Prevent & control powdery mildew on cucumbers

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Free-range cucumbers or greenhouse cucumbers: this is how you can easily identify and eliminate downy mildew and powdery mildew with home remedies and without chemicals.

Cucumber with powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is a fungal infection [Photo: Floki /]

Unfortunately, the cucumber plants, whether salad or pickled cucumber, are among the most popular hosts of powdery mildew. Both powdery mildew and downy mildew can kill our beloved cucumber. So that you can still enjoy a long and high-yielding cucumber harvest, we have summarized the most important tips for prevention and biological control for you.

Protect cucumber plants against powdery mildew

Greenhouse cucumbers are usually only attacked by powdery mildew, as the fungus is also comfortable in dry and warm weather. The outbreak of disease, which can be recognized by white flour-like spots, can usually be prevented with a few tips. This includes that the plants must not stand too closely so that the air can circulate better. Furthermore, the greenhouse should be ventilated regularly. In any case, the lowest possible humidity must always be ensured. In contrast to the greenhouse cucumber, the free-range cucumber is almost exclusively attacked by downy mildew. Wet years in particular cause considerable damage to cucumbers, caused by downy mildew. You can recognize the pathogen by initially yellowish spots that are sharply demarcated by the leaf veins. In the later course of the disease, the leaves die off quickly and after a while there is no living part left of the plant. As a preventive measure, an airy and sunny location should therefore be chosen, as this dries the plant quickly and the dangerous fungal spores of downy mildew cannot germinate. Whether greenhouse cucumber or outdoor cucumber: When buying young plants, look out for resistant plants or seeds. Resistant varieties are for example: Amber, Bella, Charlotte, Hayat and Schubert.

Cucumber with downy mildew
Downy mildew can be identified by yellow spots [Photo: Plant Pathology /]

Powdery mildew: what really helps?

Once the plants are infected, you need to act quickly. Downy mildew in particular causes all the leaves of a plant to die off quickly. Control is only promising if the fungal disease is identified early. Injections against fungal diseases help best here. But it doesn't have to be the chemical club! The preparation is a very effective means Fungisan Mushroom-free roses and vegetables. The biological and non-bee hazardous spray works against both downy mildew and powdery mildew. For a successful fight, you do not have to know which of the two pathogens is really involved. If you want to know more about powdery mildew, we recommend ours mildew Main Products. There you can also find out which home remedies really help against powdery mildew.

The following products have proven themselves in our garden:

  • NEUDORFF Fungisan rose and vegetables mushroom-free: reliably fights powdery mildew; Gentle on beneficial insects and not dangerous to bees
  • NEUDORFF Compo Ortiva special mushroom-free: Environmentally friendly and non-bee dangerous spray against many fungal diseases
  • Pickling cucumber “Claudine”: F1 hybrid with natural resistance to powdery mildew
Rose and vegetable mushroom-free Fungisan

Rose and vegetable mushroom-free Fungisan


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- 15%

COMPO Ortiva® Special Fungus-free, partially systemic concentrate, e.g. against powdery mildew and downy mildew, late blight, brown rot and die-off of boxwood, 20 ml

COMPO Ortiva® Spezial fungus-free, partially systemic concentrate, e.g. against ...


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Pickling cucumber 'Claudine' F1 very early pickling cucumber resistant to powdery mildew, scabiesCucumis sativus

Pickling cucumber 'Claudine' F1 very early pickling cucumber resistant to real ...

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Some advice on how to avoid powdery mildew on cucumber and more Tips for the best cucumbers from your own garden You will find here.