Wild rose species: The 20 most beautiful wild roses

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True to their name, wild roses are extremely robust and beguile with a wonderful scent. We introduce you to the 20 most beautiful wild rose species.

Pink wild roses
The five-part flower can still be seen in many wild rose species [Photo: Volodymyr Nikitenko / Shutterstock.com]

The genus of Roses (pink) can look back on a long history of breeding, from which many different varieties have emerged. The origin of this success story was formed by the wonderfully fragrant but extremely prickly wild roses that grow in many parts of the world. As with other rose plants (Rosaceae) - for example with Apple (Malus x domestica), Cherry (Prunus avium & Prunus cerasus) or Medlar (Mespilus germanica) - the original five-part flower can be seen very clearly in the wild roses. Nutritious rose hips later develop from these. Therefore, wild roses are extremely sought after not only by gardeners, but also by insects and birds. The low maintenance requirements and high disease resistance speak in favor of planting a wild rose in the garden. The undemanding, vigorous plants are also suitable for fastening slopes and embankments, as well as for planting a windbreak or bird hedge. Half-double and double-grown rose varieties, on the other hand, are often no longer fertile and often cannot convince with their robustness.


  • Ash rose (Rosa blanda)
  • Dog rose (Rosa canina)
  • Meadow rose / sand rose (Rosa carolina)
  • Wedge-leaved rose (Rosa elliptica)
  • Vinegar rose (Rosa gallica)
  • Northern pike rose (Rosa glauca)
  • Chinese golden rose (Rosa hugonis)
  • Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis)
  • Small flowered rose (Rosa micrantha)
  • Soft rose (Rosa mollis)
  • Mandarin rose (Rosa moyesii)
  • Büschelrose / Vielblütige Rose (Rosa multiflora)
  • Gloss rose (rosa nitida)
  • Alpine dog rose (Rosa pendulina)
  • Dune Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia)
  • Wine rose (Rosa rubiginosa)
  • Potato rose (Rosa rugosa)
  • Magnificent rose hip rose (Rosa sweginzowii)
  • Apple rose (Rosa villosa)
  • Virginian rose (Rosa virginiana)

Wild roses come in many different colors and shapes - it is not so easy to decide on a type. In the following list we give an overview of the 20 best known and most beautiful wild rose species and their properties.

Ash rose (Rosa blanda)

This large-flowered, pink-red wild rose comes from eastern North America and has almost no thorns. It becomes about 300 cm high and just as wide when old. The blooming period of the up to 6 cm large flowers extends from June to July. The ash rose prefers moist, sunny and stony locations with a neutral to strongly alkaline pH value.

pink ash rose
The ash rose blooms deep pink from June to July [Photo: Brian Lasenby / Shutterstock.com]

Dog rose (Rosa canina)

The dog rose is a native wild rose with bowl-shaped, white-pink flowers and a light fragrance, which forms scarlet rose hips in autumn. The hardy, heat and drought tolerant dog rose blooms from late May to July. It has an upright growth of up to 300 cm with arching, overhanging, strongly prickly shoots. The dog rose is undemanding in terms of location, it only grows poorly on waterlogged soils. It also thrives on nutrient-poor and dry soils with a weakly acidic to alkaline pH. Well-drained, dry to fresh and deep, humus locations are preferred.

Dog rose bush
The wild rose Rosa canina is also called dog rose or heather rose [Photo: martin.dlugo / Shutterstock.com]

Meadow rose / sand rose (Pink carolina)

The meadow rose is also called the Carolina rose because it comes from eastern North America. The small wild rose is just 100 cm high and shows thin, straight spines on the upright shoots. The flowering period of the pink flowers extends from July to August. It shows orange-red to yellow foliage in autumn and forms many runners, which is ideal for fastening embankments. The optimal location for the meadow rose is moderately dry to moist with a strongly acidic to neutral pH value.

pink meadow rose flowers
The meadow rose comes from eastern North America and blooms from July to August [Photo: ChWeiss / Shutterstock.com]

Wedge-leaved rose (Rosa elliptica)

Rosa elliptica comes from Central Europe and occurs there in the foothills of the Alps. Closely related to Rosa rubiginosa, the wedge-leaved rose also shares the apple scent of the leaves with it. The light pink flowers of the wild rose form elongated rose hips in autumn - after the flowering period from June to July. The prickly wedge-leaved rose grows up to 200 cm high and prefers sunny, stony and calcareous locations.

