10 garden plants for beginners

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Is every beginning difficult? Not with these ten garden plants, which are also well suited for beginners with their robust nature.

Yellow girl eye in the garden
Plants like the girl's eye beautify our gardens, but at the same time they are very easy to care for and therefore ideal for beginners [Photo: Olexandr Panchenko / Shutterstock.com]

If you want to create your own garden, you will quickly find yourself confronted with an enormous number of different plants and varieties. Finding the right plant for your garden in this immense variety is not that easy. After all, not only should the appearance be right, every plant also has different care requirements. Extremely robust plants are therefore particularly interesting for beginners - they are not only extraordinary resilient, but also forgive one or the other mistake and do not need a lot Care. We'll show you which ten plants are particularly easy to care for outside and are beginner-friendly.


  • 1. Japanese spindle bush
  • 2. Olive tree
  • 3. Girl's eye
  • 4. Blue fescue
  • 5. lavender
  • 6. Wire bush
  • 7. rosemary
  • 8. ivy
  • 9. Cat paws
  • 10. Sedum plant

Once you have got your enthusiasm for gardening, you should definitely make it a reality. But this works best if you set yourself simple goals and start with easy-care plants. So that you don't suffer a severe setback and become frustrated right from the start, we introduce you to ten slightly satisfactory garden dwellers below.

1. Japanese spindle bush

Leathery leaves in bright colors - the Japanese spindle bush (Euonymus japonicus) is a real eye-catcher with its beautiful leaf decoration. As an impressive accent plant with white or yellow-green coloring, the plant enriches every garden. The Japanese spindle bush is also becoming increasingly popular as a hedge thanks to its dense branching. As a beginner plant, the Japanese spindle bush is perfect for the garden, because it is extremely easy to care for and robust. The plant is easy to cut and should only be watered regularly. Outside, the Japanese spindle bush is frost hardy, but needs a protected, ideally sunny location.

Japanese spindle bush in green and white
The Japanese spindle bush convinces with two-tone leaves
[Photo: StockphotoVideo / Shutterstock.com]

2. Olive tree

For a Mediterranean flair in your own garden, the olive (Olea europaea) Perfect. Hardly any other plant shapes the image of the Mediterranean as much as this evergreen tree, but the olive can also be cultivated in the home garden without any problems. In fact, it is surprisingly easy to care for: the olive feels right at home in a sunny, sheltered location with well-drained, dry soil. However, the olive tree should definitely have a place in the pot: Since it is only frost-resistant down to -5 ° C, the olive better winters in the house. But this effort is rewarded: Even beginners will thank beginners with minimal effort not only with their beautiful leaves, but also with a fantastic smell and delicious fruits.

Small olive trees in pots
Olive trees spread a Mediterranean flair in the garden, and without much effort [Photo: VanoVasaio / Shutterstock.com]

3. Girl's eye

Do you want a shining sea of ​​flowers without a lot of effort? Then the girl's eye (Coreopsis grandiflora) just the right plant for your garden. From July to October, the flowers of the plant shine in bright colors (typically yellow or orange, but meanwhile there are also red, pink or even white hybrids). Despite their imposing beauty, the girl's eye is one of those uncomplicated garden plants that are also perfect for beginners. In a nutrient-rich and well-drained soil, the plant needs practically no attention. In September, the plant should then be cut back vigorously so that it develops dense foliage against the frost - so it is frost-resistant even down to -20 ° C.

Girl's eye in yellow and red
The bright colors of the girl's eye can be enjoyed even with little care
[Photo: SandroSalomon / Shutterstock.com]

4. Blue fescue

Anyone who thinks that grass is boring and has no decorative value has never had the blue fescue (Festuca glauca) seen. The perennial perennial, also known as bear rock grass, forms delicate blue-gray grasses. The special thing about it: the barren the soil, the more intense the blue color of the grass. The blue fescue is not only forgiving of nutrient-poor soil, but is also otherwise particularly easy to care for. Drought and heat do not affect the beginner plant any more than severe frost - the plant just cannot tolerate waterlogging. In the garden, the perennial is particularly suitable for rock gardens and gravel beds and can be wonderfully combined with other plants such as lavender or bed roses.

