Planting forget-me-nots: flowering time, location & Co.

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The small flowers give every garden a fairytale charm. We show what to consider when planting forget-me-nots.

Forget-me-not flower in cardboard box
Forget-me-nots are among the most popular early bloomers in the garden [Photo: Agnes Kantaruk /]

forget Me Not (Myosotis) is a popular early bloomer in our gardens. The plant with the small blue flowers and the famous name is one of the first flowers to bring color back into the bed after winter. Forget-me-not is also considered a very easy to care for and simple garden plant. So that the special flower can also find its way into your garden, we will tell you everything about the ideal location, the correct planting time and the procedure for planting forget-me-nots.


  • When should forget-me-nots be planted?
  • Planting forget-me-nots: the right location
  • Planting forget-me-nots: instructions
    • Prefer forget-me-nots
    • Sow forget-me-nots in the bed
    • Plant out forget-me-not plants
    • Plant forget-me-nots in the pot
  • Forget-me-not care after planting
  • Planting forget-me-nots: the flowering period

What flower lovers appreciate about the forget-me-not are its pale blue flowers. In the spring bed, they are a real eye-catcher in every garden. In order for it to flower perfectly, however, the time of planting is crucial. If the plant is sown too late or put in the garden, it may not flower for the next year. So that you don't have to do without the magical flowers of the forget-me-not, we tell you everything you need to know about the perfect forget-me-not flower.

When should forget-me-nots be planted?

If you want to bring your forget-me-nots forward, sowing them on the windowsill or in the heated greenhouse is possible in autumn. In this way, the forget-me-not can develop in a warm place over the winter and then bloom in the next year.

Forget-me-not close-up with blue flowers
The perfect bloom of forget-me-nots depends heavily on the right time to plant them [Photo: lenic /]

In spring, from mid-May, the forget-me-nots that are preferred in autumn can be put in the garden. Or you prefer forget-me-not plants in spring, from April, and plant them in the bed in late summer or autumn. Then, however, the plants will not bloom until the next year. You can plant out plants bought in containers as early as the end of May after the ice saints. Direct sowing outdoors can begin from mid-June and is still possible until mid-July.

When to plant forget-me-nots at a glance:

  • From autumn the forget-me-not can be brought forward and planted from mid-May; so it blooms the following year
  • If the plant is only brought forward in spring, it is planted in bed in late summer or autumn; Flowers will only show up in the following year, however
  • Container goods are planted out after the ice saints at the end of May
  • Direct sowing outdoors takes place between mid-June and mid-July

Planting forget-me-nots: the right location

The right location for forget-me-nots depends very much on the type and variety. Most often, the forget-me-nots that are planted or sown as ornamental plants for gardens are of the forest (Myosotis sylvatica) or swamp forget-me-nots (Myosotis scorpioides). The forest forget-me-not is at home in shady forests and therefore prefers a shady or partially shaded location in the garden. He doesn't like full sun at all. The swamp forget-me-not can be in a partially shaded or sunny spot. Only "wet feet" are important for him. It feels particularly comfortable in damp locations, for example on the edge of a pond or in damp spots.

Forget-me-nots planted by a pond
The swamp forget-me-not feels particularly at home on the edge of ponds [Photo: Alexey Wraith /]

The soil quality for all forget-me-not species should be permeable, nutrient-rich and slightly acidic. The optimal pH is between 6.5 and 7.

Summary of the correct location for forget-me-nots:

  • Forest forget-me-nots: Shady to partially shaded
  • Swamp forget-me-nots: Partly shady to sunny, swampy and humid
  • Well drained, nutrient-rich soil
  • Soil pH: 6.5 - 7

Tip: Forget-me-nots come into their own when combined with other spring flowers in the bed. Are particularly suitable for this Tulips (Tulipa gesneriana) and Primroses (Primula).

Planting forget-me-nots: instructions

When planting forget-me-nots, you have several options. Either you prefer the plants, sow them directly in the bed or place purchased plants in the bed. It is also possible to plant forget-me-nots in the pot. In the following we will present all the options to you in more detail.

Prefer forget-me-nots

If you want to prefer your forget-me-nots, then proceed as follows: Prepare suitable ones Growing trays with potting compost and place the seeds on the ground. These are then only pressed lightly. Forget-me-nots are Light germs, which is why the seeds must not be covered with soil. It is best for the forget-me-nots to germinate in a not too bright, rather shady place. The seeds then begin to germinate at temperatures of 18 ° C. The germination time is about 14 days.

Prefer forget-me-nots at a glance:

  • Fill the seed trays with seed compost
  • Press the seeds only lightly, do not cover with soil
  • Let germinate in a shady place
  • Optimal germination temperature: 18 ° C
  • Germination time: approx. 14 days

Sow forget-me-nots in the bed

If you don't want to prefer your forget-me-nots, you can sow them directly in the bed. To do this, the soil is well loosened and weeds are removed. You can also use the floor compost or organic slow release fertilizer. This improves the soil structure and provides your plant with sufficient nutrients after sowing. Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer with organic long-term effect.

