Passion flower herb: application & effects

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Not only are the fruits of the passion flower edible, their herbs can also be used as medicinal products. We show how to use it and how it works.

Dried passion flower herb as a tea
The herb of the passion flower has been used as a remedy for a wide variety of ailments for a long time [Photo: Katinkah /]

The herb of Passion flower (Passiflora) has long been known in medicine. The early American immigrants used the dried herb of the passion flower against ailments. Some Native Americans, however, primarily used the plant's roots. Little is known about this application, however, as the herb alone is used nowadays.


  • Passion flower herb
  • Passion flower herb: used as a remedy
    • Passion flower tea
  • Effect of the passion flower herb

Passion flower herb

Passion flower herb (‘Passiflorae herba' or 'Herba passiflorae‘) Is the dried herb of the flesh-colored passion flower (Passiflora incarnata). This herb can be used to relieve various ailments. It is available as an herb, tea, tincture or in the form of tablets and preparations and is grown mainly in the USA, India and partly in southern Europe. In contrast to the herbs of other types of passion flower, the leaves of the flesh-colored passion flower contain only a low concentration of cyanogenic glycosides and are therefore harmless. Excessive concentrations of the so-called hydrogen cyanide glycosides, as found in many other types of passion flower, can lead to dizziness, headaches and vomiting.

Passion flower herb: used as a remedy

In principle, the herb of the passion flower is very well tolerated. There are many different ways of using the passion flower herb. In pharmacies, extracts, tinctures, tablets, preparations or even ointments are often offered. But the passion flower herb can also be used medicinally as a tea.

Passion flower tea

Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of fine, dried passion flower herb and let it steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drink about two to three cups throughout the day.

White passion flower with fruit
The flesh-colored passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) is the starting species for the passion flower herb [Photo: ribeiroantonio /]

Note: Note, however, that medicinal plants generally never last longer than six Weeks should be used continuously to avoid undesirable long-term effects on the body avoid. So far, however, no undesirable side effects are known.

Effect of the passion flower herb

Passion flower herb has a calming and antihypertensive effect and is mainly used against sleep disorders, anxiety and nervousness. The active ingredients of the passion flower are mainly flavonoids. These flavonoids are found in a proportion of 1 to 2.5% in the dried herb. However, it has not yet been possible to clearly determine which ingredient is the exact active ingredient. The effect of the herb has not yet been sufficiently scientifically proven. While animal studies have shown effectiveness, no proper human studies have been conducted.

But not only the herb of the passion flower has a healing effect. The fruit of the plant is also extremely healthy. More about the Passion fruit You will find here.