Michelle, writer on Plantopedia

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Instructions: Build your own sandpit in 6 steps - cover picture

If you want to make your children really happy, you can build them a sandpit in your own garden. There you can ...

Propagate sage in 6 steps: this is how it works - cover picture

There are different ways to propagate sage in the garden yourself. These are more or less complex. Below we introduce ...

Growing runner beans: this is how it works - cover picture

With runner beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) large yields can be achieved in a small area. The beans are also suitable ...

Prefer Cosmea in 7 steps - cover picture

With its colorful flowers and filigree foliage, the Cosmea (Cosmos bipinnatus) is a real eye-catcher. Would like to ...

Daffodils: caring for daffodils in pots - cover picture

Daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) are also stylish harbingers of spring in the pot. A few details on care must be taken into account when cultivating in pots.

Prefer French beans: sowing, planting distance & Co - cover picture

You can prefer French beans without much effort on the windowsill or in the greenhouse. Read here what it ...

25 good neighbors of onions - cover picture

Onions are healthy and have a permanent place in the kitchen. Growing them in your own garden is not too ...

40 non-toxic balcony plants for cats - cover picture

Non-toxic balcony plants are ideal if your velvet paw can enjoy the fresh air on the balcony. This article will ...

15 Fruits, fruits and vegetables with " V" at the beginning - cover picture

Fruits, vegetables and other fruits with a “V” at the beginning are difficult to find. In addition, many are ...

Snowball hydrangea propagate | this is how it works - cover picture

It's not always just about your own plants: there may be a snowball hydrangea in a friend's garden that ...

Prefer chard and prick out: this is how it works - cover picture

Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris) can be sown from April. As early as March, young plants can be planted for an early ...

good neighbors of French beans - cover picture

Mixed cultures in the vegetable patch not only provide more variety. You have advantages for the respective vegetables, ...

Crop rotation: what after planting potatoes? - Cover photo

The crop rotation is important in order to make the best possible use of the vegetable patch and to achieve the best possible harvest yields. Especially ...

23 native black birds with picture - cover picture

There are numerous native bird species in Germany. However, only a fraction of the birds are completely black. As ...

Purple Cauliflower Is It Natural? - Cover photo

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) is available in a wide variety of colors. Many hobbyists rightly ask themselves ...

How many legs does a millipede have? - Cover photo

Millipedes (Myriapoda) have been around for 400 million years. The animals have a lot of legs, but are they really a thousand? ...

15 Fruits, fruits and vegetables with " A" at the beginning - cover picture

Fruit and vegetables should definitely not be missing from our daily nutrition plan. There is a choice ...

11 native pigeon species with picture - cover picture

Over 300 species of pigeons are known worldwide. In Central Europe and Germany, the number is limited to five plus one unofficial ...

New insects in Germany: as of 2020 - cover picture

New insects in Germany are among the most exciting discoveries of the domestic animal world. In 2020 the list increased by a few ...

Harvesting butternut squash - cover picture

The butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) with its characteristic shape and the mild, buttery-tasting flesh is one of the most popular ...

Coppice lavender has faded when cut? - Cover photo

The topped lavender (Lavandula stoechas) is a popular ornamental perennial in summer due to its flower shape. It has a long bloom ...

Attach a privacy screen to the neighbour's fence? - Cover photo

If a privacy screen is to be attached to the neighbor's fence, the question often arises whether this is even possible ...

10 species of woodpecker in Germany with picture - cover picture

Everyone knows the typical knocking sound when a woodpecker searches for food on trees. You probably know the great spotted woodpecker. ...

Can I paint my neighbour's fence? - Cover photo

There is a clear answer to the question of whether you can paint the neighbour's fence: no, that dü ...

Build a squirrel nest yourself in 6 steps - cover picture

If you want to watch squirrels romping around in your own garden, you have to create an environment in which they are comfortable ...

List: 6 native thrush species with picture - cover picture

The real thrush (Turdus) consists of a species-rich family of songbirds, six of which are native to Germany. ...

24 good neighbors of zucchini: what goes well? - Cover photo

Zucchinis are very popular as a vegetable in this country. Growing in the garden is quite easy. With the right neighbors next to ...

Swallow breeding season: when do they nest? - Cover photo

Swallows are an endangered species of birds, so knowing when they will nest and breed is important. Because if ...

How many legs does a spider have? - Cover photo

A spider always has four pairs of legs, for a total of eight legs. Animals with fewer legs were usually taken by one of their ...

19 Fruits, fruits and vegetables with Z at the beginning - cover picture

Fruits, fruits and vegetables that start with Z are comparatively rare. Nevertheless, there is quite a bit of fruit and ...

The ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba) is an ancient rock, like from another world. It can reach a height of 40 meters ...

