White cabbage varieties: an overview of old and new varieties

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Overview of new & well-tried varieties of white cabbage. These differ mainly in the weight of the cabbage, harvest time and shelf life.

White cabbage in greenhouse
White cabbage is not just white cabbage - there are differences in variety [Photo: Dene Brock / Shutterstock.com]

The white cabbage is divided into early, medium and late ripening varieties. There are also special varieties for commercial processing that differ from fresh varieties.

The numerous types of white cabbage differ mainly in terms of sowing time, size and harvest time.

We have listed an overview of the most popular types of white cabbage for you:

  • Bacalan Gross: Early variety from Spain with large and oval cabbage heads; wavy leaf margins, particularly nice aroma.
  • Brunswijker: Early ripening variety with spherical, firm and medium-sized heads. Compared to other varieties, it forms only a few binders; Synonym: Braunschweiger.
  • Coronet (F1): Medium-early ripening variety with a relatively good storability (especially when sown later); round and small cabbage head.
  • Dithmarscher used to be: Traditional white cabbage variety with an early harvest time; Heads are medium-sized and cannot be stored for long; The variety comes from the German cabbage stronghold Dithmarschen.
  • Domarna: Popular variety for industrial cultivation; round heads with heavy weight. The variety is particularly robust against diseases and is mostly used for the production of sauerkraut.
  • Dottenfeld duration: High-yield and vigorous variety with slightly oval heads; Heads are short-stemmed and firm; good shelf life and particularly fine taste.
  • Equatoria (F1): Medium early variety with semi-flat heads and a pleasantly mild aroma. Due to their size and texture, they are particularly suitable for cabbage wraps.
  • Filderkraut: Medium to late ripening variety with firm and pointed heads. Filderkraut is a traditional Swabian variety with fine and aromatic leaves, which is particularly suitable for salads and fine sauerkraut; can be stored well.
  • Holsteiner Platter: Very vigorous and variety with large, slightly flatter heads. Despite the late ripeness, the variety is difficult to store and should be processed immediately after harvest; very good taste.
  • Kilaton (F1): Modern, medium to late maturing storage variety; a special feature of Kilaton is its resistance to the dreaded Carbonic hernia. This means that there is no need to take a long break from growing cabbage at the same location.
  • Krautkaiser: Late ripening variety with uniform, flat-round and very large cabbage heads; a good storage variety weighing up to 5kg
  • Lion (F1): Late ripening lager varieties with round and beautiful green heads; high disease resistance (esp. Thrip tolerance); Lion variety achieved the best result in a variety comparison by LVG ​​Erfurt in the category “late white cabbage varieties for the fresh market”.
  • Marner Lagerweiß: Late ripening and tightly packed lager cabbage; very big heads with good taste; This traditional variety was also nicknamed "permanent cabbage" due to its excellent storage properties.
  • Matsumo: Early variety with flat-round heads; particularly suitable for raw vegetables such as coleslaw due to the tender and tasty leaves; can only be stored for a short time.
  • Rivera (F1): Late ripening variety with medium-sized and dark green heads, which is ideal for storage; high-yielding (very compact growth) and robust.

Are you also a passionate white cabbage hobby grower? Share your experiences. We are happy!

I studied horticulture and I am a real village child. I grow herbs, sweet fruits and vegetables, using only organic products. In addition to my love for nature, I like to cook for my life - preferably with fresh vegetables from my garden, of course.
Favorite fruits: elderberries and raspberries
Favorite vegetables: black cabbage, artichokes and asparagus

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