Vinegar Rose (Rosa gallica)

The vinegar rose or apothecary rose is at home in deciduous forests and on dry meadows in Central and Southern Europe. It is an old useful plant from Roman times - vinegar, rose water or oils were made from the vinegar rose. The pink wild rose, which blooms from June to July, has a strong scent. It grows bushy upright with overhanging shoots up to 120 cm high. The vinegar rose loves humus-rich, well-drained soils, tolerates shade and shows good leaf health. It is also suitable for planting in pots.

pink vinegar roses
The vinegar rose is an ancient crop from Roman times [Photo: Nicolette_Wollentin / Shutterstock.com]

Pike rose (Rosa glauca)

This native wild rose is also known as the red-leaved rose and shows cupped, light pink-red to purple-red flowers from June and later a strong fruity hang. The foliage of the bushy upright rose shimmers bluish in summer. It reaches heights of 150 to 250 cm, is robust and easy to care for. Rosa glauca prefers well drained, dry to moderately moist soils. The pike rose is a wild rose that is true to its location and does not form runners.

Wild rose Rosa glauca
Rosa glauca was originally widespread in many European mountains [Photo: Henri Koskinen / Shutterstock.com]

Chinese gold rose (Rosa hugonis)

The Chinese golden rose is one of the rare yellow wild roses. It comes from China and blooms as early as May. Black and red rose hips adorn the plant in autumn. It grows broadly bushy, overhanging and reaches heights of up to 200 cm. The Chinese golden rose loves deep, nutrient-rich, moderately dry to moist soils. Due to its origin, it is only partially hardy and needs protection in cold winters.

yellow wild rose Rosa hugonis
The Chinese golden rose blooms in delicate yellow tones [Photo: Carmen Hauser / Shutterstock.com]

Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis)

The cinnamon rose is a native wild rose species with cinnamon-colored, prickly shoots and a height of up to 150 cm. From May to June it forms slightly fragrant, dark pink flowers and later large, spherical rose hips. The cinnamon rose thrives in fresh to wet soils with a high supply of nutrients and is extremely hardy.

Cinnamon rose with dark pink flowers
The dark pink flowers of the cinnamon rose bloom from May to June [Photo: Zzzufa / Shutterstock.com]

Small-flowered rose (Rosa micrantha)

The small-flowered rose is a rare, indigenous climbing wild rose with small, light pink to whitish flowers and a special fragrance. In autumn, deep red fruits are spherical to oval shaped. The wild rose grows densely bushy and upright with overhanging shoots. It grows up to 350 cm high, is undemanding, winter-proof and also suitable for poor and rocky locations.

Small rose with white flowers
The white-blooming, small-flowered rose is a native climbing rose [Photo: Gabriela Beres / Shutterstock.com]

Soft rose (Rosa mollis)

The soft rose is common in Central Europe and Asia Minor. From June to July, soft pink flowers 5 cm in size appear on the soft rose. The soft, hairy, young leaves are eponymous for the 100 to 150 cm high wild bush rose, which has thin, straight spines. The Soft Rose is not demanding of the soil, but it does best in a sunny spot.

Mandarin rose (Rosa moyesii)

This red-blooming wild rose is also called the red tufted rose and is of Chinese origin. It inspires with its numerous blood-red flowers and striking stamens. Flowering begins in June, and bottle-shaped rose hips form in autumn. The hardy mandarin rose is characterized by its wide spreading growth and heights of up to 200 cm. It grows best in sunny to partially shaded locations with well drained and nutrient-rich soils.

Bush with mandarin roses
The mandarin rose is originally from China and has a deep red flower [Photo: Peter Turner Photography / Shutterstock.com]

Tufted rose / many-flowered rose (Pink multiflora)

The tufted rose is a hardy, white wild rose that occurs in Japan, Korea and China and has numerous flowers in panicles. It smells strongly of honey when it blooms between June and July and forms rose hips the size of a pea. The wild rose is up to 300 cm high on average. However, it can climb up to 500 cm and forms arching, overhanging, slender, slightly prickly to unreinforced shoots. The tufted rose loves well drained soils with an acidic to neutral pH value. On calcareous soils, however, there is an iron deficiency in the form of yellowing (chlorosis) of the young leaves.