Know-how: what is a French balcony? - Cover photo

You are probably familiar with a French bed, but what is a French balcony? The French balcony serves ...

When do swallows fly south and when do they come back? - Cover photo

Swallows are known to most people as migratory birds. They move south in autumn and come in ...

Toad migration: when does it take place? - Cover photo

When toads and frogs wake up from winter rigor, they go to spawning waters. During this crown ...

Caring for rattan furniture properly | Balcony & terrace - cover picture

Rattan furniture is popular on patios and balconies because it can withstand moisture well. Still, they have to ...

How fast does the oak grow? | Growth in 10 years - cover picture

With a life expectancy of up to 800 years, the oak is in no hurry to reach its maximum size. Above ...

Balcony: 9 ideas for privacy protection - cover picture

A privacy screen on the balcony not only protects against prying eyes from the neighbors, it can also help in windy conditions ...

Can you eat chicory raw? | Edible or Poisonous? - Cover photo

Chicory (Cichorium intybus var. Foliosum) are popular winter vegetables that can be prepared in many ways. Whether chicory ...

Corvids 8 native raven species with picture - cover picture

Corvidae are characteristic inhabitants of urban and rural areas. Which native raven species are the respective ...

Ginkgo Bloom: Flowering Time & Characteristics - Cover Picture

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), originally from China, is now also at home in Central Europe. Few know that the ginkgo ...

Deck edging: 12 ideas from wood, metal & Co. - cover picture

Isn't it wonderful to spend warm summer evenings on your own terrace? With the matching terrace edging, you sit in a protected ...

Artichokes overwinter in pots and in the field - cover picture

This popular vegetable is characterized by its thistle-like appearance. She is a real asset in many ways ...

Which bird sings when? | 17 birds in portrait - cover picture

In the spring and summer months you can hear the birds chirping before sunrise. The different species leave you lively ...

What is frost drought? Endangered plants - cover picture

The garden is quiet in winter, but with its low temperatures it can cause tremendous damage. Plants, trees ...

Types of parasols for the balcony | Advantages & disadvantages - cover picture

Sun protection is particularly necessary on a south-facing balcony in summer. But which type of parasol should be chosen? Because ...

Fact: why aren't spiders insects? - Cover photo

Spiders are often mistaken for insects. Why is that not so, where the differences are mainly in appearance ...

Blue Agave, Agave tequilana: Profile & Care - Cover picture

The blue agave is a comparatively undemanding plant that does not require a lot of care. Still, when it comes to culture, you have to ...

27 grasses as a privacy screen for pots and buckets - cover picture

In order to achieve a privacy screen with grasses and ornamental grasses in pots, these should be tight and depending on the ...

Planting & maintaining corkscrew willow in tubs - cover picture

The corkscrew willow in the bucket looks very attractive with its twisted branches. As a free-standing tree this type of willow is suitable ...

16 Plum Tree Diseases: Curled Leaves & Co - Cover picture

If the leaves, fruits or shoots on the plum tree (Prunus domestica) suddenly change, help is quick ...

Sunflower growth: how fast they grow - cover picture

A sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is one of the most rewarding flowering plants in the summer garden. If the conditions are right, the sunflower will grow ...

Agave as a houseplant: care, propagation & Co - cover picture

The agave is a real desert child and is often cultivated as a houseplant in this country, provided that the respective species is suitable ...

Build your own wooden garbage can box - cover picture

Rubbish bins are essential, but not particularly attractive. A cladding can help here. A garbage can box yourself to ...

Grass mites in dogs | recognize & treat - cover picture

Grass mites make life difficult for dogs in summer. Animals, such as dogs, serve as host to the larvae of the mites, where they ...

Swamp forget-me-not: profile & care - cover picture

The swamp forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides) enchants with its numerous blue flowers that show up all summer. As in ...

Planting tomatoes in the greenhouse | this is how it works - cover picture

Unfortunately, there is no good harvest guarantee for tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) outdoors. The warmth is right in the greenhouse ...

22 ideas for edging beds: wood, metal & stone - cover picture

A bed border separates the bed from paths and adjacent beds. At the same time, it acts like a picture frame that can be used to decorate the garden ...

Fighting Aphids: 9 Effective Home Remedies

There are numerous effective home remedies available to control aphids. The list shows you the 9 best ...

Beneficial organisms in the garden: attracting & settling tiger snails - cover picture

Thanks to their appearance, tiger snails (Limax maximus) are not only a real eye-catcher, but also valued beneficial insects in the garden. ...

Increase corkscrew willow this is how it works - cover picture

It's everything, just not straight and straight: that's why the corkscrew willow is so popular. In the garden she pulls birds, ...

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