Interesting facts about garden practice and design

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An over-fertilized lawn has many faces. We explain how to recognize the symptoms of overfeeding and what to do about it ..

How to repair the damage of summer and prepare the lawn for winter with the right lawn fertilization, we have ..

The right time to fertilize the lawn in spring and autumn is of great importance. We reveal when and how often the ..

In the first warmer days of spring your lawn will start growing again. Here's how you can ...

Iron as a nutrient is mainly needed for the formation of enzymes. Here you can find out how iron fertilizer is applied and ..

Here you can find out everything about how blue grain is used, what the advantages and disadvantages are and whether blue grain is poisonous ...

Epsom salt is a very special plant fertilizer. What is characteristic of Epsom salt and what it can be used for in the garden ..

A herb snail looks good and offers optimal conditions for various herbs. We show how to build a herb spiral correctly.

Building your own raised bed is too time-consuming for you? We show how you can easily create your own raised bed in next to no time.