Rhubarb varieties: the best varieties for the garden

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Elmsjuwel, Goliath and Holsteiner Blut are just a few varieties of rhubarb. We present the best new and tried and tested rhubarb varieties.

sliced ​​rhubarb
Depending on the variety, the stalks of the rhubarb are colored differently [Photo: I_life / Shutterstock.com]

Of the rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is more diverse than many people initially think. In general, rhubarb varieties can be subdivided according to their respective harvest time, but a subdivision is also possible according to the color of their stems. In general, green varieties are considered to be more productive, but the red-fleshed rhubarb varieties are somewhat milder in taste and also significantly increase their ornamental value in the garden. In general, you are spoiled for choice with the large variety of rhubarb.

Rhubarb varieties: the best varieties for your garden

The many rhubarb varieties mainly differ in the time of sowing according to the season into early, middle and late ripening varieties, as well as in color, taste and harvest time. Below we have put together the best varieties that do well in our latitudes. We have also noted when a variety has a particularly low content of oxalic acid.

  • Champagne: Early variety with high yields.
  • Elmsblitz: Well-tried variety of rhubarb with dark red flesh and a very low oxalic acid content.
  • Elm jewel: The red stems and the meat have a very low acid content and are therefore recommended for people who are sensitive to oxalic acid; the yields are in the middle range.
  • Frambozen Rood: Quite late variety with red stems and green flesh; excellent taste; Due to the aromatic scent, the Frambozen Rood variety is also known as strawberry or raspberry rhubarb.
  • giant: Very fast growing variety with a relatively high content of oxalic acid and green stems.
Rhubarb in the garden
There are both varieties with compact growth and varieties that are particularly large [Photo: Peter Turner Photography / Shutterstock.com]
  • Goliath: Largest known variety of rhubarb with red flesh and green stems that are up to 100 cm long; in the flowering period the plant can grow up to 180 cm high; high yields and good quality.
  • Holstein blood: Well-tried variety with red stem ends; The variety is well known for its mild aroma and high sugar content.
  • Holstein noble blood: Uniformly red stems with a fine and mild taste; slightly lower yields than the related Holsteiner blood variety.
  • Paragon: Very well-established early variety; green-stalked.
  • Red Valentine: Late ripening variety with red flesh and red stems.
  • Stockbridge Arrow: An extremely popular new breed from England with high yields.
  • Timperley Early: One of the earliest varieties ever; Stems can be colored differently in red, pink, or green; the variety does not need to be peeled or peeled and contains hardly any woody; very compact growth.

If you now feel like it even more, Growing rhubarb in the garden, then take a look at our cultivation article here, where we share the best tips.