9 types of berries you may not know

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Everyone knows strawberries and blueberries - but here we are showing you nine berries that you have probably never heard of.

Fresh, juicy and delicious - berries from your own garden are just heavenly and a real temptation for those with a sweet tooth. But in addition to the classics such as strawberries, currants and raspberries, there are also numerous types of berries that are still true rarities in Germany. These berries impress with unusual colors, remarkable flowers or completely new taste sensations and they definitely deserve a place in the garden.


  • 9. Pink currant
  • 8. Tayberry
  • 7. Gooseberry
  • 6. Red mulberry
  • 5. Loganberry
  • 4. Salmonberry
  • 3. Schisandra berry
  • 2. Cloudberry
  • 1. Black honeyberry

In this article we will show you which berries that you have probably never heard of that you should definitely not miss.

9. Pink currant

the currant (Ribes) is a well-known favorite in German gardens. But only a few people know that there is a third color variation in addition to the well-known red and black berries: the pink currant. In fact, this is a lighter variant of the red currant (

Ribes ruberum), which hardly differs in cultivation from the normal currant, but shines with pale pink fruits. In addition, pink currant varieties such as “Rosa Sport®” or “Rosa Helene” shine with a sweet and sour taste - that's how it can Currant jam will soon not only enchant your palate, the plant is also a real one with its unique color Eye catcher.

Pink currants on the branch
The cultivation of the pink currant hardly differs from the normal currant [Photo: Ulada / Shutterstock.com]

8. Tayberry

raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and blackberry (Rubus fructicosus) are probably among the most popular berries of all. But what would the result be if you crossed the two berries? Quite simply: The Tayberry (Rubus fructicosus x idaeus). Even if the Tayberry is not yet well known to us, it cannot hide its similarity to the berry classics - While the long, prickly shoots of the Tayberry are reminiscent of the blackberry, the fruits are easy to mistake for the raspberries similar. The berry is particularly popular because of its robustness and very good winter hardiness. But its fresh, slightly sour aroma is another reason why the Tayberry is an asset to every garden.

Tayberren shrub with ripe fruits
A cross between raspberry and blackberry: the Tayberry [Photo: M. Schuppich / Shutterstock.com]

7. Gooseberry

Was the Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) to be found in almost every flower bed in grandma’s day, it is seldom found today. The eponymous spines and a high susceptibility to gooseberry powdery mildew have ensured that many gardeners have banned the plants from their beds. But the gooseberry could soon be planted again in many gardens, because new varieties - completely free of the main problems of the gooseberry - make the plant again even for hobby gardeners attractive. The 'Captivor Red' and 'Spinefree' varieties, for example, have almost no spines that could injure you during harvest and are also considered to be powdery mildew resistant. So you can be completely unconcerned Grow gooseberries in your own garden and enjoy its sweet and sour aroma.

Ripe gooseberries in the garden
New varieties bring the gooseberry back to the gardens [Photo: Mostovyi Sergii Igorevich / Shutterstock.com]

6. Red mulberry

Do you want an ornamental wood that is also useful? Then the red mulberry (More rubra) just right for you. the Mulberry style originally from America, which is why it is also called American mulberry, has long been an insider tip in Germany. It can be up to 15 meters high Mulberry tree and impresses with its broad crown and large, decoratively jagged leaves. From May the mulberry tree turns into a real feast for the eyes and bears numerous willow-shaped flowers. The berries of the red mulberry can be harvested from July when they have turned a dark red, almost black color. The red mulberry shines on the tongue with a juicy-sweet taste and quickly convinces people who did not know the berry before.

Morus rubra Red mulberry on a branch
The red mulberry can grow very tall [Photo: noraismail / Shutterstock.com]

5. Loganberry

This is just like the Tayberry Loganberry (Rubus x loganobaccus) a cross between raspberries and blackberries, but was already used in the 19th century. Bred in the 17th century. The positive properties of both plants were combined. The loganberry is particularly vigorous, bears larger fruits than the raspberry and is also extremely easy to care for. The pulp of the loganberry is firm and rich in vitamin C. Due to its rather sour taste, the loganberry is mostly processed into jams, syrup or cakes, but of course it can also be eaten raw.

Ripening loganberries in the garden
The loganberry is considered to be extremely easy to care for [Photo: patjo / Shutterstock.com]

tip: With a suitable soil you can give your special berry bushes an optimal start.

4. Salmonberry

One Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis)? And should it taste good? Many people feel like this or something like that when they hear from her for the first time. Fortunately, the salmonberry (also known as the splendid raspberry) doesn't taste like fish, it tastes wonderfully sweet. The name comes with high probability from the harvest time of the salmon berry, which coincided with the arrival of the spring salmon on the Columbia River in North America. The salmonberry is not only interesting for the garden because of its delicious fruits: the salmonberry is particularly popular because of its spectacular flowers. With their intense pink, double petals, these are almost reminiscent of roses and are simply breathtakingly beautiful.

Salmonberry on the branch
The salmon berry doesn't taste like fish, it tastes very sweet [Photo: Randy Bjorklund / Shutterstock.com]

3. Schisandra berry

Schisandra berry? Never heard. As unknown as the schisandra berry is to us, it is so popular in Asia. Here the berry of the schisandrap plant (Schisandra chinensis), also known as the split basket, has a healing effect and is considered to be extremely healthy. Because of its many vitamins and other anti-inflammatory substances, one cannot deny that the berry is beneficial for health. The taste, on the other hand, takes getting used to: In Chinese, the schisandra berry is also used Called "Berry of Five Flavors" because they taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter and hot target. With this unusual combination of flavors, the schisandra berry is not everyone's favorite and is certainly only suitable to a limited extent for those with a sweet tooth.

red schisandra berries on the branch
The schisandra berry is particularly popular in Asia [Photo: alexmak7 / Shutterstock.com]

2. Cloudberry

Multberry, peat berry, cloudberry or swamp blackberry - the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) has many names. The plant is closely related to the raspberry and originally comes from the Scandinavian region. So it is not surprising that the cloudberry from the far north is hardy. In fact, despite its fragile appearance, the berry can withstand temperatures as low as -40 ° C. But the cloudberry is so popular in Scandinavia not only because of its extraordinary robustness. The taste of the sweet berry is also not to be despised: its taste should be sweet with a spice that is difficult to define. In Lapland, in particular, the berry is so popular that it is considered a landmark and is also known as “Lapland's gold”.

Cloudberries in hand heart shape
A specialty from Scandinavia: the cloudberry [Photo: Koldunov / Shutterstock.com]

1. Black honeyberry

The name says it all: the black honey berry (Ribes divaricatum) not only impresses with its dark color, but also reminds of sweet honey with its taste. The honeyberry is particularly popular in the USA and Canada because of its taste, but the plant is rather unknown here. But that should change quickly - the black honeyberry is not only extremely tasty, but also very robust. It reliably survives wind and weather and is only very rarely attacked by powdery mildew. In addition, the plant produces reliable fruit and gives us a large amount of its sweet, cherry-sized berries every year - making it a perfect choice for hobby gardens.

Ribes divaricatum black honeyberry on the branch
The black honeyberry is not only extremely tasty, but also very robust [Photo: 2Ban / Shutterstock.com]

Have we aroused your interest in special plants? Then take a look at our article on the subject of "Unknown types of fruit: 10 unusual & exotic varieties" past.

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