Plant, care and overwinter chilli

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The hot chilli comes from hot regions, but can also be grown here. We give tips about planting, caring for and wintering chilli.

The chilli can also be grown in your own garden with a few tricks [Photo: GracePhotos /]

Gourmets with a green thumb actually avoid growing their own chillies (Capsicum) not around in the garden. Chillies have been giving dishes the right kick in Asian and Latin American cuisine for a long time. But spicy food is becoming more and more popular with us too. So it's no wonder that more and more gardeners are planting chilies themselves. However, the chilli is not one of the most undemanding plant companions in the garden. Therefore, it takes expert knowledge to let chilies grow and flourish in your garden too. We'll tell you everything you need to know about the cultivation of chillies, from the origin, the types and varieties, through planting, caring for and wintering to harvesting the hot pods.


  • Chilli: origin and properties
  • Types and varieties of chilli
  • Buy chilli
  • Plant chilli
    • Plant tree chilli / chilli tree
    • Plant the chilli in the pot
  • Maintain chilli
    • Pour the chilli
    • Fertilize the chilli
  • Hibernate chilli
  • Harvest chilli
  • Preserving chilli: soaking, freezing & Co.

Chillies love warmth and need a lot of sun and water. In short: our climatic conditions do not make it easy for chilli to grow in our gardens. But the joy is all the greater when the cultivation is successful and you can bring in a rich harvest of chilies. There are many reasons to grow chillies yourself: For centuries people have made the taste and heat of chilli their own in order to refine their dishes. In Peru and Mexico, chilli seeds that are said to be over 6,000 years old have been found. And it's not just the taste of chillies that makes them indispensable in the kitchen - because chillies contain more vitamin C than oranges. In addition, the consumption of chillies stimulates digestion and circulation. In addition, our body reacts to the spiciness of the pod by releasing endorphins. So when we eat chillies we feel happier.

Dried chilli
Especially in South America and Asia, the healthy chilli is used in the kitchen [Photo: longtaildog /]

Still not entirely convinced of the plant? The samurai in Japan are said to have eaten as much chilli as possible before important fights so that they could no longer feel fear. And in Hungary, too, the mixture of chili seeds and ground chili peppers - also called paprika - is very popular and is even a national spice. And an American rock band was so enthusiastic about chilies that they named their band after them: The "Red Hot Chili Peppers".

Chilli: origin and properties

Chillies originally come from Central and South America. After his discovery of America, Christopher Columbus brought them to Europe, from where chillies finally conquered the whole world. Today the world's largest growing area for chillies is in Mexico. But a lot of chili is also grown in China, India and Indonesia.

Chilies belong to the plant genus Capsicum and thus to the nightshade family (Solanaceae). The mostly perennial, herbaceous plants reach heights of growth of 150 centimeters, but there are also ground-covering and significantly larger species and varieties. The flowers of the chilli are hermaphroditic and white. But there are also chilli varieties with purple or greenish flowers. Although the fruit of the chilli is colloquially referred to as a pod, it is actually a berry. The fruits of the chillies are very rich in different shapes and colors. From spherical to pointed and cylindrical, everything is included. The color spectrum of the chillies ranges from green to red, orange, yellow and purple.

Types and varieties of chilli

Experts estimate that there are between 2,500 and 3,000 different types of chilli worldwide. These are divided into five main types of chilli:

  • Capsicum annuum: This type includes both the conventional Sweet peppers as well as many types of chilli. Typical varieties of this type are 'Cayenne' and 'Jalapeño'.
  • Capsicum chinense: Contrary to what the name suggests, this type of chilli does not come from China, but from the Amazon rainforest. A well-known strain of this type is the 'Habanero'.
  • Capsicum baccatum: This type of chilli is characterized by the unusual shape of its fruits. The sorts 'Little Finger' and 'Angelo' belonged to this species.
Capsicum baccatum
The fruits of the chilli type Capsicum baccatum have a special shape [Photo: svf74 /]
  • Capsicum frutescens: Well-known representatives of this type are for example ,Tabasco' and 'Malagueta'.
  • Capsicum pubescens: Although this species is still relatively unknown in Europe, it is enjoying increasing popularity.
  • Capsicum pubescens are tree chillies and are often called Rocoto or Locoto.

Tip: You can also find five fiery chilli varieties in ours Plantura chilli growing kit. With the set you can easily grow your own chillies.

Even more Chilli varieties can be found here in our special article.

Buy chilli

When buying chillies, the choice of variety is crucial. This determines the color, shape and heat of the chillies. Other important criteria for purchase should be the quality and size of the plant. You can buy chilli plants in spring in hardware stores, garden centers and nurseries or online.

What else to do with Buying chilli You can find out where you can best buy chilli plants here.

Plant chilli

As soon as there is no more ground frost - usually after the ice saints in mid-May - is the perfect time to plant chillies. You can even plant out earlier in the greenhouse.

