Propagate and overwinter pitcher plants

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Apparently, plants also like it when they are special. Some plants therefore adorn themselves with fragrant flowers, other plants dress in attractive foliage. Both pitcher plants are probably too boring, they prefer to hang themselves with "pitchers" and use them to catch insects. If you want to add a couple of adorned specimens to your pot collection, you can try to increase your Nepenthes.

Is it possible to multiply?

If the existing pitcher plant thrives well, the desire to place more pitcher plants quickly arises. In order to expand your own collection, you don't have to buy new plants straight away. If it is allowed to be the same variety, propagation is a viable alternative. It's fun and cheaper than buying a new one. However, it also requires a little horticultural experience, skill and knowledge of caring for the demanding carnivores. Last but not least, patience is required, because it takes weeks for the new plant to take root and start growing. More time will pass before the first pitchers are formed.

Requirements for successful propagation

Pitcher plants can be propagated in different ways. New plants can be obtained from head cuttings, side cuttings, leaf cuttings and seeds. In order for you to succeed in propagating these carnivores, however, important requirements must be met.
  • Mother plant must be healthy and well developed
  • healthy and strong head cuttings are available
  • Leaf cuttings require patience
  • ideally, you are already familiar with your care requirements
  • You can offer her the best possible conditions at home.
  • The seed must be very fresh.
  • Hybrid breeds are not suitable for seed propagation

Propagation by head cuttings

Nepenthes pitcher plantsExperience has shown that propagation by cuttings has proven to be the easiest and most successful method. It is therefore the ideal method for all hobby gardeners who want to dare to multiply this carnivorous plant for the first time.
Step 1: Wait for a suitable time
The best time to venture into the Nepenthes propagation is in late spring. The winter with its darkness is then over, the vegetation has fully set in with the pot plant. If it was overwintered well, it will now show itself in healthy and rapid growth. These are ideal conditions for creating new pitcher plants from head cuttings. The cuttings still have enough time for the whole summer under optimal conditions, namely lots of warmth and lots of light, to take root and start their own growth.
Step 2 win offshoots
The basis for the emergence of a new pitcher plant is a healthy and well-developed offshoot. It is therefore important that the mother plant is healthy, well cared for, and growing. In addition to the high shoot, it should have at least one side shoot. For the offshoot, however, the upward shoot of the old plant must be decapitated.
  • cut the cutting directly on the trunk
  • cut between two sheets
  • The cutting should be 10-15 cm long
  • Cuttings should have 2-3 eyes
  • use a clean and sharp knife
  • Do not cut side shoots
Don't worry, the "headless" plant may look unsightly at first, but it will surely survive pruning. It is extremely easy to cut. It doesn't take long for it to sprout new young shoots.
Tip: If a large Nepenthes is shortened by pruning, the resulting trimmings can be used wonderfully for reproduction.
Step 3: plant cuttings
The offshoot obtained from the old pitcher plant should be planted immediately. The ideal floor temperature is 35 degrees Celsius.

1. Obtain a suitable substrate. It should be moist and nutritious.

2. Fill a small flower pot with the substrate.

3. Plant the cutting.

4. Put an air-permeable film over it to keep the humidity high.

5. Give the potty a bright but not too sunny location.

6. Ventilate the plastic cover in between to prevent mold from forming.

7. After about 3 to 4 weeks, new roots will have formed.

Tip: Instead of planting the cutting immediately, it can first be placed in a glass container with lime-free water for rapid root development. After sufficient roots have formed on the cutting, it can be planted in a pot with soil for orchids.
Nepenthes pitcher plantsStep 4: repot the plants
As soon as new, tender roots have formed and the cutting is well rooted, the new pitcher plant needs a new pot.
  • choose a larger container
  • Use substrate suitable for pitcher plants
  • or a mixture of sand and peat and some clay
  • Pay attention to the tender roots when repotting

Propagation by separating side shoots

If you have a fully grown pitcher plant that finds optimal growth conditions for you, it will generate new "offspring" of its own accord. If it receives a lot of food and sufficient moisture, it will drive new small offshoots directly out of the substrate. This creates miniature pitcher plants directly on the main trunk. From this you can draw independent Nepenthes.
  • wait until two to three new side branches have formed
  • they should be approx. Be 15 cm tall
  • Separate from the mother plant
  • Plant each branch separately in a new small pot
  • only use carnivorous soil
  • Pour well and keep moist
  • put in a light and warm place
  • ensure high humidity
Soon after planting, the small pitcher plants will continue to grow, all the better when the conditions are optimal.

