Sage: types, varieties, proper cultivation & harvest

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You know sage from your own garden. Few people know about its diversity of species and varieties: peach sage, honeydew melon sage and others.

Sage in the flower bed
The sage has a wide variety of varieties [Photo: Ryan Yee /]

Belonging to the mint family sage (Salvia) is one of the most versatile herbal plants that you can grow in your own garden. Scientifically referred to as Salvia, the name is derived from salvus (healthy) or salvare (to heal). Because the tasty herb has always been valued not only in the kitchen, but also in traditional medicinal medicine. Some more are still cultivated as ornamental plants, while the rest are mostly wild plants. Much of the commercially grown sage is used in the manufacture of essential oils and fragrances.


  • Well-known sage species at a glance
  • Varieties of garden sage
  • Cultivation of the garden sage
  • Harvest, store and preserve sage properly
  • Ingredients and use
  • Diseases and pests

Well-known sage species at a glance

In addition to the well-known spice and Garden sage

(Salvia officinalis) there are countless other types of Salvia. the Variety of sage includes about 800 to 900 different species. Some also have a meaning for humans and are used either for smoking or as culinary herbs. The different types of sage differ significantly not only in their use. The color spectrum of the flowers ranges, for example, from a classic blue to violet-purple, through orange and pink, to an intense scarlet red. Only a few selected species are presented below.

  • Cleveland sage (Salvia clevelandii)
  • Fruit Sage (Salvia dorisiana)
  • Spice and garden sage (Salvia officialis)
  • Honeydew melon sage (Salvia elegans)
  • Indian smoked sage (Salvia apiana)
  • Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)
  • Peruvian sage (Salvia discolor)
  • Peach Sage (Salvia greggii)
  • Black currant sage (Salvia microphylla)
Sage with red flowers
The honeydew melon sage impresses with its beautiful red flowers [Photo: aniana /]

There are also countless other types of sage. To name a few more: fruit sage (Salvia dorisiana), Shrub sage (Salvia heerii), Spanish sage (Salvia lavandulifolia) and the creeping sage (Salvia nevadensis). The Mexican Chia (Salvia hispanica) is grown to obtain the chia seeds that are currently in vogue. This species, even if the scientific name suggests it, should not be associated with the Spanish sage (Salvia lavandulifolia) can be confused.

Varieties of garden sage

Over the past centuries, the wild form of sage has been bred and selected more and more. The focus here was primarily on yield and aroma. The sage variety Extrakta, for example, holds the record for the content of essential oils. Since the flowers are a hindrance, especially for commercial herb cultivation, there is a non-flower variety of sage with the non-flower variety. In the past few years, particularly multi-colored varieties such as creme de la creme, tricolor or rotmühle have emerged. In the following we briefly introduce some well-tried and good new breeds:

  • Alba: White flowering sage variety with a fairly compact habit; also suitable for keeping pots; intense, pleasant aroma; slightly bitter.
  • Mountain garden: Variety of sage with large, broad leaves; therefore ideally suited for the preparation of Saltimbocca or similar; very good aroma; quite compact growth.
  • Crispa: Sage variety with a very special look: the leaves are quite broad, fluffy and clearly curled at the edges; very good aroma.
  • Extract a: Breeding with a very high content of essential oils; particularly intense in taste and also suitable for smoking; Since you only need a few leaves for seasoning, one plant in the garden is usually sufficient.
  • Nana Alba: Like Nana, only with white flowers; pleasant aroma; well suited for cultivation in pots.
  • Nana: As the name suggests: very compact variety with small, narrow leaves; ideal for culture on the balcony.
  • Nazareth: Very downy and silvery variety from Israel; Leaves are elongated, narrow; very good, intense aroma.
  • Non-flower: Anyone who does not grow sage as an ornamental plant, but only to harvest the leaves, should use this variety. This does not form flowers and can put all of its energy into the formation of shoots and leaves. Flavorful and very good.
  • Rosea: Particularly beautiful, pink flowering variety; for a cultivar quite small leaves, but with a sweetish aroma.
  • Windeck: Leaves similar in size and good aroma to Berggarten, but more vigorous; rather unsuitable for a culture in a pot; but very good aroma and ideal leaf size for processing in the kitchen (saltimbocca, etc.).
yellow-green variegated sage
A yellowish-green variegated sage not only looks decorative, the taste is also excellent [Photo: Skyprayer2005 /]

Varieties of sage with variegated leaves:

  • Creme de la creme: Variety of sage with a creamy white varnish, especially on the edges of the leaves; two-tone: cream white - green.
  • Aurea: Well-known variety of sage, which is also often referred to as golden sage; golden yellow to green yellow variegated leaves; good taste.
  • Purpurascens: Leaves of the higher lying and younger shoots are purple in color; later they turn green-greyish; beautiful appearance, good taste, but similar to the Tricolor variety, only partially hardy.
  • Tricolor: Variety with a particularly beautiful leaf look: the leaves are variegated white-green, with the leaves of the higher-lying shoots turning purple to pink. Requires a very well protected location in Germany as it is less tolerant of frost than other varieties.

