Hibernate oleanders properly & protect them from frost

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The oleander is one of the warmth-loving plants, but it can also overwinter with us. We show how to protect the oleander from frost and cold.

Snowed-in oleander branch in front of the road
Below - 5 ° C the oleander has problems with the cold [Photo: Vvicca1 / Shutterstock.com]

Cold and snow are temporary for the oleander (Nerium oleander) no problem, because around the Mediterranean it gets cool every now and then. If the temperatures drop below -5 ° C, however, it becomes dangerous for the oleander. In order to protect it, the oleander should therefore be properly overwintered.


  • Hibernating oleanders: when does it get too cold for the oleander?
  • Hibernating oleanders outdoors
  • Hibernate oleanders indoors
  • Caring for oleanders after winter

As a Mediterranean plant, the oleander not only knows hot summers, but also cool nights and occasionally brief frosts and snow. However, it is not adapted to our cold winters and should therefore be wintered indoors.

Hibernating oleanders: when does it get too cold for the oleander?

Short-term night frosts do not harm the oleander. It only becomes critical from –5 ° C. These temperatures usually occur from the middle or end of November. Then it is time to bring the oleander to its winter quarters.

Hibernating oleanders outdoors

Hibernating the oleander outdoors is only possible in a few corners of Germany. Mild regions such as the Rhine Valley or North Rhine-Westphalia have the advantage that in winter the temperatures do not drop too low over long periods of time. If it does get cold, then usually only for a short time. Nevertheless, the oleander must also be protected here. Place sticks and leaves around the plant so that the roots are protected from frost. The leaves should be wrapped with a special light and air permeable fleece.

  • Only possible in mild regions of Germany
  • Protect roots with brushwood and leaves
  • Wrap leaves and trunks with light and air permeable fleece
Oleander in the snow close
In mild regions of Germany, the oleander can be overwintered outside with appropriate protection [Photo: Roberta Canu / Shutterstock.com]

Hibernate oleanders indoors

Fortunately, the oleander does not have too high demands on its winter quarters. However, it does not want to be overwintered in warm rooms. Here he is easily a victim of Spider mites and Scale insects. In this case, spray it on with a little water every now and then as a preventative measure. However, this should not be done too often, otherwise there is a risk of dry rot.

The oleander prefers cool rooms with a temperature between 5 and 10 ° C. Greenhouses, cool winter gardens, hallways or garages with a window are suitable for this. He likes it bright, but he also doesn't get by with too much light, especially when it's cooler. The lower the temperature, the less water the oleander needs. In suitable winter quarters, it hardly needs to be watered. It is only necessary to water when the soil has dried and begins to separate from the edge of the pot. It should not be fertilized over the winter.

If you would like to cut back your oleander generously, now is the right time - before moving into winter quarters. Find out more about "Cut oleander“.

  • At temperatures below -5 ° C, it is time for winter quarters
  • Winter in a bright, cool place with temperatures between 5 and 10 ° C
  • Water little and do not fertilize in winter quarters

Caring for oleanders after winter

When the days get warmer again, the oleander wants to go outside as soon as possible - usually around the end of March. In order not to stress the plant too much, it is best to choose a cloudy day. So the sun doesn't shine too strong and the oleander has some time to get its leaves used to the high radiation and does not get sunburn. At night it is also an advantage if it is covered with clouds, because under a cloud cover the heat that has come to earth during the day cannot escape into space as easily. This prevents sharp drops in temperature and the oleander has time to adapt to the new conditions.

Oleander bush with pink flowers
In spring, the oleander has to slowly get used to the sun again [Photo: jonson / Shutterstock.com]

Just before the end of hibernation, you can perform the routine pruning and parenting measures. more on the subject Maintaining oleanders find out here.

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