Buy cherry laurel: guides & sources of supply

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The cherry laurel is very popular. We give you tips on what to consider when buying and give you special sources of supply for your cherry laurel.

Cherry laurel with dark green leaves
There are a few things to consider when buying a cherry laurel [Photo: Anna Bogush /]

Of the Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is in great demand as a hedge and solitary plant in German gardens, because despite its evergreen appearance it is robust, easy to care for and extremely location-tolerant. But while this is true of the entire species, there are varieties that are particularly well suited for specific locations or uses. Therefore, when buying, you should not only be clear about what a healthy cherry laurel looks like, but also look in advance which cherry laurel variety suits you best. We'll help you choose the variety, give you tips on what to consider when buying a cherry laurel, and introduce you to some good sources of supply.


  • Buying cherry laurel: what to look out for
    • The visual aspect of buying cherry laurel
    • The hardiness of the cherry laurel variety
    • The conditions at the planting site
    • When to buy cherry laurel
    • What does a healthy cherry laurel look like?
  • Buy cherry laurel: Special sources of supply

Buying cherry laurel: what to look out for

If you get a new leafy protégé in the house or garden, you should inform yourself thoroughly beforehand about the requirements of the plant - not just to see which ones Demands the type has and whether you can meet them, but also because there is one particularly good for almost every plant wish to your preferences and the local conditions suitable Cherry laurel variety gives. In general, you should therefore find out about the following in advance of buying a cherry laurel.

Note: As a plant that is not native to us, the cherry laurel is unfortunately completely useless for the local fauna. Neither insects nor birds show much interest in the shrub. For a natural and lively garden, we therefore recommend using more insect-friendly trees. Here you will find a selection of flowering hedge plants.

The visual aspect of buying cherry laurel

The cherry laurel is cultivated mainly for its evergreen foliage. Therefore, it makes sense to find out more about the different leaf shapes and colors before buying. This is where the biggest differences between the individual varieties are in terms of appearance. The variety 'EtnaFor example, ‘has a reddish to bronze-colored leaf shoot.

Cherry laurel with red leaves
The cherry laurels also have optical characteristics, for example varieties with a reddish leaf shoot [Photo: Angelo Giampiccolo /]

The hardiness of the cherry laurel variety

Although the most common cherry laurel varieties are all more or less frost-hardy, there are still differences. In milder areas such as the Rhine Valley, these differences usually do not come into play, but in areas with more severe winters and strong winds, the right choice of variety can be decisive. The variety 'Herbergii‘As extremely frost hardy.

The conditions at the planting site

Cherry laurels are extremely adaptable in terms of their location. Regardless of whether it is sunny or shady - you can find the right cherry laurel for all lighting conditions and pretty much every floor. The only real problem with cherry laurels is waterlogging. What you should also consider when choosing a location is the final size of the plant. Narrow varieties such as'Caucasica' and ,Genolia‘Better for small gardens than rather broadly bushy growing varieties such as'Novita‘. The question of how fast the cherry laurel grows should also be considered. Fast-growing varieties form opaque hedges more quickly, but they also have to be cut back more.

When to buy cherry laurel

In the case of root products, you also have to pay attention to when you buy your cherry laurel. Plants should get into the soil as soon as possible after purchase. Buy them in autumn - this is the time to plant cherry laurels. Container goods can be bought all year round, provided that the plants can be stored appropriately until the time of planting.

Young cherry laurel in a flower bed
After purchase, the plants should get into the soil as soon as possible [Photo: PhotographyByMK /]

What does a healthy cherry laurel look like?

Only when you have thought about the points just mentioned and made a choice of variety should you start buying. You should consider each plant individually and - if possible - also the conditions under which the plants were raised or stored. If you can answer no to the following questions, the probability of buying a vital plant that will quickly establish itself in the home garden is greatest:

  • Are there wilts yellow or brown discolored leaves on cherry laurel? (Cherry laurels are evergreen and discolored leaves are therefore usually a sign of a not completely healthy or poorly cared for plant.)
  • Can you find any pests or signs of disease on the plant? (Coverings, holey leaves, deformations?)
  • Are the plants too wet or dry? (An incorrect water supply leads to symptoms on the plant only after a considerable delay. Even if the plant looks good when you buy it, that doesn't mean it will stay that way.)
  • Is the root ball only sparsely developed? (A weak root system means that the growth time after planting is longer and is a sign of suboptimal conditions during cultivation.)
  • Is the plant in the blazing sun at the point of sale? (Young cherry laurels in particular are prone to sunburn. These are not only unsightly to look at, they also stress the plant considerably.)
Cherry laurel in the rain
When buying, you should pay attention to the healthy appearance of the plant [Photo: Natalka De /]

All these aspects speak for a not optimally grown plant. This does not have to mean that the plant will not grow into a magnificent cherry laurel in your home. But especially with young plants, the environmental influences affecting them have a major influence on the later growth and susceptibility of the plant to diseases.

Buy cherry laurel: Special sources of supply

Unfortunately, buying a cherry laurel does not only depend on a well thought-out purchase plan, the right plant must of course also be found. Most hardware stores, garden centers or tree nurseries in your region have cherry laurels, but there are others nearby has the desired variety of varieties or wants the plants to be delivered to their home quickly and easily, the Internet can also do this to use. From countless mail order companies in the horticultural sector, we would like to briefly introduce you to five sources of supply for cherry laurels:

  • Horstmann tree nursery: As a mail order business, the tree nursery offers an unbelievably wide range of garden plants from ground cover to deciduous trees. A solid selection of the most popular cherry laurel varieties can also be found among the deciduous trees.
  • Plants Janssen: The family-run tree nursery offers a wide range of hedge plants and over 30 years of experience. Everyone will find the right cherry laurel variety here. You can have your plants delivered to your home or visit the 10,000 m² sales area in Kempen.
  • NewGarden Nursery: This nursery sends a wide variety of plants and accessories for your home garden happiness. It offers a very good selection of cherry laurel varieties as hedge plants.
  • NurseryDirect: This provider is a master tree nursery with a large range of hedge plants, but also wild trees and ground cover. It also offers a good overview of the cherry laurel varieties on offer and their properties.

What you at Planting your cherry laurel you can also read about it here in our special article. It is best to use a high-quality, peat-free organic soil like ours Plantura organic universal soil.