideal between green plants. This is where its strong colors in fire red, lavender or pink come into their own. As a balcony plant, it can be planted in partial shade as well as in light or light shade locations. These flowers do not tolerate full shade as well. The fire sage grows to a height of 30 to 40 centimeters and blooms from May to September.

Fire Sage, Salvia Splendens
Fire Sage, Salvia Splendens

Fuchsias (Fuchsia)

Among the balcony plants, fuchsias are considered the classics, which are particularly popular on shady balconies. These balcony plants are available in white, rose / pink, red and blue-violet as well as dark-purple. Especially as a hanging shade plant, fuchsias can fill boring shady balcony corners with color. In combination with other flowering plants, they provide lush flowers on small and large balconies. They bloom continuously from summer to sometimes late into autumn.

Fuchsia, fuchsia
Fuchsia, fuchsia

Hard-working Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana)

The hard-working Lieschen is characterized by an immensely high number of flowers. The balsamic plant, which usually grows up to 30 centimeters in height, inspires with a sea of ​​flowers in white, pink, pink, orange or purple from May to autumn. Two-tone varieties are also available. They get along perfectly in a shady place and give dreary balconies a colorful, summery flair.

Hard-working Lieschen, Impatiens walleriana
Hard-working Lieschen, Impatiens walleriana

Bellflower (campanula)

The bellflower can find its way around in partial shade, light, light and dark shaded areas. The hardy and perennial balcony plant flowers from May to September / October. There are countless colors and sizes from 15 centimeters to two meters to choose from. It is very easy to care for. You only have to make sure that it is not too damp in the shade. Under certain circumstances, this could promote root rot.

Campanula portenschlagiana, Dalmatian bellflower as ground cover
Campanula portenschlagiana, Dalmatian bellflower

Plants from K to P

Nasturtium (Tropaelum majus)

The nasturtium is a real eye-catcher, which looks just as decorative between balcony flowers as it does between herb plants. It blooms from June to October in orange or red tones. Their body usually does not exceed a height of 30 centimeters. However, individual shoots can be up to three meters long. In terms of lighting conditions, the annual nasturtium is quite undemanding. It thrives in the sun as well as in partial and full shade. The darker it is, the slower it can grow. However, a loss of flowers is not to be expected.

Nasturtium with flower
Nasturtium with flower

Climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea Petiolaris)

From May the climbing hydrangea begins to bloom in white. In partial or full shade you can enjoy the flowering until August. The perennial and hardy plant, however, takes up a lot of space, as it can be up to 15 meters high and five meters wide. A balcony should be correspondingly large or regular pruning should be carried out to curb growth. The climbing hydrangea is ideal on bare and unsightly balcony side walls. With a tendril aid, the climbing hydrangea can also act as a privacy screen.

Climbing hydrangea, hydrangea
Climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris

Ball primrose (Primula Denticulata)

One of the early bloomers is the spherical primrose, which brings the spring flair to balconies from early / mid-March. It blooms in blue, purple, white or pink in any shady place until the end of May / June. It is ideal for exchange boxes because it is hardy and, together with other early bloomers, heralds the balcony flower season early in the year.

Caring for ball primrose, Primula denticulata properly
Ball primrose, Primula denticulata

Pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia)

For partially shaded locations, pennywort is a good choice if you are dealing with a yellow-flowered ground cover and you want to plant something very special in your balcony box. The pennywort spreads over the potting soil like a carpet. It blooms in May and attracts the bees.

Pennywort, Lysimachia nummularia
Pennywort, Lysimachia nummularia

Primroses (primula)

Primroses offer a generous variety of colors and, depending on the variety and weather conditions, bloom on your balcony as early as January. When choosing these balcony plants, it is important that you pay attention to the location you need, because there are primroses that only thrive in a sunny spot. Most species are hardy, bloom until April and reach heights of between 15 and 25 centimeters.

Cup primrose, Primula obconica
Cup primrose, Primula obconica

Plants from S to V

Snowflake flower (Sutera Diffusus)

The snowflake flower, which likes it sunny and partially shaded, is perfect for a traffic light. It also tolerates a light shade place. From June to September it blooms in white, purple, pink or light blue. It grows to a height of between 20 and 30 centimeters, while drooping shoots can be up to 60 centimeters long. Hanging on the railing in the flower box, she has it adorned from the outside with a magnificent sea of ​​flowers.

Snowflake Flower, Sutera Diffusus
Snowflake Flower, Sutera Diffusus

Striped fern (Asplenium trichomanes)

The striped fern, which can grow up to 30 centimeters in height, is undemanding and easy to care for. It is one of the hardy semi-evergreen plants. If it is to grow to its full size, an off-sun, partially shaded location is required. In full shade, it remains small, but is then perfect for a balcony planting in the smallest of spaces.

Striped fern, Asplenium trichomanes
Striped fern, Asplenium trichomanes

crying heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)

From April to June the bleeding heart blooms in shady and partially shaded locations on the balcony. The perennial ornamental and balcony flower is between 50 and 90 centimeters high and can be used as a shrub or as a high-stem plant in a tub. Since it does not need sun, you can optimally fill darker balcony corners with it. In the balcony box, it looks stylish alongside other early bloomers such as primroses or forget-me-nots. Simply cut off the shoots to overwinter. Then it sprouts again the following year.

Bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis
Bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis

Vanilla flower (Heliotropium arborescens)

The vanilla flower offers several varieties that are suitable for a light, partially shaded spot on your balcony. Their height is a maximum of 50 centimeters. From May to October it blooms in blue-violet or white. With an aromatic vanilla scent, it exudes a slightly oriental ambience on your balcony. For the winter season, however, it must be placed in a frost-free place.

Vanilla flower gives off a beguiling vanilla scent
Vanilla flower, Heliotropium arborescens

Forget Me Not (Myosotis sylvatica)

From March to usually well into June, the forget-me-not blooms in an intense blue up to a height of between 13 centimeters and 48 centimeters. The hardy plant feels just as comfortable in the sun as it does in the shade and partial shade. It is a robust plant that requires little care and is one of the most popular flowers for balcony planting.

Forget-me-not, Myosotis
Forget-me-not, Myosotis