Roses are remontant or recurrent: definition and meaning

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red-blooming rose

table of contents

  • How often do roses bloom?
  • Roses are remounting
  • Roses bloom more often

Roses are among the most popular flowering plants and have been inspiring for centuries with their flowers, which either smell intensely or present a particularly appealing shape. If you dig deeper into the keeping of roses, you will eventually come across the terms remontaining and frequently blooming. If you are looking for a new variety, it is important to know what the meaning of these terms is.

How often do roses bloom?

This is the question you need to ask yourself as you search for the meaning of the two terms. Remounting and more often

Blooming rose species and varieties appear the same to many people at first glance, but there is a crucial difference in both terms. With both variants, you can be sure that you can expect flowers several times over the year. Four main scenarios can occur here, which are assigned to the respective terms:

  • blooming twice a year
  • flowering twice a year by pruning
  • blooming several times a year
  • almost permanently blooming

You can find out which terms the above properties match in the sections below. Don't be surprised, however, that the difference between the terms in the variety description is not always obvious. Compared to many classic varieties repeating and frequent blooming roses are especially suitable for you if you want robust plants. Often these do not require as much care as the one-time flowering ones, apart from historical rose varieties or wild roses, and therefore a pretty sight all the time.

Rose is known as the queen of flowers

Note: Even in specialist shops, a distinction is not always made between the two terms. For example, if you are looking for a rose variety that will bloom more often, this can also be used as a remontant strain, which can sometimes lead to surprises in terms of flowering time can.

Roses are remounting

The term “remounting” describes roses that bloom several times throughout the year, except of course in winter. However, what sets it apart from the more frequently blooming variants is the frequency with which flowers form. Form remounting rose varieties and species a maximum of twice in the year flowers from:

  • 1. Flowering: depending on the variety
  • 2. Flowering: autumn

Usually these are variants that bloom early in the year, which then recharge their batteries for their second bloom over the summer or late summer. The flower itself is a significant factor in the remontant pink. This does not change in size, color or fragrance. It is identical to the first flowering of the year and for this reason they are excellent Cut flowersthat can be used for a variety of different purposes. The formation of such flowers twice a year requires a lot of strength and for this reason it is necessary to close the roses after the first flowering cutso that the plants can collect enough energy for flower formation. In the long run, this can lead to the following problems:

  • Stunted growth
  • insufficient winter hardiness
  • in extreme cases failure to flower

Many cultivated forms that rely on a particularly large flower are particularly affected by this. The more the rose varieties resemble the wild forms, the better they can withstand the cut and the growth and winter hardiness suffer only slightly. Since not only the withered flowers but parts of the shoots are removed here, it is sometimes difficult for the plants to recover in time. It is easier with varieties that are naturally remounting and self-bloom after they have faded. Here, however, the boundaries to the more frequently blooming variants are already blurring. One variety that behaves naturally remontant is, for example, the remontant rose 'Black Prince', which blooms at the following times:

  • June to July
  • September to November

You hardly have to do anything to induce the second flowering. You should choose such varieties if you want healthier varieties.

Roses with white flower color

tip: An exception to the wild rose species and varieties are those that bloom quite early in the year. These usually do not form a second bloom, but this depends heavily on the region, the climatic conditions and the species or variety.

Roses bloom more often

Roses that bloom several times over the course of the year are also referred to as roses. However, these are only considered to flower more often if they flower more than twice or if they flower more often. Continuous bloomers can also be classified in this category, as they do not lose their bloom or form new ones when they fade. The definition of frequent flowering therefore includes a large number of varieties that can easily develop further flowers without having to rely on the following care measures:

  • cut
  • Remove flowers
  • additional fertilizers

Despite the independence of the more frequent flowering varieties, it sometimes doesn't do any harm if you remove the faded flowers or give a little more fertilizer. Such information can also be found in the variety description, should this be necessary. Frequently blooming roses are often used for a variety of gardening projects and the permanent bloomers are becoming increasingly popular, as they only take extremely short breaks of one to two weeks. In the following list you will find three suitable varieties that will inspire you to flower more often throughout the year:

  • Rambler rose 'Awakening'
  • Historic rose 'Boule de Neige'
  • Miniature rose 'Anna Maria de Montravel'
Hybrid Tea 'Maxim'

Note: Another term for re-erecting and frequently blooming roses is “multiple pile”. This already indicates that you can look forward to the beautiful flowers several times a year.