Protect tomatoes from disease

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Tomato plants should not be missing in any garden. Diseases can spoil the harvest. With these tips, nothing stands in the way of a successful harvest.

Gray mold on tomatoes
Gray mold infects the tomato tissue, causing it to decompose [Photo: AJCespedes /]

Many gardeners believe that tomato disease can only be avoided with the chemical club or new F1 varieties. We show in this article that this is not true!


  • Fungal diseases in tomatoes
    • Late blight and brown rot in tomatoes
    • Gray mold rot in tomatoes
    • Leaf spot disease
    • Powdery mildew in tomatoes
    • Tomato spot blight
    • Velvet and brown spots in tomatoes
    • Wilt fungi on tomatoes
  • Viral diseases
    • Tomato and pepper mosaic virus
    • Blossom end rot: when tomatoes rot

Fungal diseases in tomatoes

It is important that as a hobby gardener you have a good overview of the tomato antagonists. Only in this way is it relatively easy to detect an infestation at an early stage or to prevent it immediately. Fungal diseases, for example, are a major problem when growing tomatoes.

Late blight and brown rot in tomatoes

In most cases it is likely to be an infestation of the Tomato late blight and brown rot Act. This disease is caused by a fungus (Phytophthora infestans) and usually occurs when the culture conditions are too humid.

  • Symptoms:
    In midsummer, usually shortly before harvest, the leaves wither first, followed by the browning of the tomato fruits. As the name of the disease suggests, infected fruits look rotten.
sick tomatoes
Brown rot can affect the fruit as well as the leaves and stems of the tomato [Photo: Elena Masiutkina /]
  • Prevention:
    The fungal spores often lie loosely on the ground, so splashes of water can transfer the spores to the lower leaves and fruits. If the culture conditions are humid (rainy summer, poorly ventilated greenhouse) the fungus can spread quickly and destroy the entire plant within a few weeks. For prevention, tolerant varieties can be sown / planted on the one hand, or the plant can be protected from rain with a tomato roof. If used plant sticks are used, they should be thoroughly disinfected so that possible fungal residues from the previous year do not attack the young plants. Tomato plants should also be watered directly at the root area. Wetting the leaves with water can massively promote the fungal infection. In addition, tomatoes should be planted at a considerable distance from potatoes. If your tomato plant has already formed many leaves, you should remove the bottom leaves on the ground. This will prevent contact between the wet soil and the leaves. If the leaves of the tomato touch the wet ground for a longer period of time, the infestation with late blight and brown rot is practically inevitable.
    ATTENTION: Especially without a rain cover, we consider the often recommended pruning to be counterproductive. The tomato is injured when preening. The wound site is a gateway for all kinds of diseases. If you should nevertheless max out the side shoots, then please only carry out this step in dry weather.
  • Treatment:
    If you recognize the infestation, you can usually only contain it. Infested parts of the plant cannot recover and should be removed immediately and disposed of with residual waste. A copper preparation (e.g. funguran) or another fungicide can also be sprayed (preventively) to contain the infestation. Biological alternatives are also available. After all, you don't want to have any residues of the spray in your food. Here you can either make a broth made from rhubarb leaves or use a commercial product such as Neudovital.

The following resistant tomato varieties have proven themselves in our garden:

  • Primavera‘: Bright orange-red fruits that are burst-resistant and particularly juicy and fruity. Good resistance to late blight and brown rot.
  • Phantasia‘: F1 hybrid for open field and greenhouse. Natural, high resistance to brown rot.
  • Pyros‘: F1 hybrid beefsteak tomato. Highly tolerant variety against late blight and brown rot. Pleasantly spicy and fruity pulp.

Gray mold rot in tomatoes

This rot, which is common in tomatoes, is also caused by a fungus (Botrytis cinerea) conditional. The transmission is mostly carried out by wind or splash water. The fungus has an easy time of it, especially in damp and wet climates, dense stands or weakened plants.

