Where does the clementine come from?

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Have you ever wondered where the popular citrus fruit actually comes from? You can find everything about the origin and origin of the clementine here.

ripe clementines
Clementines are delicious and healthy, but where do they come from? [Photo: luca pbl / Shutterstock.com]

Clementines are particularly tasty fruits and are usually very easy to peel compared to many other members of their citrus family. That is why its English name “easy peel” is hardly surprising. But to this day, the origin of the deep orange clementine with its smooth and shiny skin has not yet been clarified.

The origin of the clementine

The origin of the clementine is not entirely clear: One theory is that the citrus fruit is the First discovered in 1902 in the garden of an Algerian orphanage in the Misserglin area became. The French monk Frérè Clément, who worked and lived in the said orphanage, played a real key role in this. He not only discovered the new type of fruit, but ultimately also gave its name to the new type of fruit.
However, other sources claim that the clementine has been in certain areas in China existed even before the French monk Clément put them in his garden discovered.

Even if the origin of the clementine cannot be answered with certainty, it is quite general suspected that the clementine was a coincidental cross between the bitter orange and the tangerine originated. It is difficult to foresee whether this mystery of origin will ever be finally solved. But no matter where the special citrus fruit originates, it is a tasty and sweet refreshment, especially on warm summer days.