Plants against wasps: what really helps?

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Wasps can be quite a nuisance in summer. Wouldn't it be nice if there were plants that drive them away? We explain what works against wasps.

Wasp on apple
There are several ways to drive away pesky wasps [Photo: Zheltyshev /]
Who doesn't like to sit on the terrace with their fruit juice and enjoy the sun? It is not uncommon for the little striped animals to disturb you. The stings are extremely painful and such a sting can also be dangerous for allergy sufferers. It would of course be best if you couldn't see the wasps and could keep them away from your own garden.


  • Plants against wasps
  • Plant odor against wasps
  • More tips on dealing with wasps in the garden

Plants against wasps

You keep hearing about different tips against wasps, but what really helps against these little beasts? First you should be aware that there are a lot of different wasp species - a Part nests in the ground and part builds the typical wasp nests on eaves and the like Place. You can also find out more about the different wasp species here in our expert article about the

Wasp species in Germany. The wasps cannot be completely driven out of the garden if there is a nest somewhere, but different smells and plants can have a deterrent effect on the animals. Under certain circumstances, there may be no way around removing the wasp's nest - how best to do it, you can find out here in this article about Wasps and their nests. However, we should note that the deterrent effect of plants is often no longer sufficient as soon as strongly attractive smells such as those of desserts come into play. You can also be sure that such plants or smells cannot drive wasps out of a nest.

Wasp on jam
As soon as there are strong smells in the air, even the best tips against wasps no longer help [Photo: BarneyPhotos /]

Plant odor against wasps

Among other things, essential oils are one of the smells that can be used to get some rest. To do this, just put herbs like lavender (Lavendula), Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) or Mints (Mentha) in your garden, because wasps don't like the essential oils that are released. To be left alone with afternoon coffee on the terrace, you can set up scented lamps and take them with you essential oils, which can be obtained, for example, from the aforementioned plants, and fill with water. The intense smell should keep the wasps away. But as soon as the smell of the oils is masked by something else, they unfortunately only show a minor effect.

Even basil (Ocimum basilicum), tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and garlic (Allium sativum) is said to have a deterrent effect against wasps. Chopped up garlic cloves should give off enough garlic odor to keep wasps away, but as mentioned earlier: If there are strong enticing smells to mask the garlic odor, the effects will not be very strong be. You can put a basil plant in a pot on your balcony table to irritate and hopefully repel wasps with the smell. If you also plant tomatoes, you not only have a deterrent against wasps, but against many insects - they also act as, for example Plants against mosquitoes, because the animals can't stand the tomato smell either.

Aroma lamp
When filled with the right essential oils, a fragrance lamp can deter annoying insects [Photo: ORLIO /]
Ornamental plants that are deterrent are for example Geraniums (Pelargonium) or Hyacinths (Hyacinthus). The smell of these beautiful flowers is a great way to scare away wasps. These plants enrich our garden with their beautiful colors and we can also look forward to the repulsive effect on wasps.

Tip: A decorative way of defense is a kind of self-made scented balls. To do this, you cut a lemon, a lime or an orange and then sprinkle them with cloves. Not only is this remedy supposed to be of use against wasps, but this no trick is supposed to be about it They can also keep mosquitos away - but only as long as everything is fresh and its scent exudes.

More tips on dealing with wasps in the garden

There are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when dealing with wasps in order to be left alone. Correct behavior when dealing with the small insects is particularly important here. This includes the following points:

  • Don't wiggle around - avoid hectic movements
  • Don't hit the wasps
  • You can also injure dead wasps with the stinger. Therefore, do not crush dead wasps
  • Fragrances in perfumes, sun creams or aftershaves can attract wasps and in some cases even make them aggressive, so use these products sparingly - especially when gardening
  • Sweat also attracts wasps, so shower immediately after exercising or gardening
Wasp on pink flower
Correct behavior when dealing with wasps is particularly important [Photo: kim takhyz-sviridov /]
However, it is not only through your personal behavior that you can deter wasps, but also by taking some measures in your garden you can avoid unnecessary visits by wasps. Here are a few more garden tips that can be useful against wasps:
  • Don't leave sweet food or drinks standing around.
  • Always cover food and drinks if you plan to eat them outdoors.
  • You should be especially careful with drinks. Here it is important to cover and preferably use a straw to avoid accidental ingestion.
  • Wasps like to nestle in rotten wood. Remove such pieces of wood from your garden.
  • They can distract wasps with different smells. Desserts or overripe fruit are very suitable for this.
  • Windfall is a magical attraction for wasps. So remove windfalls immediately and don't let them rot on the ground.

If, despite the many tips, it should unfortunately happen that you were stung by a wasp, we will tell you here how to do it Treat wasp stings can.