Purple roses: the 5 most beautiful purple rose varieties

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With purple roses one expresses a special admiration. We introduce you to the five most beautiful types of roses in unusual shades of purple and lilac.

Purple rose
Purple roses are still rare [Photo: Frank L Junior / Shutterstock.com]

Do you want a real eye-catcher in the garden that will attract everyone's attention with its exotic beauty? Then you should look for a purple one rose (pink) Keeping an eye out. Although there is now an unbelievable selection of different Rose varieties there, the purple-colored representatives of this plant are still quite rare.


  • 5. Climbing rose ‘Indigoletta’®
  • 4. Shrub rose ‘Rhapsody in Blue’®
  • 3. Hybrid tea ‘Mainzer Fastnacht’®
  • 2. Rambler rose ‘violet blue’
  • 1. Floribunda ‘Novalis’®
  • Symbolic meaning of purple roses

The unusual roses are in no way inferior to their classic sisters - on the contrary: with their color spectrum of a gentle one From lilac to a mystical blue-violet, the magnificent roses are among the absolute gems in the garden and often reap jealous ones Look. You can find out here which varieties are particularly charming and why you should only give away purple roses with care.

5. Climbing rose ‘Indigoletta’®

Dark, leathery leaves and lilac-colored flowers - the ‘Indigoletta’® is a real feast for the eyes when it shows its magnificent flowers in June. In particular, its persistent abundance of flowers well into autumn make the purple rose a real asset to any garden and its intense scent invites you to dream. The plant is also characterized by its vigorous growth and healthy foliage.

The ‘Indigoletta’® is a real feast for the eyes when it shows its magnificent flowers in June [Photo: Vita Yarmolyuk / Shutterstock.com]

4. Shrub rose ‘Rhapsody in Blue’®

With its unusual blue-violet flower colors, the ‘Rhapsody in Blue’® attracts everyone's attention - no wonder, after all, it is currently the“ bluest ”rose ever. Its appeal is reinforced by the white center, which underlines the impressive color of the flowers. Its light scent and the fact that it can withstand both heat and rain ensure that the ‘Rhapsody in Blue’® is an asset to every bed.

Rhapsody in Blue
The ‘Rhapsody in Blue’® is considered the" bluest "rose in the world [Photo: Marina Rose / Shutterstock.com]

3. Hybrid tea ‘Mainzer Fastnacht’®

The ‘Mainzer Fastnacht’® can boast a truly unique flower color: a light lilac tone that appears almost silvery ensures the unmistakable appearance of the pretty rose. Together with its light green foliage, the plant presents itself as a truly elegant eye-catcher that knows how to put itself in the limelight. But the ‘Mainzer Fastnacht’® not only looks good, it also convinces with a pleasant smell and good health. If you are toying with the idea of ​​purchasing the Mainzer Fastnacht’®, you should keep your eyes open - the rose is often also sold under the name ‘Sissi’® or‘ Blue Moon’®.

Rose Mainz Carnival
The flowers of the ‘Mainzer Fastnacht’® are so light lilac that they sometimes appear silvery [Photo: Brett Andersen / Shutterstock.com]

2. Rambler rose ‘violet blue’

Once a year the rambler rose ‘Violet Blue’ enchants the garden with its great flowers and its pleasantly light fragrance. During this time, the rose is a real feast for the eyes: its outer leaves appear in deep purple, while their eyes are either brilliant white or a delicate lilac tone. But also its imposing height of up to five meters makes ‘Violet Blue’ the undisputed star in the garden. But the enchanting flower not only scores visually, the rose is also characterized by strong growth and its robust nature. In addition, the variety is almost stingless, which is why it is also suitable for gardens with children.

Violet blue
The rambler rose ‘violet blue’ enchants the garden once a year [Photo: Johnnie Martin / Shutterstock.com]

1. Floribunda ‘Novalis’®

Purple roses are already a rarity - if they also shine with good leaf health, they are real rarities. Fortunately, the floribunda rose ‘Novalis’®, also available under the name‘ Poseidon ’, unites lavender colored flowers and an extraordinary robustness, so that they deserve that ADR label. With its slim, tall growth and dark green foliage, the ‘Novalis’® is also impressive their elegance, which is underlined again by their striking double flowers and the light fragrance will.

Rose Novalis
The ‘Novalis’® combines beauty and health [Photo: Elena-Guzel / Shutterstock.com]

Symbolic meaning of purple roses

Purple roses are quite rare not only in the garden, but also as a bouquet. Perhaps this also ensures its unique meaning: the flowers exaggerate the message of one red rose and stand for great admiration, love at first sight and the fact that you are downright enchanted by the person opposite you. This makes purple flowers a special token of love that should not be given away lightly. In addition to their romantic meaning, purple roses can also stand for balance and regeneration.

Haven't you found the right rose yet? You can find more here Rose varietiesthat will turn your garden into a green paradise.