Chilli plants
The best way to fix the stem of the chillies with a plant stick [Photo: khan3145 /]

Chilies need a location that is as warm and sunny as possible and a loose, nutrient-rich soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH value. With our peat-free Plantura organic tomato & vegetable soil your chilli plants are perfectly cared for. The chillies can then move into the bed with a planting distance of 40 centimeters. Each plant is then attached to a plant stick and watered well.

A comprehensive guide to the Plants of chillies can be read here.

Plant tree chilli / chilli tree

A sheltered location is particularly important for tree chillies. In addition, this type of chilli prefers a partially shaded location. To give the plant the necessary support, it should be attached to a stick.

Everything you can about the Tree chilli need to know, you can find out in our article here.

Plant the chilli in the pot

To plant chillies in pots, you need a pot or tub that can hold at least 6 liters. Only then is the jar big enough for your chilli to feel really comfortable in it. It is also important to have a drainage hole and a drainage layer - for example made of potsherds or expanded clay - in the planter. After creating the drainage layer, fill the pot one third with substrate, insert the chilli plant and cover it with the remaining substrate. In summer, the chilli can be placed in a pot in a sunny spot in the garden. In winter, the plant then moves into the house or conservatory. A liquid fertilizer such as our Plantura is suitable for maintenance in the pot Organic tomato & vegetable fertilizer excellent, which is simply administered via the irrigation water.

Chilli in the pot
The chilli can also be grown successfully in pots [Photo: RobinsonThomas /]

Maintain chilli

Chilies have a fiery taste and are demanding to care for. There are a few things that must be observed and considered so that your chillies can successfully bear fruit. We'll tell you everything about the correct watering, fertilizing and wintering of chillies.

Pour the chilli

The most common mistake in growing chili is actually improper watering. Chilies are sensitive to dehydration, but waterlogging is even more harmful to them. The root ball of the chilli should never dry out completely, but the top layer of soil should be dry before you water again. If the leaves of the chilli plant wilt, it is high time to water. Pour enough so that the whole substrate can be penetrated by water. On hot summer days, you may even have to water your chillies every day. The water in the pot should be able to drain off easily. Waterlogging is very harmful to the chilli: The roots can suffocate and harmful fungi find the best conditions to develop.

Fertilize the chilli

Chilies are among the heavy eaters and are therefore dependent on fertilizers. It is best to fertilize immediately after pricking and repotting for the first time. A fertilizer with an organic long-term effect, such as ours, is ideal Plantura organic tomato fertilizer. This optimally supplies the chilli with nutrients. Before planting the chilli outdoors, you can enrich the soil with compost or other organic material. Here, too, a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect can be used as an alternative. After two months you can re-fertilize if necessary. The next fertilization then takes place three to four weeks before the harvest.

Like yours Fertilize chilli plants Should and with what they thrive best, we have compiled for you in our special article.

Hibernate chilli

Adapted to the tropical climate, chillies are very sensitive to frost and not suitable for wintering outdoors. In contrast to tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), not annual, but can be cultivated for several years. To do this, you have to hibernate your chillies properly.

Chilli overwintering in the room
If you overwinter the chilli plant in a sufficiently warm room, it can even bear fruit all year round

If the temperatures outside drop below 10 ° C at night, it's time to warm up the chillies. The plants can optimally overwinter in a bright, warm place at temperatures of a maximum of 20 ° C or in a bright, cooler place at temperatures between 10 to 15 ° C. Even in winter, chilies are then dependent on care measures such as regular watering. If it is warm enough again in spring, the successfully overwintered chillies can move outside again and start a new gardening season.

You can find out more about the topic in our article "Hibernate chilli“.

Harvest chilli

Determining the optimal harvest time for chillies is not that easy: because every type of chilli has its own harvest time. Usually only experience and your own assessment of your personal ideal level of maturity help. There are, however, a few pointers to look out for when harvesting.

Signs that your chillies will soon be ready to be harvested:

  • Color change
  • The shell slowly wrinkles and contracts
  • The pulp yields slightly when pressed
  • Small black spots appear

When harvesting, it is important not to damage the chillies. A sharp knife or scissors should therefore be used for this. When freshly harvested, it is best to store the chillies in the refrigerator.

ripe chilli
Ripe chilies turn from green to yellow, orange, or in most cases red

What on Harvesting chilli You can find out how freshly harvested chilies are properly stored here.

Preserving chilli: soaking, freezing & Co.

In order to enjoy your own chillies all year round, we will show you a wide range of methods for preserving chillies. The easiest option is to freeze. Another relatively simple way to preserve chillies is to dry them. This can be done either in the oven, in the fresh air, over a heat source or in a dehydrator. If you would like to be a little more creative, you can either boil down your chillies, soak them in oil or even ferment them - i.e. ferment them with lactic acid.

You can find detailed instructions on the various methods of preservation in our article on "Preserve chilli“.

For most people, the most important thing about chili is proper heat. We'll give you five tips on how to use your Getting chilies really hot.

If you're in the mood for something luxurious, find out more about here the most expensive chilli in the world.