Fertilize blueberries: home remedies, fertilizers & Co.

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Blueberries (also called blueberries) have special requirements as bog plants. You should also keep these in mind when using the right fertilizer.

Mulching when planting blueberries planting fertilize hands bucket spade
As a bog plant, blueberries have special requirements [Photo: azem / Shutterstock.com]

Blueberries are rarely found in private gardens, but growing them can be worthwhile. Cultivated blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) can deliver considerable yields with a height of up to four meters and cover the blueberry needs of a whole family. Appropriate fertilization can help to ensure that many of the healthy and delicious berries grow on the bush in the long term.

When is the best time to fertilize the blueberries? How do you go about fertilizing and which fertilizers are suitable for blueberries? In this article we explain how you can optimally supply the heather family (Ericaceae) with nutrients.


  • The right time to fertilize the blueberries
  • The right fertilizer for blueberries / blueberries
    • Organically fertilize blueberries / blueberries
    • Fertilize blueberries / blueberries with minerals: blue grain and Co.
    • Fertilize the blueberries with coffee grounds

The right time to fertilize the blueberries

Blueberries can be fertilized several times a year so that enough nutrients are available for the plant during the growing season. Work acidic natural fertilizers (coniferous wood, coniferous wood) or an organic commercial fertilizer into the soil when you are planting. In the following years, the first application of fertilizer is always recommended in spring (March) to encourage the growth of young shoots. During the flowering and fruiting in June, a second fertilization is used to ensure a high yield. It is best to use organic long-term fertilizers such as our Plantura Organic universal fertilizer. These provide your blueberries with nutrients over a longer period of time and are also particularly gentle on plants, soil and animals in the garden.

Summary: when to fertilize blueberries / blueberries?

  • Work in a little acidic natural fertilizer when planting
  • Annual basic fertilization in spring (March)
  • Second application of fertilizer for flower and fruit formation in June
Young shoots of the blueberry bush blueberry bilberry
The first application of fertilizer is always recommended in spring to encourage the growth of young shoots [Photo: krolya25 / Shutterstock.com]

The right fertilizer for blueberries / blueberries

Blueberries need acidic soil with a pH of 4 to 5 for healthy growth. When choosing a fertilizer, therefore, make sure not to use any calcareous fertilizers, as these increase the pH value too quickly. In the following we will give you an overview of which fertilizers are best for blueberries and blueberries.

Organically fertilize blueberries / blueberries

When growing blueberries, the use of natural fertilizers makes perfect sense, as the shrub also has a large amount of organic material available in its natural environment. As an organic fertilization, mulching and working in coniferous litter, leaves, pieces of bark and lawn clippings have proven successful, which contributes to a long-term supply of nutrients to the plant. When planting the shrub in the garden, you should think about incorporating the natural material. In addition to long-term supply and better water storage in the soil, the use of organic substances is also recommended from an ecological point of view.

Fill the planting hole with substrate in the basket
In addition to natural material, long-term organic fertilizers can also be incorporated when planting [Photo: brizmaker / Shutterstock.com]

Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer consists mainly of organic, plant-based raw materials that are slowly broken down by the microorganisms in the soil. Due to the balanced nutrient composition, this fertilizer is suitable for all plants that do not have an increased need for potassium. A high proportion of nitrogen promotes the growth and leaf formation of the berry bush at the beginning of the growing season in spring. Sufficient potassium and phosphorus also promote the subsequent blossom and fruit formation. So that you get the right amount of nutrients in your blueberries, we have prepared detailed fertilization instructions for you below.

Long-term organic fertilization: Instructions and dosage quantities for blueberries / blueberries

  1. Before planting: About 80 - 160 g / m² (6 to 13 heaping tablespoons) of our Plantura Organic universal fertilizer work into the ground
  2. Water the soil and the shrub inserted well so that the granules can loosen
  3. Every spring (March) fertilize about 60-120 g per plant (5 to 10 tablespoons)
  4. Small doses of fertilizer for blossoming and fruiting (June) give your blueberries even more optimal support

Fertilize blueberries / blueberries with minerals: blue grain and Co.

Blue grain, Liquid fertilizer and Co. are often used for fertilization in the garden, since the nutrients are in pure form and can be absorbed directly by the plant. If used improperly, the high concentrations of nutrient salts can quickly lead to over-fertilization of the plant. This can damage the sensitive plant roots as well as leaching into the groundwater. Organic fertilizer They work more slowly, but in contrast to this, they are significantly more environmentally friendly and, when used correctly, support the development of your blueberry bush in a more sustainable manner.

Blueberries in the pot
Organic fertilizers work more slowly, but support the development of the blueberry bush more sustainably [Photo: mutsu7211 / Shutterstock.com]

Fertilize the blueberries with coffee grounds

A particularly clever method of naturally fertilizing blueberries is to use Coffee grounds as fertilizer. Because coffee powder offers many advantages for use in the bed even after brewing. For example, the home remedy contains many plant-essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Organic materials also attract beneficial organisms such as earthworms and promote the formation of humus in the soil. However, pests - such as snails - are kept away. In addition, the acidic natural fertilizer ensures a low pH value in the soil and is therefore perfect for fertilizing blueberries.

Coffee grounds as flower fertilizer
Coffee grounds keep the pH value low and are therefore perfect for fertilizing blueberries [Photo: Nor Gal / Shutterstock.com]

Tip from the professional: Dry the coffee grounds before using them to prevent mold from forming during storage. Sprinkle small amounts of it on the ground as fertilizer and work it into the surface.

Not just fertilizing, that too Cutting the blueberry is an important part of care. You can read about what needs to be considered in our special article.