Then create furrows with a distance of 20 centimeters for the sowing, but they do not have to be deeper than one centimeter. The seeds are distributed in the furrows and only very lightly covered with earth and moistened. As soon as the plants are large enough in mid-August, they are separated at a distance of 20 centimeters. This gives the forget-me-nots enough space to develop properly and grow well.

Sow forget-me-nots in the bed at a glance:

  • Loosen the soil and remove weeds
  • Enrich the soil with compost or organic slow release fertilizer
  • Create sowing furrows 1 cm deep
  • Row spacing: 20 cm
  • Cover the seeds very lightly with soil
  • Moisten
  • Separate the plants in August
  • Plant spacing: 20 cm

Plant out forget-me-not plants

Another possibility is to plant forget-me-nots bought as container goods. Free the plant from its flower pot and place it in a bucket of water. So the root ball can soak up water. Then loosen the soil well and enrich it with it compost or organic slow release fertilizer - like ours Plantura organic flower fertilizer with organic long-term effect - on. Then dig out planting holes 20 centimeters apart. The forget-me-not plants are placed in these - but not deeper than they were in the container - and watered well.

Forget-me-not in the bed
Forget-me-nots can also be planted out as purchased container goods [Photo: DGreenPhoto /]

Summary of planting forget-me-nots:

  • Place forget-me-not plants in a bucket of water
  • Loosen the soil well and remove weeds
  • Enrich the soil with compost or organic slow release fertilizer
  • Dig the planting hole
  • Do not put forget-me-nots deeper than they were in the container
  • Water well

Plant forget-me-nots in the pot

Forget-me-nots can also be planted in pots. However, it should be noted that they do not like direct sunlight even on the balcony or terrace. A location in partial shade is therefore better. Most forget-me-nots are planted in window boxes. Planting in pots and tubs is also possible. It is only important that all planters have a drainage hole so that no waterlogging occurs. Normal potting soil or rhododendron soil are very suitable for planting. Here, too, you can use an organic slow release fertilizer - like ours - before planting out the substrate Plantura organic flower fertilizer with organic long-term effect - enrich. The planting distance of forget-me-nots in the pot should be 15 centimeters.

Forget-me-not planting in a pot summarized:

  • No direct sunlight
  • Choose a sufficiently large planter with a drainage hole
  • Use flower or rhododendron soil
  • Enrich the substrate with organic slow release fertilizer
  • Plant spacing in the pot: 15 cm

Tip: The forget-me-not is not a houseplant: the air inside is too warm and the humidity too high or too low. The forget-me-not only gets a really beautiful flower outdoors.

Forget-me-not care after planting

The most important thing in caring for forget-me-nots is getting adequate watering. So water your forget-me-not regularly - but not too much either. Let the top layer of soil dry off before you water again.

Forget-men-not flower with water drops
Regular watering is part of the proper care of forget-me-nots [Photo: iwogryf /]

You can fertilize with forget-me-nots for a splendid bloom in spring compost, Horn meal or organic slow release fertilizer. Our ideal is for this Plantura organic flower fertilizer with organic long-term effect.

In general, forget-me-nots are hardy and survive our winter without any problems. Young plants that were only planted in autumn can still be very sensitive to frost and should be protected with a fleece in the first winter. Forget-me-nots in pots are - unlike their siblings in the garden - not hardy. You should therefore provide frost protection by covering the forget-me-nots with fleece or foil and placing them in a protected place.

Planting forget-me-nots: the flowering period

The flowering time of forget-me-nots depends heavily on the species and variety. The two most common forget-me-not species, the swamp and forest forget-me-not, bloom in May and June, respectively. The forest forget-me-not can bloom blue, pink or white depending on the variety. The swamp forget-me-not blooms in the familiar blue. While the alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris) shows its flowers in June and July, the field forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis), however, from April to October. The imposing Caucasus forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla) blooms from April to May in a brilliant blue. Even the lawn forget-me-not (Myosotis laxa) begins to bloom from April, but continues to bloom into June.

Flowering time of various forget-me-not species:

  • Forest forget-me-nots: May
  • Swamp forget-me-nots: June
  • Alpine forget-me-nots: June to July
  • Field forget-me-nots: April to October
  • Caucasus forget-me-nots: April to May
  • Lawn forget-me-nots: April to June

Tip: If your forget-me-not initially blooms pink, it does not mean that something went wrong with the cultivation. Only after a few days do the young flowers of the forget-me-not turn their usual blue.

In addition to forget-me-nots, there are many other beautiful spring bloomers. In our special article you can find out everything about the 5 most beautiful spring flowers.