White lavender: properties & needs

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When you think of lavender, the colors blue and purple immediately come to mind. But do you already know white lavender? We introduce the curiosity.

White lavender
An unusual sight: white lavender [Photo: Edita Medeina / Shutterstock.com]

The white blooming one is very different from his brothers lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) fresh, brightening and versatile in the flower boxes and perennial beds. At first the color change only occurred by chance among the purple lavender varieties, but for some time now, selected white-flowered varieties have finally been available on the market. In the following we present you the variety 'Nana Alba'.

White lavender: properties of Lavandula angustifolia 'Nana Alba'

'Nana Alba' is one of the first stable white flowering varieties of Lavandula angustifolia and grows extremely compact and low to a height of about 35 cm. The variety is ideal for planting pots and window boxes or as underplanting in perennial beds. Due to the slow growth, however, 'Nana Alba' takes a long time to fully develop. The plant is frost-hardy down to -28 ° C and is also compatible with other plants in combination.

The amount of colorants, in lavender the so-called anthocyanins, determines the color of the flowers. High levels are shown in a deep purple color, low levels in pink variants. However, if no dye is formed due to a genetic defect, the flower appears white, as in this case. The scent and aroma remain completely unaffected. So you can also white Dry lavender or processed into ointments and teas. And such a white filled lavender bag is also something special. If the faded flower stalks are cut off in August, the white lavender forms a second flower in early autumn. So it delights us long into autumn with its delicate flower stalks.

summary White lavender:

  • Very compact, but short growth
  • Ideal as underplanting
  • Extremely hardy
  • White flowers with a typical lavender scent
The white lavender can also be dried and processed [Photo: images72 / Shutterstock.com]

Location and special requirements of white lavender

Just like conventional lavender varieties, 'Nana Alba' requires rather drier locations with well-drained soil, only a moderate supply of nutrients and a place in the sun. Waterlogging should be avoided at all costs and therefore only watered very sparingly.

Ideal planting partners are those who feel just as comfortable in the Mediterranean area, but who do not bother 'Nana Alba' too much. Low Thyme (Thymus sp.), oregano (Origanum vulgare) or the slow growing one rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) are ideal for this.

More details on Growing and caring for lavender You will find here.

Buy white lavender

When buying white lavender, be sure to refer to the botanical name Lavandula angustifolia pay attention, because many white "lavender varieties" on the market are hybrids of lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia), which is not hardy with us and grows much stronger. The Horstmann Nursery and the Gaißmayer Perennial Nursery offer 'Nana Alba' in their range, for example.

Insect pollination threatens the occurrence of white lavender [Photo: Poopee / Shutterstock.com]

Propagation can then also take place in the home garden using cuttings. This is absolutely necessary to maintain the white flower, because the natural crossbreeding makes it purple Seedlings can restore their unique color and compact growth to varieties produced by insects forfeit.

When it comes to lavender, there are a few other types and varieties that also enchant with their appearance and smell. We explain how to do the most common Types and varieties of lavender differs.