Watermelon Slicer: Slice the melons lightly

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A summer without delicious melons? That is unimaginable! But how can you cut melons easily and without a mess? We have tips ready for you.

sliced ​​watermelon
A perfectly cut melon without a big mess - fantastic! [Photo: Sakda Cahansettakul / Shutterstock.com]

Sweet in taste, but still super refreshing - that's probably the description of a perfect melon. The watermelon is considered to be a thirst quencher on particularly hot summer days. As its name suggests, it consists mainly of water and around 95% of that.

However, all the liquid in the fruit is often a nuisance when cutting if it puts the entire kitchen counter under melon water. And in general, chopping watermelon is probably not exactly a favorite pastime - but there is a remedy.

So-called watermelon slicers not only save time and nerves, but also deliver melon pieces of the same size. The round plastic shape has a sharp, thin frame, usually made of steel, that divides the fruit into pieces. Of course, not only watermelons can be cut with such a slicer. The device can also split other types of melons, such as honey or Galia melons, and some manufacturers even assure that it will also work wonderfully with pineapples.

sliced ​​watermelon
Watermelons are perfect for hot summer days [Photo: Roberto Cabrera Castro / Shutterstock.com]

The procedure is simple: both ends of the melon should be cut off with a knife so that you have a smooth surface. Most slicers contain some kind of plastic plate on which the watermelon is then placed. Now the slicer itself is used, which has to be pressed down with a lot of force (the difficulty varies from melon to melon). And then you have (fanned out almost like a flower) melon pieces of the same size with one cut, so to speak.

In addition to the round tailors, there are also devices that are more similar in shape to a knife. However, they contain two blades that have a cavity between them in order to cut the melon pieces out of the fruit. In contrast to a normal knife, all pieces have the same thickness.

The following products convinced us melon fans:

  • Melon cutter: Melon divider for quick and easy cutting of melons into 12 equal pieces. Easy to use and non-slip handles.
  • Melon knife: The knife cuts beautiful slices from the halved melon without the skin. If you turn the cutter over, you can also use it as a pair of pliers.

Whether it makes sense to buy a watermelon slicer depends on the amount of melons that you eat over the summer. For melon fans it is certainly a time-saving investment.