Christmas cactus: ideal location & watering and fertilizing

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Ideally, the Christmas cactus will delight you with a multitude of flowers. In which location does it feel comfortable and how is it properly watered and fertilized?

Christmas cactus on the windowsill
A bright spot on the window sill is ideal for the Christmas cactus [Photo: Nadezhda Nesterova /]

The varieties of the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi), which can be bought in this country in winter time, are hybrids. These are due to the crossing of different wild species from the genus Schlumbergera developed. These wild species are native to tropical and subtropical areas of Brazil. According to its tropical origin, there are a few points to consider when locating and caring for the Christmas cactus


  • Christmas cactus: choose the right location
  • Water the Christmas cactus properly
  • Fertilize Christmas cactus properly

Christmas cactus: choose the right location

By nature, the Christmas cactus does not particularly like temperatures below 10 ° C. It should therefore find its place as a houseplant in the house. In summer, however, you can also put it outside. A partially shaded location should be chosen here in any case, because the full sun does not appeal to the Christmas cactus. However, if the temperature drops in autumn, you should bring it back inside to avoid damage from the cold.

The optimal location for the Christmas cactus:

  • Avoid temperatures below 10 ° C
  • Keep mainly as a houseplant
  • If the temperatures allow it, he can spend the summer outside
  • Choose a partially shaded location outside - the Christmas cactus cannot tolerate full sun
Christmas cactus in bloom
During the flowering phase, the Christmas cactus feels comfortable in the living area [Photo: Boryana Manzurova /]

In autumn it is time for the Christmas cactus to bloom. To do this, you should put the Christmas cactus a little cooler (around 15 ° C) from October. It should also be exposed to daylight for a maximum of 9 hours. A special location is therefore required for flower formation. As soon as the flower buds develop, it is beneficial for the development of the buds to increase the amount of light and the temperature (to 20 ° C). These conditions can be maintained until the Christmas cactus returns to its summer vacation outdoors.

  • To form flowers, lower the temperature (15 ° C) and reduce the amount of light available (short day: a maximum of 9 hours of daylight).
  • As soon as flower buds develop, choose a bright location and increase the temperature to 20 ° C.
  • Provide a bright and warm location outdoors during the winter through to the summer.
pink Christmas cactus bud
To induce flowering, cool temperatures and short days are important [Photo: SasaStock /]

Even if the Christmas cactus is not planted in the bed: Of course, the substrate plays a decisive role in the formation of roots in the pot culture. Commercially available potting soil with a pH value of 5.5 to 6.0 is suitable. In addition, the substrate should be as permeable as possible, as the Christmas cactus is very sensitive to waterlogging. You can easily achieve permeability by adding sand to the substrate: 1 part of sand is per 4 parts of the substrate.

Which substrate is suitable for the Christmas cactus?

  • Substrate: Commercially available potting soil
  • pH 5.5 to 6.0 is optimal
  • Choose a substrate with a loose, water-permeable structure
  • Mix in sand into the substrate to promote permeability and counteract waterlogging (1 part sand to 4 parts substrate)

Water the Christmas cactus properly

In general, it can be said that the water requirement strongly depends on the development phase of the Christmas cactus. During flowering you have to water about once a week, depending on the temperature of the location. Watering can be reduced during the dormant phase that follows flowering. However, it is important to ensure that the Christmas cactus does not dry out completely. The beginning of the growth phase can be recognized by the new shoot. The water requirement increases, which is why you should water more often.

Christmas cactus is poured
During the flowering period, the Christmas cactus is watered about once a week [Photo: Olga_Anourina /]

Especially if the Christmas cactus spends the summer outdoors, you have to provide it with water every two to three days. A protected place should also be chosen to protect it from waterlogging on rainy summer days. The substrate should be kept moderately but uniformly moist. Neither too much moisture nor complete dryness have a positive effect on the development of the Christmas cactus. During the resting phase before flowering, watering can largely be stopped.

In general, the following applies to the correct watering of the Christmas cactus:

  • Water regularly during flowering (approx. once a week).
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist and do not let it dry out.
  • In summer, place it outside in a place protected from rain.
  • It is necessary to water every 2 to 3 days during the main growth.
  • With the resting phase before flowering (from October) significantly reduce watering, if possible stop completely.

Fertilize Christmas cactus properly

The Christmas cactus is particularly dependent on fertilizer during the growth phase. There is no need to fertilize during flowering, in the dormant phase before flowering and the time between flowering and new shoots in spring. An organic liquid fertilizer like our Plantura is quick and easy to use Organic indoor & green plant fertilizer. This is simply administered via the irrigation water and is therefore a good choice for potted plants such as the Christmas cactus. The nutrients are also available to the plant faster than, for example, horn shavings or compost. The organic fertilizer is applied to the Christmas cactus about every four weeks during the growth phase (April to September).

Christmas cactus plant
The Christmas cactus only needs fertilization during the flowerless growth phase [Photo: J K Laws /]

Christmas cactus fertilization at a glance:

  • No fertilization required during flowering, the dormant phase before flowering (from October) and the time between flowering and new shoots
  • You should fertilize in the period from April to August / September
  • Observe the instructions for the correct use of the respective fertilizer
  • A good guide: fertilize every four weeks during the growth phase

You want your Bringing Christmas cactus to bloom? You can find out how this works in our special article.

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