Pink multiflora with white flowers
The tufted rose Pink multiflora is very willing to grow [Photo: Tamotsu Ito / Shutterstock.com]

Gloss rose (Rosa nitida)

This type of rose comes from the east of North America. The gloss rose is a low wild rose with a height of only 80 cm and strong runners. It is therefore very suitable for fastening embankments. The shiny, dark green foliage gave the wild rose its name. Its small flowers shine in bright pink from June to July. The ideal location for the glossy rose is sunny, moderately dry to moist, with a pH value from acidic to neutral. As in Pink multiflora Iron deficiency chlorosis quickly develops on calcareous soils.

shine rose pink bloom
The leaves of the Rosa nitida shine and are named [Photo: Brita Seifert / Shutterstock.com]

Alpine dog rose (Rosa pendulina)

The slightly fragrant wild rose is also known as the hanging fruit rose and shows a compact growth of up to 200 cm in height with barely prickly, overhanging shoots. Its insect-friendly flowers are deep purple-pink, later bottle-shaped, red rose hips are formed. The robust wild rose species also grows at higher altitudes, is robust, undemanding in terms of location and extremely hardy. Some varieties have already been selected from this species, such as ‘Plena’, ‘Harstadt’ or ‘Mount Everest’.

Alpine dog rose with purple flowers
The ‘Harstadt’ variety of the Alpine dog rose forms purple-pink flowers [Photo: Edita Medeina / Shutterstock.com]

Dune rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia)

The native, white blooming wild rose grows up to 100 cm high and forms prickly-bristle shoots. The one centimeter large rose hips are strikingly black-brown in color. The dune rose is one of the most robust wild roses that can not harm heat, drought, frost or permanent wind. The undemanding dune rose loves calcareous locations with a neutral to strongly alkaline pH value on dry to fresh and nutrient-poor soils.

Dune rose rose hips
The wild rose Rosa pimpinellifolia delights with their glossy black rose hip fruits [Photo: Vankich1 / Shutterstock.com]

Wine rose (Rosa rubiginosa)

It is also known as the Scottish fence rose, but is also common all over Germany. The wild rose has simple, bowl-shaped flowers in a light carmine pink with dark veins. The leaves smell strongly of apple and wine. The wine rose shows a dense, upright growth with slightly overhanging shoots up to 350 cm height. The shoots are heavily spiked, but the wine rose does not form any runners. The Scottish fence rose prefers to grow in neutral to very calcareous and dry soils.

Wine rose with small pink flowers
The wine rose grows densely and forms many pink flowers [Photo: Vahan Abrahamyan / Shutterstock.com]

Potato rose (Rosa rugosa)

This hardy, robust wild rose makes large, fragrant flowers. There are different varieties of the Rosa rugosa with purple to pink or white flowers. It blooms for a long time, from June to October. In autumn, 2.5 cm large, flat-round rose hips with an apple-like taste are formed. The potato rose grows upright up to 180 cm high and forms runners. The plant is undemanding in terms of location, it thrives even on sandy soils that are poor in nutrients. Only the pH value should be considered, because if the calcium content is too high, iron deficiency chlorosis occurs.

Potato rose-rose hips
The tasty fruits of the potato rose are among the largest among the wild roses

Magnificent rose hip rose (Rosa sweginzowii)

The splendid rose hip rose is an old Chinese wild rose with simple, medium-sized flowers in carmine red to rose red that bloom from June. The elongated orange rose hips, which are up to five centimeters long, are particularly striking. The heavily spiked, robust, magnificent rose hip rose has an arching overhanging growth of up to 250 cm in height. It prefers deep, well drained and nutrient-rich soils that never dry out completely.

Lease rose hip rose hips
The rose hips of the Rosa sweginzowii grow up to 5 cm long [Photo: Wiert nieuman / Shutterstock.com]

Apple rose (Rosa villosa)

Another native wild rose is the apple rose. It is a fragrant wild rose with deep pink flowers and foliage, which is exactly how Rosa rubiginosa smells of apple. The 2.5 cm large, abundant rose hips of the apple rose are among the largest of all wild roses. They can be harvested long before the first frost and processed into tasty jam. The apple rose prefers permeable, stony and nutrient-rich soils with a high lime content. It also grows well in partial shade, so it is suitable for underplanting tall shrubs and forest edges.

Apple rose with rose hips
The rose hips of the apple rose are ideal for processing into jam [Photo: Hirundo / Shutterstock.com]

Virginian Rose (Rosa virginiana)

Often confused with the Carolina rose, it is a distinct species that originated in eastern North America. Its five centimeter pink flowers have a fragrant scent and bloom in late July to August. The frost-hardy Virginian rose forms runners and is about 150 cm high and wide. It thrives in all moderately dry to fresh locations between acidic and neutral pH.

purple flower of the Virginian rose
The Virginia rose is native to eastern North America [Photo: John Ruberry / Shutterstock.com]

After flowering, wild roses produce fruits rich in vitamins, the rosehips. In our special article on Planting rose hip roses find out everything you need to know about your needs and care measures.

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