Horseradish: harvest and store properly

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Horseradish is known for its hot root. But how is this harvested from the ground and how can you keep it fresh? We'll show you!

Horseradish roots on a table
The tap roots of horseradish should always be processed fresh [Photo: Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova /]

Harvest horseradish

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a well-known companion for many hearty dishes. It is particularly popular with fish dishes or as a cream horseradish in various flavors. The characteristic sharpness is in the horseradish root. This can already be harvested from the ground in the year of planting. As soon as the leaves begin to wither and dry up, there is no more root growth. The coveted taproot is then ready for harvest.

Depending on the weather, this is usually the case from the end of October. The tap root can simply be dug out of the ground. However, since horseradish is very frost-hardy, not everything has to be harvested at once. The plants can also be left standing for the time being and the roots are only dug up at a later point in time. Constant ground frost also has no negative effects on the quality of the sharp roots. Shouldn't the plants stay in the bed for a second year. So they have to be harvested at least until they sprout again next spring.

Horseradish roots grated on a table
The horseradish is mostly used in grated form [Photo: Eskymaks /]

Store horseradish

The clear advantage of horseradish: you don't have to harvest everything at once. This enables a fresh harvest that is tailored to requirements over the entire winter. But the usability of the spicy root can also be extended over the winter. At temperatures of -5 to -2 ° C, the horseradish root can be stored very easily and without any major loss of quality for several months. Lower temperatures, as well as long storage times, come at the expense of the crunchy consistency and the pungent aroma of the roots. Unfortunately, drying the root is not possible without a significant loss of aroma. But the cool storage is a good way to get through the year with horseradish from your own garden.

If you are interested in the Propagation of horseradish interested, take a look at our special article here.

I have a master’s degree in horticulture and am also a trained ornamental plant gardener. The subject of cultivation has just stuck with me since I was a child: whether on the small city window sill or in the spacious garden - I have to garden always and everywhere in my free time.
Favorite fruit: raspberries
Favorite vegetable: broccoli

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