Cutting ivy: professional tips on the right cut

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So that ivy doesn't suddenly overgrow everything, it should be pruned regularly. We show what to consider when cutting ivy.

Man trims ivy hedge
Ivy is a fast-growing climbing plant and therefore has to be cut back from time to time [Photo: T.Irina /]

Did you know that the shoots of the Ivy (Hedera helix) can grow up to two meters per year? With such an increase, pruning quickly becomes indispensable. Fortunately, this is pretty straightforward and the plant won't hold it against you if you prune heavily. So you can let off steam in peace. However, there are a few things to consider.

Cut ivy

Ivy doesn't actually need to be cut. Even without any action, the plant can live for several hundred years, forming dense green cushions, thick lianas or even bushes. However, due to their pronounced tendency to spread in the form of fast-growing shoots, pruning is often unavoidable. But don't worry, you won't damage the ivy anytime soon.

Cutting ivy: the right time

In principle, you can prune ivy throughout the year. The robust plant recovers quickly and reliably. The best time to cut is in spring or late summer. However, be aware that ivy is a valuable habitat, especially when it comes to more brutal prunings. Birds in particular love the ivy cover as a nesting site. So be careful and show consideration for the animals.

Since ivy should not theoretically have to be pruned, you can adjust the frequency of pruning to suit your needs. Usually it is enough by itself Ivy hedgesto put on the knife once a year. If you prefer a well-formed, neat hedge, you may need to prune twice. For the pruning, choose a day without frost or strong sun, as the injuries are sensitive to extreme weather conditions.

Cutting ivy: the right approach

How you want to prune your ivy depends entirely on your needs, of course. Ivy on house facades or walls often has to be shortened, especially at the tips, so that it does not overgrow windows, doors or paths. But be careful: ivy can climb up to 20 meters on walls, houses and trees. Be sure to be careful when cutting. The risk of falling while pruning and seriously injuring yourself is by no means to be despised. In addition to the shoot tips, lignified trunks can also be pruned on very old plants. Ivy can easily survive if you touch it. You can even remove entire shoots from the plant.

Ivy hedge is cut
You can even tackle the ivy with the hedge trimmer [Photo: U.J. Alexander /]

Do you have one Ivy hedge, then you can confidently unpack your hedge trimmer and prune the ivy like any other hedge. More details on the right one Caring for your ivy we tell you here.