Lavender tree: Lavender as a sapling for beds and pots

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When you think of lavender, you probably think of broad beds full of purple flowers. We show that lavender can also be planted as a tree in beds and pots.

Lavender as a standard stem
A high-stemmed lavender is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention [Photo: H-AB Photography /]

The lavender tree (Lavandula) can hardly be found in the gardens at home. The designation as a tree or a perennial is actually nonsense in this context, because from a botanical point of view, lavender is one of the subshrubs. These naturally lignify with age and can even form a trunk with appropriate training. Such a lavender as a high trunk is definitely a special eye-catcher for the garden or on the balcony. The planting and care of the lavender tree differs only slightly in the procedure for a lavender in the form of a bush. In this article we have summarized the most important points so that this rarity may soon be found in your garden. Further, general information about the lavender can also be found here.


  • Plant the lavender tree in the bed
  • Planting lavender tree in a pot
  • Maintaining the lavender tree
    • Watering the lavender tree
    • Fertilize lavender tree
    • Pruning lavender tree
  • Lavender Tree: Suitable varieties and types of lavender

Basically, the same rules apply to planting the lavender tree as to lavender in general. In our latitudes, not all varieties tolerate the cold temperatures outdoors. Therefore, at least a temporary cultivation in the pot may be necessary. We explain below what you need to consider when planting in the bed and in the pot.

Plant the lavender tree in the bed

Whether the high trunk is hardy depends on the Lavender variety from which it was drawn. The only hardy species is probably only the real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Spear lavender varieties (Lavandula latifolia) and des Cupcake lavender (Lavandula stoechas) require special protective measures in order to survive the cold months outdoors undamaged.

Lavender in the flower bed
Only hardy lavender species can survive the cold months outdoors without protective measures [Photo: Oksy001 /]

Once the right variety has been found, you should choose a warm, sunny spot for your lavender tree with a well-drained, rather nutrient-poor soil. You can mix heavy soils with a little sand if necessary. When planting the lavender tree, make sure that the planting hole is large enough and that there is enough distance from other plants.

A detailed guide to the Plants of lavender can be found in our special article.

Planting lavender tree in a pot

If you prefer to be on the safe side, you can also cultivate your lavender tree all year round in a pot or tub. So in autumn you have the opportunity to easily move it to a cool winter quarter in the house or garage. A sheltered place in the garden or on the balcony is suitable as a location for the summer months. When planting, however, you should make sure that the planter is large enough, because the roots of the lavender need a lot of space. It is best to fill the bucket with a substrate that is rather poor in nutrients. A high-quality herbal soil like this is ideal for this Plantura organic herb & seed compost. For greater permeability, you can add sand to the substrate.

You can find tips and tricks for care in our special article on the subject Lavender in the pot.

Lavender in the pot
Lavender is ideal for pot culture [Photo: jacqueline moore /]

Maintaining the lavender tree

When it comes to caring for lavender, basically the same rules apply as for any other lavender. We have summarized the most important points for you below:

Watering the lavender tree

When cultivating in the garden bed, you only need to water lavender during long periods of drought, whereas the lavender tree should be watered more regularly. In pot cultivation, however, it is essential to ensure that there is sufficient water drainage, because the lavender tree does not tolerate waterlogging well.

Fertilize lavender tree

The Mediterranean herb grows naturally on nutrient-poor soils. A single fertilization when planting is therefore more than sufficient. In the following years, an annual application of fertilizer at the beginning of the growth phase (March / April) is sufficient. It is best to use a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect in order to provide your lavender tree with sufficient nutrients over a longer period of time. Our 100 percent animal-free is ideal Plantura organic universal fertilizer. In pot culture, an additional second fertilization at the beginning of flowering (end of June / beginning of July) supports your lavender tree optimally.

Lavender with Plantura organic universal fertilizer
Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer provides the lavender with the right nutrients for a long time

Pruning lavender tree

Most of the time, lavender is only known as a bushy growing shrub. But so that you can enjoy your lavender tree for a long time, you should cut it regularly, so that the high trunk does not grow wild and in the worst case it returns to its natural growth form falls behind. Basically, the same rules should be followed as with normal lavender. When you cut the lavender tree, all you really need to do is trim the crown. In spring (March / April), when no more frost is expected, about one to two thirds of the new shoots can be cut back, making sure that the crown is as round as possible. You can make a second cut after flowering by the beginning of August at the latest. During this summer cut, only the faded stems are cut off in order to stimulate a second flowering. However, always be careful not to cut into the old wood.

More information about the correct Care of lavender You will find here.

Lavender Tree: Suitable varieties and types of lavender

Basically any type of lavender can be grown as a standard stem. Vigorous varieties are particularly suitable here. But patience is required here, because a lavender bush or cuttings cannot be raised into a handsome lavender tree overnight. For a few years you have to cut back the lavender correctly and take care of optimal care.

Lavender Silver Anouk
The ‘Anouk’ variety is well suited for cultivation as a standard trunk [Photo: Kristina Hansen /]

We can recommend the following types of lavender:

  • "Hidcote Blue": Proven, English variety of real lavender with dark blue-violet flowers; strongly fragrant; growing slowly and compactly.
  • "Dwarf Blue": Medium high variety of real lavender with gray-green foliage and purple flowers; works well as a border and scented hedge.
  • ‘Anouk’: Coppy lavender with dark purple flowers; long flowering period from May to August; bushy growth; intense, pleasant fragrance

A comprehensive collection of Varieties of real lavender You will find here.