Questions and answers on the subject of gardens and plants

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If you want to plant a fig tree with us, you should consider a few things when buying. We give helpful tips on choosing a variety and ..

The small, green, iridescent flies can be quite annoying. We'll show you how to recognize and fight the annoying gold fly ..

The small red berries are right on trend in healthy eating. We show you how to get the exotic fruits in the ..

Catnip is not only popular with house cats. We reveal what you need to plant catnip in the garden or as a houseplant ..

Catnip is quite frugal, but needs a cut every now and then. Here's what to do when cutting catnip ..

The catnip doesn't bear its name for nothing. Here's why cats are so crazy about the herb and how ..

In order to develop their full bloom, hydrangeas must be properly fertilized. When, how and with what kind of fertilizer you ...

Unfortunately, there are some pests that target the oleander. We show you how to deal with the symptoms of a pest infestation.

The oleander can punish improper care with missing flowers. We show what you can do when the ..

The oleander is one of the warmth-loving plants, but it can also overwinter with us. We show how to make the oleander ..