Cultivation of the garden sage

The sage found its way from the Mediterranean to us, but it can also be prepared in ours Grow sage. The plant likes deep, slightly stony soils that are permeable to water. Similar to lavender, the sage likes it chalky. Soils that are too acidic should be prepared accordingly with garden lime. The location should be very sunny, hot and sheltered. If you want to do something good for the herb, you can put it on a stone wall or house wall. This heats up during the day and gives off the heat again in the evening and night.

Sage can be propagated from cuttings and seeds. The sowing takes place from the end of March to the beginning of April. Our Plantura organic herb & seed compost is ideally suited for this. The first flowering usually takes place after 2 years. Young plants should not be harvested too heavily, especially in the beginning, as they need the strength to grow. Even better results are achieved with cuttings. For this purpose, especially the younger shoots that are not yet lignified are separated from the mother plant and rooted in compressed air (mini greenhouse, PET bottle, etc.).

Sage should be fertilized every now and then. However, you shouldn't use fertilizers too often, as this can negatively affect both the taste and winter hardiness. Older sage plants in particular tend to lignify from below. A topiary should therefore be made after flowering or in early spring. Here, the plant is shortened by around 40-50 percent. Most sage varieties are very hardy in Germany. In areas with a harsh climate or in exposed locations, the plant should be protected from frost with some brushwood or fleece. Some soil can also be piled up around the planting disc. This also protects the roots. If you want to grow multi-colored sage varieties such as Tricolor or Purpurascens, you should pay particular attention to appropriate winter protection. Both varieties are considered hardy down to -12 ° C. Thus, the two varieties can only be grown in the climatically favorable wine-growing regions. However, sage can also be grown in a larger terracotta pot on the terrace. You can simply put it in the gazebo or in an unheated garage over the winter.

purple sage flowers
The flowers of the sage are a veritable insect magnet [Photo: liewluck /]

Harvest, store and preserve sage properly

The leaves of the sage can be harvested from late spring to autumn. If you snap off the young shoots, this promotes the branching of the plant. In the long run you get ready and bushy plants. The young sage leaves go well with all kinds of dishes, which will be discussed in more detail in the following section. The leaves taste best before they bloom. But even during and after flowering, the aroma is more than sufficient for processing. The sage flowers are edible. They can be used to decorate dishes very nicely.

Drying sage
The sage leaves are gently dried in the oven at a low temperature (50 °) [Photo: Oksana Shufrych /]

Store sage is a little easier than with thin-leaved herbs like basil or coriander. Sage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. The best way to do this is to leave the leaves on the stem and wrap the herb bundle in a slightly damp kitchen towel. In grocery stores, you can often buy dried sage. The dried leaves still taste good, but most of the aromas are lost. Even if many gardeners don't have it on their radar yet, sage is easy to freeze. We particularly recommend this if you want to add the cabbage to a butter sauce.

Ingredients and use

The herb connoisseur knows that the "officinalis" in the Latin name of the sage indicates its use in medicine. The many essential oils in particular are used in folk medicine against cramps, inflammation and sweating. The substances thujone and cineole are particularly important here. If you brew sage into a tea, it tastes bitter, but it is precisely these bitter substances that are important for its anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the basic herb many minerals like iron and magnesium.

As with any food, however, one must be careful and limit intake to a normal dose. Because thujone and camphor are toxic in too high doses. Sage should also be avoided during pregnancy.

Sage with a bottle of sage oil
Sage has healing properties [Photo: Dubeniuk Nataliia /]

As a culinary herb, sage is particularly popular with meat and fish. It can be combined particularly well with veal, lamb, poultry or rabbit. Sage is also used in pot roasts. Although you can no longer perceive the taste in detail after the long cooking process, sage rounds off the overall impression of the gravy. Sage also rounds off the taste of fatty fish such as sea bream, eel or moray eel. It is best to place one or two leaves in the abdomen during cooking. Sage does not only go well with pure meat dishes, it also gives gnocchi its unmistakable taste together with butter or olive oil, for example. The herb goes extremely well with pasta with mushrooms.

Important: Sage dissolves the aromas best in fat. The leaves are heated in olive oil or butter. However, this process should be carried out slowly and gently. Temperatures that are too high destroy many of the valuable ingredients and aromas. The fat should always stay below its smoke point when heated!

In addition to being used as a tea or aromatic herb, particularly hearty types of sage such as Nazareth or Extrakta can be used for smoking. If you have enough space in the garden, you can also plant Indian smoked sage (Salvia apiana).

tip: In addition to sage, a few more are also suitable Herbs for grilling. We have put together the best of them in an overview.

Diseases and pests

Sage has the biggest problems with the culture conditions. Waterlogging and heavy frosts are poorly tolerated. Diseases and pests rarely occur in your own garden. Sometimes the Powdery mildew appear. Occasionally also step Spider mites on. However, both adversities can be dealt with without a great deal of chemicals.

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