Propagation via leaf cuttings

The vegetative propagation is also possible via leaf cuttings. This method is often successful. To do this, fill a small container with peat and moisten it well. Separate a leaf from the mother plant and place it on top of the peat, covering the stem with some peat. After a while, roots will form at the end of the stem. A high level of humidity also favors the formation of roots. Cover the pot with cling film, which you only open occasionally for ventilation.
In a bright place without direct sunlight, a new plant develops from the leaf, which first forms roots and then sprouts new leaves. As soon as roots and a few leaves have formed, the young plant must be transplanted in carnivorous soil.

Propagation by seeds

Nepenthes - pitcher plantsThe Nepenthes, which grow as houseplants, rarely develop seeds. Most of them are also bred hybrid varieties, the seeds of which cannot be used to grow new pitcher plants. So the main challenge is to get fresh, germinable seeds. Purchasing it for purchase does not guarantee that the seed is truly fresh. There is always a risk as to whether the seeds will actually germinate after painstaking preparatory work. But there are also advantages to this method. The following is an overview of the main points:
  • Semen formation only takes place at the age of several years
  • Pollination required, if necessary help with a brush
  • the fine seed does not have a long shelf life
  • just a few weeks or even days
  • is difficult to store
  • Buying seeds is a matter of trust
  • slowest method of propagation
  • Spring and summer are ideal for sowing
  • Germination time about one to two months
  • Advantage: lots of new plants
  • Mother plant is not weakened by pruning
  • genetic diversity is encouraged
  • new plant is not identical to the mother plant

Instructions for sowing seeds

If suitable seeds are available, propagation must be started as soon as possible. This is how you do it:

1. Feel a potty with suitable material, for example peat, sphagnum, kokohom or cellulose. Germination should also work with normal potting soil.

2. Spread the seeds on top, but do not scatter too tightly. If you have a lot of seeds, it is better to use a larger or a new pot.

3. These seeds are light germs and should not or only lightly be covered with soil.

4. Lightly press the seeds and water them. Only use lime-free water for watering. Rainwater is also good for this.

5. Place the pot in a partially shaded location at a temperature around 25 degrees Celsius.

6. Always keep the substrate moist.

7. Make sure the humidity is high. Plastic wrap over the pot has worked well for this. Don't forget this

to ventilate regularly so that no mold forms.

8. As soon as the first seedlings appear, choose the strongest and transplant them into a separate container with carnivorous soil. Pay attention to the tender roots, they can easily break at this stage of growth.

Note: Many varieties are under species protection. If you order seeds from abroad, you have to make sure that you are actually allowed to import these seeds. Otherwise you can quickly become liable to prosecution.

Give the young Nepenthes a suitable location

Nepenthes pitcher plantsSo that the new pitcher plant can develop well and all the effort of propagation is not in vain, give it a suitable location.
The following applies to highland species:
  • Terrarium works well
  • otherwise a bright place
  • possibly. illuminated by an additional plant lamp
  • no direct sunlight
  • very high humidity, preferably at 70%
  • Warm around 25 degrees Celsius during the day
  • at night the temperature can drop to 10 degrees Celsius.
Lowland species have similar demands as the highland plants. However, they like consistently high temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius. This temperature is never reached in any room, which is why they really only belong in the terrarium or greenhouse. If the new plant does not get this warmth and humidity, it cannot continue to thrive. Newly bred hybrid varieties can cope with different living conditions. Normal room temperatures and a lower level of humidity are often sufficient for them.

Take care of the young "jug" properly

The new pitcher plant needs the right care from day one in order to grow tall and strong. A good substrate is the alpha and omega of optimal care.
  • air-permeable and water-permeable substrate
  • should be able to store water without forming waterlogging
  • not normal potting soil
  • must be kept moist at all times
  • Water daily during the growing season
  • always pour over coasters, never from above
  • never use hard water
  • Rainwater is soft and good for carnivores
  • usually no fertilization required
  • some orchid fertilizer in the spring is good for growth
  • the growing plant needs a new pot regularly
Watch the young pitcher plant how it develops in its location with the care given to it. If a growth retardation sets in or other problems arise, countermeasures must be taken in good time. Perhaps a new location is due or something is not going smoothly with maintenance.

Hibernate the new plants

Nepenthes pitcher plantsBy the first winter, the pitcher plant should be large enough to survive the upcoming period with less light. In order for it to continue to thrive, it must also find certain living conditions in winter. How exactly a pitcher plant is to be overwintered depends largely on the variety. Pitcher plants grow at different heights, which provide them with different climatic conditions. A distinction is made between highland species and lowland species. There are now also numerous breeding hybrids that are generally less demanding in terms of care. If you do not yet know which variety the mother plant is, clarify. The newly created plant is identical to the mother plant and should be overwintered just like it.
  • the ideal location offers a lot of brightness
  • additional plant lamp is necessary in winter
  • No fertilizer is required
  • the water requirement is lower than in summer
  • Day and night continuously 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, is ideal for lowland species
  • Highland pitcher plants like 10 to 16 degrees Celsius at night

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