Beneficial organisms in the garden: attract and settle tiger snails

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Beneficial organisms in the garden: attracting & settling tiger snails - cover picture

table of contents

  • Interesting facts about tiger snails
  • Beneficial plant in the garden
  • Attract tiger snails
  • Hiding places
  • Provide food
  • Do not sprinkle slug pellets
  • Buy tiger snails
  • frequently asked Questions

Thanks to their appearance, tiger snails (Limax maximus) are not only a real eye-catcher, but also valued beneficial insects in the garden. In this post, we'll tell you how to attract tiger snails.

In a nutshell

  • Synonyms: large snail, large leech snail, tiger snail, tiger nudibranch
  • Beneficial insects in the garden: repel snails
  • can be attracted and settled in the garden
  • need hiding places and food
  • Tiger snails are non-toxic

Interesting facts about tiger snails

The tiger snail is a predatory nudibranch species that is widespread in Europe. In addition to their special way of life, their appearance is special: they have a grayish to brownish colored body that is decorated with a kind of pattern. The stripes, dots and spots are reminiscent of a tiger pattern. In addition, the tiger's nose is characterized by the following features:

  • about 10-20 cm long
  • Keel on the top of the tail
  • Hermaphrodite
  • nocturnal
Tiger snail (Limax maximus)

Beneficial plant in the garden

Many species of snails are considered to be pests that like to use the vegetable patch at home. Not so the tiger snail, because it is even known as a beneficial insect. Instead of fruit and vegetables, mushrooms and dead plant parts are on his menu. The tiger snail is also known to eat eggs from other conspecifics. The beneficial organism does not even shy away from other slugs. It is therefore a natural predator of snails and can help keep them out of the garden efficiently.

Attract tiger snails

Tiger snails are widespread, but they do not always settle in the home garden. The reason for this is usually simple: They don't like the living space. If you want to settle tiger snails, you must therefore offer them an optimal habitat. In the following, we will tell you which factors have to be taken into account.

Hiding places

Tiger snails have numerous predators, which is why they hide during the day. They prefer to hide in damp and dark places, such as dry stone walls, piles of branches and leaves, and compost heaps. Take this into account when designing your garden if you want to establish tiger snails. You can also take the following measures:

  • Put up wooden boards or hollow blocks
  • strategically place well
  • near vegetable patches
  • it is best to create several nests
Attract tiger snails (Limax maximus)
Source: AfroBrazilian, Limax maximus 02, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Provide food

Tiger snails are very devouring and settle where they can find enough food. The natural food supply, such as mushrooms and dead plant parts, is usually sufficient for them. Additionally, you can attract tiger snails by offering them additional sources of food. Protein-rich foods are particularly suitable for this:

  • chopped mushrooms
  • Seaweed
  • weave

Tip: Tiger snails look for food within a radius of about 5 to 10 meters.

Do not sprinkle slug pellets

Hardly any hobby gardener has not yet struggled with snails in the vegetable patch. In this case, many resort to slug pellets to get the snail plague under control. Slug pellets can be used to combat slugs very effectively, but it also kills the useful tiger snails. If you want to settle tiger snails, therefore, do without slug pellets. Instead, take measures that repel slugs but do not kill them.

  • Set up a screw barrier made of metal, wood or wire
  • Scatter hair, wool, or rock flour
  • Collect snails and deposit them elsewhere

We show you 11 quick home remedies for snails in the home garden. Make sure that you do not drive away the beneficial insects.

Tiger snails on the hunt
Tiger snails (r.) On the hunt; Source: Shi Annan, Limax maximus hunting 2010, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Note: Beer traps are not suitable as they will attract even more snails.

Buy tiger snails

If you are impatient, you may be toying with the idea of ​​simply buying tiger snails. In principle, this is also possible: In view of the costs, however, it does not necessarily make sense. A snail usually costs between 15 and 20 euros. In order to settle tiger snails, however, you need several animals, which means that the costs skyrocket accordingly. Should you nevertheless decide to buy tiger snails, please pay attention to the following points:

  • only buy from specialist dealers or specialized online shops
  • Delivery time no longer than 2 days
  • no shipping over weekends / holidays
  • Delivery only at temperatures below 25 degrees

frequently asked Questions

Can you catch and breed tiger snails?

Many hobby gardeners wonder whether they can simply collect the tiger snails and breed them in a terrarium. That sounds quite useful at first, but it is not advisable. After all, you take the tiger snails from a balanced ecosystem, which is why they would only survive in the terrarium under the best conditions.

How can one increase the population?

Tiger snails are very faithful to their location - if they like the habitat, they like to stay there. Accordingly, they reproduce automatically in the garden, whereby a snail can lay several hundred eggs. If you also want to attract tiger snails, offer them protein-rich food and plenty of hiding places.

Are tiger snails poisonous?

Tiger snails are not poisonous to humans or pets. You can therefore collect and move the beneficial insects without hesitation.