  • Symptoms:
    This type of fungus can attack any part of the tomato. First, the fungus forms brown spots, which, especially in warm, humid weather, quickly expand into a large, area-wide, gray patch of mold. If you don't act quickly enough, the entire plant will die within a short time.
Brown rot on tomatoes
The brown and late blight has different faces depending on the stage [Photo: Radovan1 /]
  • Prevention:
    Plants should not stand too closely, otherwise the plants will worry about lack of light and will also dry off more slowly after rain showers. A certain amount of air draft should be ensured between the plants.
    As already mentioned with late blight and brown rot, tomatoes must be carefully watered in the root area. The leaves of the tomato plant must not be wetted.
    You should also be careful when fertilizing tomatoes. Even if the nightshade plant is one of the heavy consumers, over-fertilization with nitrogen weakens the resistance to fungal diseases.
    Even if many gardeners still regularly max out their tomatoes, one should know that diseases can more easily penetrate the plant at these sore spots. It should only be shown when cultivated in a greenhouse or under a tomato roof. In our experience, if the plants are not protected from rain showers, they should not be exhausted. Here it is more advisable to increase the root mass (when planting out, place the plant horizontally in the earth and above Third of the shoot is bound vertically) so that the additional stinging shoots are also supplied with sufficient nutrients can.
  • Treatment:
    In the early stages, the affected parts of the plant should be removed generously. The clippings must be disposed of in the residual waste and must not end up on the compost heap. The remaining tomato plant should then be as sunny and airy as possible. If possible you should try to protect the plant from precipitation with a rain cover / roof.
    If the ripeness of the tomatoes is still a few weeks away, you can also consider using a fungicide to prevent further infestation. In any case, follow the instructions for use, which indicates which waiting times must be observed. In addition, the plant can be strengthened with some home remedies. Here, for example, is a good idea Horsetail extract at.

Leaf spot disease

Even with this somewhat less common disease, a fungus (Septoria lycopersici) his mischief. Tomatoes are often only affected when celery grows in the neighborhood, as it is quite common.

  • Symptoms:
    Symptoms of this fungal disease are watery spots (mostly on the lower, older leaves) that are dark in color. An outer ring separates the spots from the still healthy leaf. This also yellows after a short time. The leaf dies in a row. In the advanced stage, you can also see the so-called underside of the leaf. Spore container.
Septoria on tomato
Here you can see the infestation of tomatoes with the leaf spot disease Septoria [photo. Olya Maximenko /]
  • Prevention and control:
    As with most other fungal diseases, damp and wet weather is a great advantage for fungal infestation. Tomato plants should be as dry and airy as possible and not be wetted with water when watering. Ideally, you pour carefully in the root area.
    Leaf spot disease in tomatoes is far less severe than the two diseases mentioned above. Dispose of infected leaves quickly in the residual waste.
    Most of the time, an infestation weakens the plant and results in a smaller harvest. A complete failure due to leaf spot disease is extremely rare in tomatoes. To prevent the fungus from spreading further in bad weather, a plant protection agent and a plant strengthener (e.g. Horsetail extract) can be worked.

Powdery mildew in tomatoes

This mushroom (Oidium lycopersicum) is usually only found in a greenhouse cultivation of tomatoes. Of the Powdery mildew It is not for nothing that it is nicknamed "Schönwetterpilz". It thrives especially in long periods of good weather and drought. Prevention is the best way to combat this fungus. Water regularly and make sure that the greenhouse is not bone dry. In the event of an infestation, you can usually safely leave a pesticide in the cupboard. The infected leaves can be removed. If the infestation is a bit stronger, it can also be used, for example Neudovital be injected.

Powdery mildew on tomato
Powdery mildew is present on this tomato leaf [Photo: Taew Jari /]

Tomato spot blight

The mushroom (Alternaria solani) causes spot disease. This is particularly evident in the fruits. These are sometimes putrid. As a result, white mold forms with black spores in the final stage. The foliage of infested plants should be kept as dry as possible. Infested fruits must be removed and disposed of in the residual waste before the spores can spread further. Generally the Crop rotation in tomatoes to be observed. As a preventive measure, you can strengthen the plant with horsetail extract or use a pesticide. The mixed culture with cruciferous vegetables (various types of cabbage) and carrots is also recommended.

Spot disease on tomato
The dry spot disease is similar to the brown rot [Photo: AmBNPHOTO /]

Velvet spot and brown spot disease with tomatoes

This tomato disease is only known to garden owners who have enjoyed a greenhouse. Because the velvet and brown stain disease only occurs when cultivated in a greenhouse. Cladosporium fulvum, a fungus, causes this disease.