Blue fescue in bed with mulch
Bare soils are absolutely no problem for the blue fescue
[Photo: Anna Gratys / Shutterstock.com]

5. lavender

Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) is one of the classics in German gardens. In addition to its purple flowers, the plant is particularly popular here because of its pleasant smell Highly valued - while its scent delights people, it also repels annoying mosquitoes and others Pests off. Lavender is also known for its calming effect. Despite its versatility, the lavender needs little care: In a warm and sunny location, the plant grows by itself and can also be grown by beginners without any problems.

Lavender in the flower bed
Lavender is not only valued by us for its scent, bees also love the purple flowers [Photo: wjarek / Shutterstock.com]

6. Wire bush

The wire bush (Mühlenbeckia complexa) is a real all-rounder: Whether as a houseplant in the house or outside in the garden, the plant can be grown almost anywhere. It is particularly suitable for beginners: Robust and undemanding, the wire bush hardly needs any more care than regular watering. Only waterlogging harms the plant and should therefore be avoided. But the wire bush is not only characterized by its easy-care nature, but also by its decorative value from: The fine, wiry branches and the bizarre growth combined with the small green leaves are a real one Eye catcher.

Wire bush green up close
You don't need to spend a lot of time to benefit from the decorative value of the wire bush [Photo: mizy / Shutterstock.com]

7. rosemary

Those who not only want to marvel at their plants, but also want to try them, come to the easy-care rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) not over. The Mediterranean herb is a popular spice and refines meat and fish dishes just as well as salads or potatoes. Rosemary is not only a real treat in the kitchen - beginners in the garden will also get their money's worth with the evergreen plant. Rosemary grows easily in a sunny, warm place and can be harvested all year round. But even as a purely ornamental plant, it does not look bad - from March to mid-May the herb has an abundance of blue or purple flowers.

Wire bush green up close
Rosemary scores with appearance, taste and robustness and is therefore perfect for beginners [Photo: tomertu / Shutterstock.com]

8. ivy

Whether climbing or as a beautiful ground cover: the ivy (Hedera helix) has a permanent place in many gardens. The climbing plant is mostly used for greening dreary facades, but it is also ideal for underplanting large trees. Ivy is a good choice, especially for beginners in the garden - it is absolutely winter-proof, has no special requirements and is also extremely robust. Furthermore, ivy as a ground cover also keeps away annoying weeds. But ivy is also a must for nature lovers: As an autumn bloomer, it is one of the most bee-friendly plants of all.

Ivy leaves close
Once planted, ivy grows all by itself [Photo: Elvira Draat / Shutterstock.com]

Tip: Even more bee-friendly plant and herb varieties are in the Plantura bee pasture contain. You can transform your garden into a true bee paradise in no time at all.

9. Cat paws

The name of the cat's paw (Antennaria dioica) sounds really bizarre, but makes sense at second glance - if you take a closer look at the small panicles of the plant, you can guess the shape of a cat's paw. But the flower is also a real eye-catcher in other ways: In the bed, its leaves form thick, silver-green mats, from which the blossoms stand out in a strong pink. The perennial is particularly popular with beginners because it requires next to no maintenance. You should only be careful when choosing a location, because the cat's paw prefers it to be warm and sunny.

Cat paw plant close
If you look closely, you can actually see cat paws in the small, round flowers [Photo: mizy / Shutterstock.com]

10. Sedum plant

With more than 500 varieties is at the Sedum plant (Sedum) really something for every garden. Even the thick, rosette-like foliage of the sedum plant impresses in different colors from light green to silver gray. In summer, many species also form a wonderful carpet of flowers that enchants everyone who sees it. But the best thing about the sedum plant is its unbelievably robust and easy-care nature: No matter whether it is heat, drought or Lack of nutrients, the sedum plant blooms even where other plants have long since perished and is therefore unbeatable Entry-level plant.

We have several articles on easy-care plants. In this article we will introduce you to an example ten plants that you don't have to water.

Stonecrop shrub in pink
The sedum plant has definitely not earned its name, on the contrary, it cuts a great figure outside
[Photo: Kazakov Maksim / Shutterstock.com]

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