Caring for gerberas: tips for potted and cut flowers

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Gerberas are one of the most popular cut and potted flowers. So that they live as long as possible, you should know about the perfect gerbera care.

Gerbera cut flower
The gerbera bings with its beautiful flowers
Color and a good mood in every apartment [Photo: T.W. van Urk /]

Gerbera are one of the most popular types of flowers and adorn many homes: on the one hand as cut flowers in a vase, on the other hand also in pots. For both variants, we have put together the best tips for you on how to best care for your gerberas.


  • Maintain gerberas in pots
    • Tip 1: When buying gerberas, pay attention to the quality
    • Tip 2: choose the right location for gerberas
    • Tip 3: water gerberas properly
    • Tip 4: fertilize gerberas properly
    • Tip 5: Hibernate gerberas in optimal conditions
  • Cultivate gerberas as cut flowers
    • Tip 6: cut gerberas properly
    • Tip 7: Correct water level in the vase
    • Tip 8: Change the water for gerberas regularly

Maintain gerberas in pots

Tip 1: When buying gerberas, pay attention to the quality

Regardless of whether you choose cut flowers or a potted plant when buying gerberas, you should always pay attention to the quality. In the case of flowers for the vase, only the outer ring of the tubular leaves should be open, and with proper care they will last up to 14 days.

The leaves of the potted plant should be a strong, healthy green and show no evidence of pests nesting. Common gerbera pests are:

  • Aphids
  • Whitefly
  • Spider mites
Gerbera in a pot wooden wall wooden floor
When buying, look for vigorous and vigorous plants [Photo: Mary Lynn Strand /]

Tip 2: choose the right location for gerberas

Gerbera as a potted plant always needs a light spot in the house. However, it shouldn't stand in the glaring midday sun. In summer the pots can be put outside. Your gerberas like it outdoors, too, but are sensitive to strong sunlight. At night it shouldn't get colder than 14 ° C.

Tip 3: water gerberas properly

A gerbera planted in a pot should be watered regularly. It is ideal if the soil is evenly wet, but no waterlogging occurs. You can also moisten the leaves with the spray bottle. It is also good for the plant if you mix coconut oil and sand into the potting soil. This increases the pore volume and the soil becomes more permeable.

Tip 4: fertilize gerberas properly

So that the flowers can develop properly, you should add a small amount of liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every week from May to September. Wilted parts of the plant are always removed immediately.

Tip 5: Hibernate gerberas in optimal conditions

In the winter months, the gerbera is placed in the pot in a cool room. The room temperature should not be higher than 12 ° C, but also not below 8 ° C. The dry parts of the plant are removed, but it is not cut back. Every 14 days you should water with a little water. The pots that were in the garden are also brought in, and the plants that were in the bed over the summer come into the house to overwinter.

Cultivate gerberas as cut flowers

Tip 6: cut gerberas properly

Before putting the gerbera in the vase, cut the stems diagonally with a clean knife. Be careful: the wire that supports the gerbera stalks can leave rust stains on the vase. This doesn't look very nice, especially with glass vases.

Tip 7: Correct water level in the vase

With gerbera cut flowers, care must be taken to ensure that they are adequately watered. The water level in the vase should not be more than 2 cm, otherwise the stems will rot.

Gerbera in vase
The water level in the vase should not be more than 2 cm, otherwise the stems will rot [Photo: strelka /]

Tip 8: Change the water for gerberas regularly

The water in the gerbera's vase should be refilled or replaced every two days so that the flowers stay fresh for a long time.

More information about Gerbera in pots, in the garden and as a cut flower can be found in our special article.

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