Planting sunflowers: this is how it works

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Planting sunflowers

table of contents

  • Sow annually
  • Prefer in the house
  • Plant sunflowers outdoors
  • Instructions for direct sowing
  • Cultivate in pots
  • The right location
  • Proper care
  • frequently asked Questions

Sunflowers (Helianthus) set wonderful accents in every garden with their distinctive flower heads. When growing and planting, however, there are a few things to consider so that they can shine in competition with the sun.

In a nutshell

  • annual and perennial varieties
  • Re-sow annual varieties every year
  • Preculture indoors or direct sowing outdoors possible
  • Do not plant young plants outdoors until after the Ice Saints
  • need a lot of water and nutrients

Sow annually

Annual sunflowers can be anywhere from two to three meters tall with proper planting and care. The flower heads appear from July to October and can reach a diameter of up to 30 cm and more, depending on the variety. The color palette ranges from golden yellow to brown to red-flamed. The big giants look robust, but are quite sensitive and not hardy. They therefore have to be sown again and again every year and then need good care. The cultivation period for sunflowers is eight to 14 weeks. The sowing can be done directly in the field, but a preculture is also possible. These

Blooming sunflowers usually sown sooner than in the field.

Sunflower seeds

Prefer in the house

You can plant and grow sunflowers indoors as early as March to early April. This can be done in seed trays or small pots. The preculture in small pots has the advantage that the young seedlings do not have to be pricked out. The pots should have a diameter of 10 to 12 cm. Normal garden soil, which has been enriched with ripe compost, or normal potting soil can be used as a substrate. It is then sown as follows

  • Fill pots or trays with substrate
  • Use 2 to 3 seeds per pot
  • Put this 2 cm deep into moist soil
  • Sunflowers are dark germs
  • Cover the seeds with soil
  • Place pots warm and bright
  • Germination takes place at 15 to 20 ° C
  • Germination time 8 to 14 days
  • not all seeds germinate at the same time
  • Keep the soil well moist
  • but avoid waterlogging
  • Otherwise seeds will rot
Prefer sunflower

When the seedlings have two or three leaves, the two weakest seedlings are pulled out or clipped. Only the strongest plant remains in the pot. This is then cultivated in the house until it is finally planted out in the field. Are important

  • a bright, warm, sunny location
  • constant temperatures around 15 ° C
  • sufficient and regular watering
  • no waterlogging

The young plants have a very high water requirement. Normally, the young plants do not necessarily have to be repotted when they are grown in pots. Unless the pot has become too small and the roots are already sticking out of the drainage holes. Here it is advisable to move the sunflower into a slightly larger pot until it can finally be planted in its location outdoors.

Note: Not only butterflies but also bees love these plants. Bees produce 30 kg of honey from the flowers in one hectare of field.

Plant sunflowers outdoors

Sun worshipers do not tolerate cool temperatures, so young plants grown in the house should only be grown after the Eisheiligen, in mid-May, when there is no longer any danger of night frosts, planted in the open field on the spot will. The floor temperature should then no longer be below 8 ° C. Planting sunflowers outdoors should be done according to these instructions:

Helianthus annuus
  • The planting hole must be twice as large as the root ball
  • Mix the excavated soil with ripe compost
  • Possibly put some sand in the planting hole as drainage
  • Insert the sunflower
  • Fill in the soil and press down lightly
  • water well
  • Plant spacing 30 to 70 cm, depending on the variety

Heavy soils must always be loosened with sand before planting. There shouldn't be more than four plants in one square meter.

Tip: Young plants in particular are very popular with snails. It is advisable to sprinkle these slug pellets.

Instructions for direct sowing

Sowing outdoors can be done from April to May. However, there must be no more frosts in the ground and the soil temperature should be relatively constant, otherwise there will be no germination. It is then advisable to carry out subsequent sowing at intervals of fourteen days until July. This can extend the flowering period. The procedure is as follows

  • Loosen the soil deeply
  • Mix in ripe compost or horn shavings
  • 2 to 3 seeds per clump
  • Sowing depth 2 to 3 cm
  • cover well with soil
  • otherwise birds will pick them out
  • Distance up to 50 x 50 cm, depending on the variety
  • Pour well and keep moist
  • After emergence, only leave the strongest plant to stand

If there is still frost, the seeds can be covered with leaves. Young plants are given a protective cover. These are available from specialist dealers. Alternatively, there is the possibility of making them yourself from cardboard or foil.

Cultivate in pots

Particularly small varieties with a height of up to 120 cm can be used for cultivation in pots and tubs on the terrace and balcony. These are treated with hormones so that the growth remains low. The varieties are particularly suitable for this

Sunflower in the pot
  • Double dandy
  • Italian White
  • Garden statement
  • Yellow toddler
  • teddy bear

When planting in pots or tubs, there are a few things to consider so that the sunflowers also thrive:

  • for small varieties of pot diameter 30 to 40 cm
  • larger plants at least pots with a volume of 18 l
  • the bigger the pot, the bigger the plant
  • choose heavy clay pots
  • Use coasters
  • First fill a drainage layer made of gravel or expanded clay into the pot
  • then substrate from potting soil or garden soil mixed with compost
  • use one plant per pot
  • water well

The right location

The sunflowers originally come from North and Central America. Your origin says a lot about the requirements of the location. they like it

  • bright and warm
  • Sheltered from the wind, but airy
  • at least 5 to 6 hours of sunshine a day

They also need a lot of space so that their splendor comes into its own. In addition, however, they also make some demands on the floor:

  • well permeable
  • Enrich and loosen with sand for drainage
  • rich in humus and nutrients
  • therefore work ripe compost or horn shavings into the soil
  • moist, but no waterlogging

It is interesting that the young flowers always turn their flower buds and leaves with the sun. This should be taken into account when choosing a location so that the sunflowers can also be correctly positioned. So show the heads

  • East in the morning
  • at noon to the south and
  • in the evening to the west

This phenomenon is known as "heliotropism". As a result, the shadow side grows faster, and there is also a low internal cell pressure on the side facing away from the sun. The result is that the flower head loses its balance. Already during the night it turns from west to east. In older specimens, the flower heads point permanently towards the rising sun in the east.

Proper care

Because of their location, the sunflowers need a lot of water. But they also belong to the heavy consumers and must therefore be supplied with sufficient nutrients. The development of the plants can be controlled directly via fertilization. If little or no fertilization is used, flowers and plants remain small. Furthermore, the flowers should also be supported with a planting stick so that the stems do not kink in the wind. When caring must be taken into account

Watering the sunflower
  • regular watering
  • Water several times on hot days
  • Leaves can then evaporate up to 2 liters of water
  • when there is a lack of water they droop limply
  • pour morning and evening
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • The surface of the earth should be dry
  • nitrogen-based fertilizers twice a week
  • Apply liquid fertilizer with irrigation water
  • Nettle manure is ideally suited

Tip: In dry summers in particular, it is important that the roots are moist, but not wet. This can prevent an infestation with powdery mildew.

frequently asked Questions

Do the roots have to be pulled out of the earth in autumn?

No, not necessarily. Only the flowers should be cut off above the ground. The roots then rot in the soil, loosening the soil and releasing nutrients at the same time.

When is the best time to plant perennial sunflowers?

The best time to plant is in August. These perennials then bloom the following year.

Can sunflowers still be replanted afterwards?

Larger annual flowers should not be transplanted again. The roots are quite extensive and would be damaged in the process. The stems can also kink. On the other hand, perennial sunflowers can be replanted in autumn and larger perennials can be divided at the same time.

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