  • Symptoms:
    As a symptom, yellowish spots appear on the upper side of the leaf. These turn brownish as the disease progresses and lead to the death of the infected leaf. On the underside, a velvety mushroom down forms, from which the spore beds develop later.
Mushroom on tomato
The fungus spreads through spores in the tomato stand [Photo: Algirdas Gelazius /]
  • Prevention:
    Damp leaves and a high level of humidity promote an infestation with the velvet stain disease. Therefore, plants should be watered carefully in the root area. Under no circumstances should the leaves be wetted with water. Adequate ventilation must also be ensured. We therefore recommend greenhouses with sufficient height and numerous ventilation options. It is also important that the plants are not too close together and that air can circulate between the plants. Thinning out the tomatoes can also be useful.
  • Treatment:
    Velvet spot disease has been on the rise for several years and is spreading very quickly. Since it is difficult to control the fungus with biological pesticides, one must pay attention to prevention. The velvet stain should not be underestimated. Once it has spread in the greenhouse, it becomes difficult to permanently eliminate the pathogen. If you recognize an infestation, you have to act quickly. Infested plant parts should be cut out over a large area and disposed of with the residual waste. To prevent jumping onto other parts of the plant or other plants, a fungicide should be used as a precaution. The velvet stain should not be underestimated. Once it has spread in the greenhouse, it becomes difficult to permanently eliminate the pathogen.

Wilt fungi on tomatoes

Wilt fungi (Fusarium, Verticillium, Pythium, etc.) are feared in commercial fruit, grain and vegetable cultivation.

  • Symptoms:
    Symptoms vary depending on the type of fungus: Fusarium fungi usually spread upwards from the lower leaves. The plant dies after about two weeks. Verticillium mostly only affects other nightshade plants such as paprika and chilli. In our opinion, however, the fungus could spread to neighboring tomato plants. Pythium shows up in the upper root area. This fungus massively weakens older plants and can lead to death in younger specimens.
    Risk of confusion: A bacterial infestation with (Corynebacterium michiganense, Clavibacter michiganensis) can lead to the typical wilting phenomenon.
Fusarium wilt on tomato
Fusarium wilt often only becomes visible on one side of the tomato plant [Photo: Mironmax Studio /]
  • Prevention:
    Preventive measures in particular are essential. The culture conditions should not be too humid. This applies to both the humidity and the wetting of above-ground parts of plants with irrigation water. Over-fertilization with nitrogen must also be avoided. The crop rotation must be strictly adhered to, as many wilt fungi are soil-borne diseases and can survive in the soil for several years. If you already had a fungus infestation in the previous year, you should definitely use more modern and resistant varieties.
  • Treatment:
    Destroy the plant and, if possible, remove the upper layer of soil and also dispose of it in the residual waste. Calcium cyanamide is then worked into the soil. Immediately afterwards, all gardening tools used should be disinfected (shovel, scissors, etc.). In addition, Phacelia (colloquially also known as bee pasture or bee friend) can be planted for soil treatment in the post-crop. No plants from the same family should be grown at the affected location for the next 5 years (pay attention to crop rotation!). So that the pathogens in the soil can be broken down, a healthy soil life is a great advantage. The introduction of compost or green manure promotes life in the soil.

Viral diseases

In addition to fungal diseases, the following viruses also cause problems for tomatoes.

Tomato and pepper mosaic virus

Two types of virus in particular are known here. The tobacco mosaic virus, which was once feared in tobacco growing, can also attack nightshade plants such as tomatoes, peppers / chilli and eggplant. An infestation usually manifests itself on the tomato fruits. Brownish rings are formed here. The pulp hardens and does not become soft even when fully ripe. Apart from strengthening the plants, there is relatively little that can be done against the infestation. Infested plants and fruits should be disposed of with household waste as quickly as possible. If the infestation occurs more frequently in your own garden, you should use newer tomato varieties that are resistant to the mosaic virus.

Mosaic virus on tomato
This tomato leaf shows the infection with a mosaic virus [Photo: Miyuki Satake /]

Another strain of the mosaic virus leaps from peppers or chilies. Especially when peppers and the like are cultivated together with tomatoes, you have to regularly check for an infestation with these plants Aphids check. Because this pest transmits the virus when it is sucked. If you fight the lice, the viral disease usually doesn't stand a chance either. Beneficial insects can also be used against aphids. Read more about this in our article Beneficial organisms in tomatoes.

Tip: How to do more environmental and physiological Tomato damage You can find out how to recognize and prevent this in our special article

Blossom end rot: when tomatoes rot

A less critical disease is flower end rot. Especially with large-fruited tomatoes (ox heart and beefsteak tomatoes), an unsightly discoloration forms on the underside of the fruit. The fruit contracts a little inwards as the stage progresses. This problem occurs due to a calcium deficiency and can therefore be easily remedied. A soil rich in nutrients and minerals is the basis for healthy plants. If the phenomenon does occur, a garden lime should be used.

Not only can diseases occur in tomatoes, the plants sometimes also get pests. As Tomato pests How to fight aphids, sciarid gnats and Co., you will find out in this article.

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