Yellow leaves on raspberries: causes & treatment

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Yellow leaves on raspberries indicate an iron deficiency. Under the so-called Plants often suffer from chlorosis due to an incorrect pH value.

Raspberry with yellow leaves
Bleaching, also known as chlorosis, results from a lack of chlorophyll [Photo: Butus /]

Raspberries and other fruit representatives also get yellow leaves again and again in the middle of the season. The disease, also known as chlorosis, is caused by a lack of chlorophyll. The green dye is essential for survival, however, as this is where photosynthesis is located. Chlorosis, which is usually caused by a lack of iron, should therefore be treated better.

Preventing chlorosis in raspberries

There are several different types of chlorosis, but they all have one thing in common: the leaves turn yellow and can die over time. Raspberry bushes with chlorosis usually have a reduced yield, which is of course very unpleasant. In addition to an iron deficiency, a magnesium deficiency is often to blame for the yellow leaves of raspberries.

Chlorosis on raspberry
Chloroses on raspberry leaves indicate a nutritional deficiency [Photo: Sarah2 /]

In most cases, the wrong soil pH is responsible for the lack of iron and magnesium. The nutrients are actually available, but the plant can no longer absorb them sufficiently. The pH value in the soil should therefore be measured as a check. There are many Test sets, which are not expensive and also the handling is easy in most cases. If the pH is above 6.5, this should also be used Epsom salt or Rhododendron soil lowered to 5 - 6. The required amount of Epsom salt is always stated on the packaging. Incorporation of compost cannot do any harm either. This loosens the soil and prevents waterlogging. Because waterlogging can also be responsible for jaundice.

Treat and combat chlorosis in raspberries

In very few cases there is an actual deficiency in iron and magnesium. But if the pH value is in the right range and the leaves are still yellow, the culprit is a real nutritional deficiency. Here fertilization can help. A high-quality long-term fertilizer in organic quality like ours Plantura organic universal fertilizer is well suited for this. The fertilizer should definitely contain magnesium and iron in chelate form (note: There is no form of chelation for magnesium). The so-called chelate facilitates the raspberry's iron absorption extremely. Incidentally, liming is generally not recommended for raspberries, as this means that the iron is much more poorly absorbed by the plants.

More information about the Fertilizing raspberries can be found here in our special article.