Thuja Plicata, giant tree of life

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Thuja Plicata, Giant Tree of Life - Care The Giant Tree of Life is often planted in gardens as an opaque hedge and as a fence around the property. Since it is a hardy and evergreen plant, its frequent use as a hedge plant is not surprising. The enormous height and density of growth also make their contribution here and are reasons that speak for the easy-to-care-for and always beautiful giant tree of life Thuja Plicata. He looks compact, young and fresh. This plant can be cut to the desired shape or height by the gardener, but it can also be left in its natural growth. Despite the decision for uncontrolled, natural growth, it is necessary to prune the giant tree of life more often and, above all, to remove dried shoots and brown tips.


At first glance, the plant, with its shiny, bright green leaves, could be mistaken for a planting that would thrive best without maintenance. The assumption is based on the fact that the giant tree of life, if it is not planted as a hedge in the garden, is often left in its wild-growing form and is not cut into a cultivated form. But behind the apparent wild growth there is already a care that is important and necessary for the healthy and fresh appearance of the tree of life. If you simply let the giant tree of life grow unrestricted, you give it the opportunity to achieve a height of up to 15 meters. The decision for a location is

Not difficult with Thuja Plicata, as the tree thrives on any surface and does not have high demands. Preferably a location that comes up in a sunny or partially shaded location, as well as with a nutritious and deep garden soil is convincing. Taking care of the tree includes:
  • the sufficient distance between the plants and neighboring plants
  • giving plenty of water during growth
  • regular pruning or the removal of brown shoots
  • Cut only on rainy days and in cool temperatures
  • control for pests and diseases.

Brown spots in the lush green of the giant tree of life are often assessed by the gardener as damage caused by drought and are attributed to too little irrigation water or too much sunlight. But not only the drying out of the soil, but also waterlogging lead to optically appearing dry damage and can produce brown spots in the otherwise green color of the leaves. With the giant tree of life, it is noticeable that pathological damage usually affects not just a small shoot, but a larger area of ​​the plant and should be cut out generously.


Depending on its use in the garden, the giant tree of life can be pruned in a straight shape as a hedge or as a pointy tree that tapers upwards in a solitary position. Even if the gardener does not want to influence natural growth and encourage uncontrolled growth, secateurs are one of the tools that

are necessary for optimal care. Despite the pruning, the wild growth can be preserved by the gardener:
  • only damaged brown shoots removed
  • does not work on form when trimming
  • supports natural growth with its pruning
  • and there is enough space for the wild growth.

Ideally, the giant arborvitae is pruned between August and September. The gardener should never choose a sunny day for this. The fresh cuts could be damaged in high sunlight and lead to brown spots again. Depending on the place of use and space in the garden, the Thuja Plicata cut can be generous, or it can be chosen strictly according to the requirements as with a hedge. The cut is preferably designed in a trapezoidal shape, as this has a positive effect on the appearance and growth of the tree of life. The cut is not only used for the desired shape, but is necessary for the full and dense growth of the tree. This also explains why natural growth should be favored with occasional cutting of the shoots. In the case of two cuts, early summer should be selected for the first care in the year. The months of June and July are particularly suitable here and have cool and humid days that are ideal for pruning the giant tree of life. A pruning outside of the intervals is urgently needed if the tree is infested with pests. Here it is not advisable to wait until early summer or autumn, as the damage could spread and affect the entire tree.

The work of art under the hedges and trees

Thuja Plicata is known for its numerous possibilities not only to be cut into shape, but also to be shaped into artistic figures. It doesn't always have to be the straight or trapezoidal cut. For example, those who plant the tree of life free-standing in the garden or as a border for their seating area has, can implement many creative ideas and design artistic figures by trimming the hedge. Geometric structures, but also animal figures or letters, can be easily designed thanks to the dense growth and create a very special magic in the garden. From very difficult characters will

However, it is not recommended for beginners, as the hedge can be easily shaped, but if it is incorrectly cut, it cannot be quickly restored to an attractive format. The gardener believes that the cut-out that is necessary for letters or a section of longer branches is not a problem to the basics of trimming and choose a cool, rainy or at least not sunny one for his work Day.

The best conditions for the tree of life

The giant tree of life is very undemanding and thrives even if it does not find the optimal conditions. In order to promote rapid and full growth, the gardener should, however, already rely on recommendations when choosing a location and maintaining it and look for a nutrient-rich soil without waterlogging, as well as the sunny to partially shaded place in the garden decide. The requirements cannot always be met, especially when the giant tree of life is used to enclose a property. Here the cut is based on the point with the least growth.

useful information

Thuja Plicata does not make any demands on its location. He also tolerates shade. Cool, humid areas with deep and slightly acidic soils are preferred. The giant tree of life has a shallow, far-reaching root system and is therefore at risk of wind throws.
Thuja Plicata is the fastest growing Thujaart. The growth is compact and conical. The needles are deep green. The branches are arranged at right angles. The lowest, ground-lying branches take root and form small ones surrounding the mother plant Plants (formation of trails). If you rub them between your fingers, they give off an intense pineapple scent.
In winter it changes color only a little.
The flowering period is from April to May. The fruits are elongated cones, up to 1.8 cm long. At first they stand upright, then later they hang.
The planting distance if you consider the Thuja Plicata as Plant a hedge should be 50 to 80 cm. A 40 to 60 cm high plant costs around 7 euros.