Artichoke varieties: the best at a glance

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There are countless varieties of artichokes that can be grown in Germany. Before rushing to buy seeds, you should know the varieties of artichoke.

Artichoke cultivation
There are also different types of artichokes to choose from

the artichokes The season begins with the sowing, which should usually take place in the first days of March. Growing the Mediterranean delicacy in your own garden is also very worthwhile for the hobby gardener. The artichoke can be cultivated for several years and decorates the garden with its extraordinarily beautiful flowers. You can order the seeds online or purchase them at a garden center of your choice. A topic about which we get many questions is whether the plant can survive the winter outside in our latitudes. We advise you to either let the plant overwinter in the basement at around 15 degrees or outside in milder winters. But then it is advisable to cover the roots with plenty of straw, foil and styrofoam to protect them from possible frost attack.

Artichoke young plants
Small artichoke plants can be grown from the seeds [Photo: vaivirga /]

Generally it is Artichoke plants very easy and maintenance is hardly difficult. The artichoke not only adorns the garden and provides its tasty fruits, but is also considered a medicinal plant in many cultures. A triple win to have the artichoke in the garden.

We have prepared a selection of varieties for you so that you can easily make the right choice. Resistance to frost in particular can be a decisive selection criterion.

  • Green Globe: Artichoke variety with large fruits and green petals.
  • Violetto Chiogga: smaller fruits with purple and elongated buds; high resistance to frost.
  • Vert de Provence: smaller fruits with rapid growth; many artichoke flowers.
  • Imperial Star: fast-growing variety with quite dark green foliage; Large fruit variety.

How one Artichokes are harvested and stored properly, you can read about in our special article.