Planting, caring for and using cheese herbs

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Here in Germany, cheeses are still more of a niche existence, while in other parts of the world they have been known for a long time as medicinal and aromatic herbs. However, the cheese herb can be used in many ways and is easy to care for.

Cheese cabbage
Cheese cabbage can be grown simply and easily as a seasoning and ornamental plant [Photo: Beautiful lotus /]

The name alone shows that cheese cabbage (Paederia lanuginosa) is a special plant whose taste is reminiscent of camembert or well-ripened mountain cheese. The easy-to-grow, strong-growing herb is ideal for hobby gardeners and cooks who are keen to experiment. But cheese cabbage can not only be used in the kitchen, it is also suitable as an ornamental plant for hanging baskets or annual hedges. This article provides tips on growing, caring for, and using cheese herb.


  • Cheese cabbage: origin and properties
  • Planting cheese herb: location and procedure
  • Care of the cheeses
  • Harvest and use

Cheese cabbage: origin and properties

The cheese herb, which belongs to the Rubiceae family, originally comes from Vietnam, where it is one of the most important culinary herbs. The plant called La Mo Long there is used to season many dishes - but above all protein-rich, difficult-to-digest foods. If the tropical herb feels good, it grows strongly and can sprout up to 2 m long in a year.

The leaves, which are still pale green at a young age, change their color on the underside over time violet, so that La Mo Long is also excellent as an ornamental herb, for example for hanging baskets, offers. Shows in summer Paederia lanuginosa from June its pretty pink flowers with a white border. It is also important to note: The strongly spicy scent and taste of the leaves only develop when they are cut, in the garden the plant is still completely odorless.

Cheese cabbage leaves
With age, the leaves of the cheeses turn purple on the underside [Photo: Beautiful lotus /]

Planting cheese herb: location and procedure

Cheese cabbage is perennial, but needs very warm temperatures, which is why it is best to cultivate it in a pot. The herb can either be kept as a houseplant all year round or spend the summer on the balcony or terrace. Cheese cabbage also likes a lot of light, nutrients and water. Waterlogging should be avoided at all costs. For the culture, it is best to choose a pot with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm, which you have with a nutrient-rich substrate, such as ours Plantura organic universal soil, to fill.
Water the plant well and make sure that La Mo Long is always well supplied with water during the subsequent period of growth. Of course, you can also plant cheese herbs in the garden. The best time is in spring, when the temperatures are warm enough - from around the end of April. However, since the herb cannot tolerate temperatures below 15 ° C, it must be brought back to the sheltered warmth in good time in autumn.

There Paederia lanuginosa, As already described, is vigorous, you should make sure when choosing the location that you can provide the plant with a climbing aid. Alternatively, you can also hang them, for example in a traffic light.

Cheese cabbage as a hedge
Because cheese herb grows so fast, it is also often used for hedges in Vietnam [Photo: Beautiful lotus /]

Care of the cheeses

Paederia lanuginosa doesn't need a lot of attention. Since the plant grows so quickly, it should be watered and fertilized regularly to guarantee a rich harvest of tender leaves. For example, ours is suitable for fertilization Plantura organic flower & balcony fertilizer. It has a high nitrogen content, which helps support the vigorous vegetative growth of cheese herb. In addition, it consists of 100% natural ingredients of plant origin and also contains microorganisms that promote root growth.

A deep pruning from time to time promotes the sprouting of young, tender shoots. Note, however, that regular pruning promotes vegetative growth, but also causes the flower to move backwards. At the latest at the end of the growing season, i.e. in autumn, the La Mo Long plant should be cut back to make it ready for wintering.

If you have had your cheesy herb outside for the summer, it should be brought back inside at the latest in early autumn, before the temperatures drop below 15 ° C at night. There it should be overwintered in a bright place. The higher the temperature, the more La Mo Long grows in the house and the more often it has to be watered. Temperatures of around 18 ° C are therefore ideal for simple, easy-care wintering.

Roots of the cheese herb
If the root ball of your cheeses looks like this, you should treat it to a new pot [Photo: Andrii Spy_k /]

Before cheesesweed can move to the balcony or terrace again in spring, it is a good idea to check the roots of the plant. If the root ball has already taken root through the entire substrate, it is time to treat your cheeses to a new pot and fresh substrate. The best thing to do is fill a slightly larger vessel with ours, for example Plantura organic universal soil. Then you lift the cheesy herb plant from its previous home, loosen the root ball a little with your hands, put the plant in the fresh pot and water it well. In this way, the cheeses can start the new growing season well strengthened.

La Mo Long likes thrips, but luckily you are not powerless against it. How to get rid of the little nuisances will be explained in more detail in our article Fight thrips described.

Thrips can also target La Mo Long [Photo: Tomasz Klejdysz /]

Harvest and use

The leaves can be harvested all year round. The following applies: the younger and more tender, the better they taste. As soon as the leaves are cut, their strongly spicy taste unfolds, which many say that it reminds them of cheese. Others place it between kohlrabi and radish. In any case, there is agreement that the leaves taste strongly spicy with a slight hint of sharpness.
The leaves contain many sulfur-containing compounds that aid in the digestion of proteins. That is why they are mostly used in Vietnam to season meat dishes, eggs or tofu. A simple recipe is, for example, “Ran voi trung ga”, in which the cut leaves are whisked with eggs and salt and then fried with onions. Here in Germany the herb is becoming more and more popular as a natural, low-calorie and vegan "cheese substitute". Whether on pizza, in salads or for spicy spreads - cheese cabbage invites you to experiment.
There will also be various healing effects Paederia lanuginosa attributed to. For example, it is said to help with arthritis and rheumatism, kidney stones or gastrointestinal diseases.

Omelette with cheese cabbage
Cheese cabbage can give egg dishes such as omelets that certain something [Photo: Tatiana Volgutova /]

Isn't cheese cabbage extraordinary enough for you? In our article about crazy herbs for the raised bed we introduce you to some other special herbs that can also be cultivated well outside of the raised bed.