Flower language: symbolic meaning of flowers

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Have you ever heard of the language of flowers? What is meant here is the symbolism that comes with every flower. We show which flower has which meaning.

A bouquet of flowers
Flowers are great gifts, but each plant has its own meaning [Photo: AnastasiaNess / Shutterstock.com]

Flowers are great gifts that are often meant to express affection or even love. But what many do not know: Almost every flower has its own symbolism in the language of flowers, which can express feelings, requests or wishes. Even the different shades of the flowers can have different meanings. Unfortunately, not all of these statements are positive: some flowers also stand for envy, rejection or even hate. We have put together the most famous flowers and their meanings for you so that you do not make a fool of yourself with the next flower gift.


  • The rose in the language of flowers
  • The chrysanthemum in the language of flowers
  • The tulip in the language of flowers
  • Well-known cut flowers in the language of flowers

The rose in the language of flowers

the rose (pink) is a well-known classic when it comes to expressions of love. But while the Red rose is still a sure sign of romantic love, the other colors differ in their symbolism. the pink rose as a symbol of young, fresh love and the purple rose as a sign of love at first sight are still very similar to the familiar meaning. Yellow rosesOn the other hand, which can be interpreted as a sign of friendship, but also of resentment, jealousy or even infidelity, are not a suitable gift among lovers. White roses stand for innocence and purity, which is why they are often used at weddings. On the other hand, it is better to stay at home when visiting the sick, because they can also be interpreted as a symbol of life after death. Warmth and security, on the other hand, are the characteristics of the orange rose - so it is also very suitable as a thank you.

Orange roses
Orange roses show warmth and security [Photo: Perekotypole / Shutterstock.com]

The chrysanthemum in the language of flowers

the chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum) is one of the most frequently sold cut flowers in Germany and is particularly popular in bouquets. No wonder, after all, the flower generally stands for light-heartedness and joie de vivre. However, their symbolism is also strongly related to the color - even if this always says positive things: red chrysanthemums, for example often taken as a sign of deep love, white chrysanthemums, on the other hand, are very popular for grave arrangements, as they represent a love beyond death convey. Yellow chrysanthemums represent luck and a long life. Those looking for proof of their loyalty should choose blue chrysanthemums.

tip: Plant flowers in high quality organic soil like our peat-free Plantura Organic potting soil. This ensures that the plants feel good and grow stronger.

The tulip in the language of flowers

The symbolism of the tulip (Tulipa) is known to few. Not surprising when you consider that over the years the tulips have been assigned several, sometimes contradicting, meanings. In fact, the expressiveness of the tulip is primarily related to its color: red tulips indicate deep, white tulips even indicate eternal love. Pink tulips, on the other hand, symbolize the tender beginning of a love relationship, while black tulips indicate deep passion. Among friends, it's best to give yourself yellow or orange-colored tulips: while yellow stands for sympathy for the other person, the color orange signals that you find the recipient fascinating.

A bouquet of white tulips
White tulips promise everlasting love [Photo: Ivanova Tetyana / Shutterstock.com]

Well-known cut flowers in the language of flowers

Almost every cut flower can be assigned a unique meaning in the language of flowers. Here you will find the most common flowers and their symbolic statements in a nutshell:

Columbine (Aquilegia): The Columbine symbolizes virtue, humility and redemption, but also virility. But she also says in the language of flowers: "You are a weakling".

Anemone (anemone): With the statement “I would like to be with you” or “I can wait”, the anemone stands for expectation, sincerity and honesty.

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum): The amaryllis stands for pride and beauty, but also for friendship and affection, which is why it is often translated as "I am proud to be friends with you".

Calla (calla): The calla traditionally stands for eternal life, but its meaning has changed over time. Today it usually stands for great admiration that one feels towards the recipient.

dahlia (Dahlia): As a sign of gratitude and charity, dahlias can be given away on almost any occasion. In the language of flowers they therefore also have the meaning “I am already taken”, which expresses a grateful but not arrogant rejection.

A bouquet of dahlias
Dahlias are great for most occasions [Photo: Joanna B / Shutterstock.com]

Edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale): Traditionally this symbolizes Edelweiss Beauty and loveliness, but can also express a bond with the Alps.

Gentian (Gentiana): The gentian is a typical token of love that stands for loyalty, but also for overwhelming beauty.

Lilac (Syringa): The meaning of the lilac is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, the spring flower can symbolize the beginning of love, on the other hand it can also ask about the loyalty of the partner.

Gerbera (Gerberas): Like their sunny home, the gerbera is also characterized by a radiant disposition. It is the perfect gift, especially with friends, because it says: "You make everything even more beautiful". More to Gerbera in pot and garden You will find here.

gladiolus (Gladiolus): The gladiolus is a true hero among flowers: It stands for strength and victory and is therefore often used as a token of love. However, the flower can also be associated with pride and arrogance.

hydrangea (Hydrangea): Admiration and beauty can be expressed very well with hydrangeas. But be careful: the pretty flower can also be associated with vanity.

hibiscus (Hibiscus): Who better to act as the symbol of delicate beauty than the hibiscus? The beautiful flower is perfect for expressing admiration but also romantic feelings.

Iris (iris): The iris is the ultimate symbol of loyalty - with no other flower can you express more clearly that you always want to stand by the recipient.

Jasmine (Jasminum officinale): "You are adorable" - with this statement, the jasmine is a perfect gift for old and young love and a compliment that everyone is happy about.

chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): A tea made from chamomile brings healing and comfort and this is exactly what the flowers of the plant symbolize. In addition, the chamomile can also be interpreted as a sign of hope, which makes it the ideal gift for a visit to the sick.

A bouquet of chamomiles
Ideal for a visit to the sick: the chamomile [Photo: alexkich / Shutterstock.com]

Crocus (Crocus): As the first harbinger of spring, the crocus stands unmistakably for hope and joie de vivre. Often, however, it is also associated with youth or expresses the desire for more time to make a decision.

lily (Lilium): The white lily, in particular, is a symbolic flower and should not be passed over lightly become - it stands for true, genuine love and is also made with purity and innocence associated.

Daisy (Leucanthemum): The daisy is a nice greeting among friends, because it stands for naturalness and unadulterated happiness. But it should not be given away among lovers - here it questions the feelings of the other.

Daffodil (Narcissus): Like its namesake Narcissus from Greek mythology, the narcissus often stands for exaggerated vanity and self-love. As an Easter symbol, however, it can also stand for strength and rebirth.

Cloves (Dianthus): Carnations had all sorts of meanings over time: So they were one from the French Revolution onwards Signs of resistance and solidarity or were used in the 60s as a symbol of bourgeoisie viewed. But the symbolism from the Renaissance is particularly well-known: Here the carnation stands for love and marriage.

orchid (Orchidaceae): Hardly any other plant is as beautiful and diverse as the orchid. So it's no wonder that the flower can stand for outstanding beauty, but also playfulness.

Sunflower (Helianthus): The glowing sunflower expresses happiness, fun and warmth. As an honest greeting that says “I like you”, it is therefore perfect as a gift.

Violets (viola): Pretty but discreet: the violet stands for modesty and innocence, but also for secrecy. Purple violets can also ask for patience.

Forget Me Not (Myosotis): The name says it all: The forget-me-not stands for the desire to be remembered and thus symbolizes love, loyalty and togetherness.

Not only cut flowers are a great gift - some blooming house plants are also great for giving away, you can find out here.

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