Orchid soil: the right substrate

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So that orchids can bloom beautifully again and again, they need a special soil: a special orchid substrate. We'll tell you why orchids depend on a special substrate and what properties it should have for perfect flowering.

Orchid planted in orchid soil
We reveal why orchids cannot grow in normal soil [Photo: Stanislav71 / Shutterstock.com]

Orchids (Orchidaceae) cannot grow on normal potting soil. You need special orchid soil called orchid substrate. In this article we explain what this is all about, which orchid substrate is the best, how you can produce orchid soil yourself and whether orchids can also grow without soil.

Do orchids need a special soil?

In the wild, orchids do not grow on the forest floor because they do not get enough light there. The resourceful plants have therefore come up with a different survival strategy: They live as epiphytes high up in the treetops. Their roots hang freely in the air. So it's no wonder that orchids cannot thrive in normal soil. In order to offer the sensitive aerial roots of the orchids similar conditions as in their natural environment, you need special soil for orchids.

What properties should an orchid substrate have?

In order to clarify which soil is the best for orchids, one has to look at which properties a good substrate for the exotic plants should bring with it.

Properties of a good orchid substrate:

  • Loose and permeable
  • Low proportion of peat
  • Contains pine bark
  • With structuring material such as coconut fibers or expanded clay
  • Combined with special orchid fertilizer

A suitable substrate for orchids should combine all of these properties.

Which orchid soil is the best?

We at Plantura recommend this Orchid soil from Floragard. This special substrate is optimally adapted to the needs of demanding orchids: The composition is particularly airy and facilitates the water supply. In addition, it is 100 percent peat-free and the integrated orchid fertilizer helps the plant develop strong flowers.

Floragard orchid soil
Special orchid soil provides your orchids with optimal care

Note: Is it better to use orchid soil or granules?
In general, you can use both for orchids, as long as the ingredients are specially formulated for orchids. But since granules for orchids also contain bark as a main component, there is no advantage of the granules over orchid substrate.

Mix the orchid substrate yourself

If you want to influence exactly what your orchid grows on, you can also mix orchid soil yourself. The quality of the ingredients is crucial for this. Contaminated materials can transmit vermin and disease to the delicate orchid. It is safest to buy the individual components from a specialist dealer. The main component of the orchid substrate should be bark, in the best case pine bark - bark mulch is not suitable as orchid soil. The pine bark is then mixed in equal parts with filler material. This can be, for example, coconut fiber, expanded clay, perlite or cork. Charcoal is also well suited as it has a disinfectant effect at the same time.

Mix the orchid soil yourself
You can also make orchid soil yourself [Photo: ForGaby / Shutterstock.com]

How do I make orchid soil myself?

  • Mix the bark and filling material in a ratio of 1: 1
  • Matching bark: pine bark or pine bark
  • Suitable filling material: coconut fibers, expanded clay, charcoal, cork, perlite, nutshells, moss

Making your own orchid soil is not that easy. If the ingredients are not one hundred percent clean or of poor quality, the substrate will do more damage to your orchid than it will help it grow. We therefore advise beginners in particular to use a finished, high-quality orchid substrate like the one Floragard orchid soil to buy so as not to be disappointed.

Can orchids grow in a jar without soil?

If orchids can do without soil in their natural habitat, can't they do the same in our home? In fact, it is possible to grow orchids without a substrate. However, this requires special care for the exotic plant. It is visually appealing to let orchids grow in a glass. This way enough light gets to the roots. The glass should be big enough. A conical shape allows the roots to spread out well below, while they do not grow out of the glass as easily at the top.

Orchid without substrate
Orchids can also be planted in jars without soil [Photo: Maksym Fesenko / Shutterstock.com]

Before the orchid is placed in the soil-free jar, all substrate must be removed from the roots. Any residue, no matter how small, can lead to rot at the roots. Therefore, clean the roots carefully and thoroughly. Once planted in the glass, the orchid must be sprayed with water every day, both on the roots and on the leaves. Nutrients are added to the spray water every four weeks in the form of fertilizer and sprayed onto the plant.

What should you watch out for when orchids are grown without a substrate?

  • Sufficiently large glass
  • Conical shaped glasses are ideal
  • Thoroughly clean the roots so that there are no substrate residues left
  • Spray leaves and roots daily with water
  • Add fertilizer to the water every four weeks

The substrate for orchids should be changed every two years. To do this, the beautiful flowers are repotted. Everything you can about that Repotting orchids need to know can be found in our special article.

Many thanks to Floragard for their support!

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