Questions and answers on the subject of gardens and plants

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Unfortunately, the oleander is not completely disease resistant either. We show the most common diseases, their symptoms and methods of control. Oleander..

The small white lice are particularly common on hydrangeas. We show how to control mealybugs on hydrangeas and how to ...

The oleander has special requirements, also with regard to its water requirements. We show when, how often and how much to water oleander ..

In order for the oleander to bloom properly, it needs the right care. Here you can find out everything you need to know about cutting, fertilizing and watering ..

As beautiful as its flowers look, the oleander is highly poisonous. We show how you can prevent oleander poisoning in humans and ..

Cutting oleanders also needs to be learned. We show when you should cut oleander and give helpful tips on how to proceed ...

There are several ways to propagate your oleander in the garden. We show how propagation via seeds, offshoots & Co ...

Even if the oleander is used to a more Mediterranean climate, it grows excellently here. Here you can find out everything about the procedure ..

So that you can enjoy it for a long time, it is better to look twice at the oleander. We show what you can do with the ..