Plantain: The medicinal plant from the wayside

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Plantain is found everywhere in the wild - and can be very useful. We show why plantain should be in the garden.

Plantain close to the light
The plantain is an inconspicuous but ubiquitous medicinal plant [Photo: wasanajai /]

The common plantain is a constant companion (Plantago major) from the genus of Plantain trees (Plantago). The inconspicuous plant grows even in the most inhospitable places, where it constantly grows Hiking boots are trodden on, have to fight their way between gravel and rubble or by cows is grazed. And yet she remains persistent and shines with her presence.


  • Plantain
    • Broad plantain: origin and characteristics
    • Buy plantain
    • Grow plantain
    • Propagate plantain
    • Maintain plantain
    • Harvest and store plantain
    • Plantain: use as a medicinal plant
    • Use mushroom plantain in the kitchen


“There is no herb against it,” it says so beautifully. The common plantain, however, has grown against many ailments and is a popular medicinal herb. The widespread medicinal plant has the same effect as the

Ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), but has historically been used to treat women, whereas ribwort was used to treat men. Today, of course, this subdivision is no longer appropriate, but both types are and remain wonderful medicinal herbs in many situations.

Broad plantain: origin and characteristics

It is actually very easy to distinguish between the Norway plantain and the common plantain: While the leaves of the Ribwort plantain are short and wide and lie close to the ground, those of the ribwort plantain are long and narrow and more in the direction Sky oriented. Otherwise, however, both species look pretty similar. The common plantain is its extreme insensitivity to kicks. Due to its leaves lying close to the ground, it is hardly damaged and was able to conquer the extreme location of the paths. The ribwort is also represented here from time to time, but the broad-leaved plantain clearly has the say directly on and on the paths.

Buy plantain

Buying plantain is not easy. You will hardly find it in the store. There are a few vendors online for seeds like and plants can also be found. A possible source of supply would be the nursery, for example Helenion in the Uckermark. In fact, you can find seeds and plants pretty easily just about anywhere on your doorstep. And if you live in the city, the search for a suitable plantain can be combined with a nice weekend trip to nature.

Grow plantain

Typically the ribwort is grown. The plant usually grows denser and even has slightly better healing properties. If you still prefer broad plantain, you can proceed exactly as you would with ribwort.

How to grow plantain:

  • Choose a sunny, warm location with humus and slightly acidic soil
  • Harvest seeds from wild specimens
  • Use your finger to drill holes about 1.5 cm deep in the loose soil
  • Put seeds in holes and cover holes with soil
  • Moisten the soil well with a spray bottle
  • The plants germinate after about 14 days
Breitgwegerich Boden
Depending on the location, the common plantain grows either lush and expansive or small and crouched [Photo: simona pavan /]

Propagate plantain

If the plantain is literally left to vegetate, then it will also multiply by itself. It does this either through its many seeds or it forms offshoots. If you want to make the whole thing a little more targeted, you can strip the ripe seeds from the ear and sow them in a planter or a bed.

Maintain plantain

Broad plantain is stubborn and cannot be broken down. So if the location is well chosen, maintenance is not a big problem either. Just make sure that the soil never dries out completely and maybe give a little in the spring compost or Horse manure as fertilizer under the plants.

Harvest and store plantain

Only harvest the young leaves of the common plantain. Old leaves are tough and have stubborn threads that make chewing difficult. The leaves should preferably be harvested before the first flowers appear, because then they taste more intense and are richer in valuable ingredients. Like ribwort, the leaves can be stored dried or processed. Even seeds harvested after ripening should be carefully dried before storage. Since the seeds are small, this can be done easily in a dry place in the fresh air.

Plantain: use as a medicinal plant

Even if the common plantain has the same beneficial properties as the ribwort, only the ribwort is recognized in phytotherapy. Perhaps the reason for this is to be found in the lower biomass of the common plantain. The ribwort, with its lush growth, is easier to grow profitably and is therefore more suitable for the manufacture of medicines.

In addition to the im Article on ribwort More precisely explained application for curing insect bites and inflammation and the application as a tea against coughs, plantain also helps to prevent blisters. Place one or two leaves of the plant on the sensitive area on the foot and pull the sock over it. When you run, the friction releases the plantain's anti-inflammatory and healing substances. This prevents the formation of bubbles and the bubbles that have already formed do not enlarge.

Summary plantain as a medicinal plant:

  • As an insert to prevent and relieve blisters
  • Chewed up to relieve insect bites and inflammation
  • As a tea against coughs and to cleanse the blood
Broad plantain leaves on wood
Free blister plasters - nature has everything ready [Photo: AnnyStudio /]

Use mushroom plantain in the kitchen

While the ribwort plantain shines in the kitchen due to its high biomass, the common plantain tree has a lot more seeds to offer. After flowering, harvest the ripe seeds from the long ears of the common plantain. You can then dry the seeds or lightly roast them in the pan. The whole thing is very tasty in salads, muesli or as a spice in home-baked bread. But you don't have to do without the plantain in the kitchen when it blooms. You can add the long inflorescences fresh to the salad.

In autumn, just before it gets really cold, the time for the root vegetables strikes. A delicious addition to the usual suspects carrots, root parsley and Co. can be the root of the plantain. Simply braise the carefully cleaned root with the other vegetables in the pan. Of course, you can also harvest the leaves of the plantain and use them for cooking, but the harvest is with the relative Ribwort plantain significantly more productive.

Summary plantain in the kitchen:

  • Dried and roasted seeds in muesli, salads or as a spice for bread
  • Blossom in the fresh lettuce
  • Roots steamed in the root vegetables
  • Leaves fresh in salad, spinach or as a pesto

If you are now also aware of the Ribwort plantain you can find all the important information here.