Neem oil for natural pest control

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Pesticides based on neem oil (or neem oil) can be used for natural pest control of aphids, spider mites and the like. You can find out how to use neem oil in crop protection here.

Neem oil and neem seeds
The valuable oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree [Photo: wasanajai /]

The oil of the neem tree can be used in many ways. The application as a pesticide shows particularly great potential. We give you exciting background information and explain how you can use neem oil in your garden or in your home.


  • Niembaum: origin and characteristics
  • Neem oil: Manufacture of the plant protection product
  • Neem for pest control
    • Neem oil is used against these pests
    • This is how neem oil helps against pests
    • Neem oil as a plant protection
  • Other uses of neem oil

Niembaum: origin and characteristics

Of the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) belongs to the mahogany family (Meliaceae) and belongs to the genus Azadirachta. The tree is also called "Indian lilac". This suggests that it has its home in Southeast Asia, more precisely in India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Since the neem oil, which is obtained from the seeds of the tree, enjoys such great popularity and it is in the Growing in most arid subtropical and tropical areas, the tree is now also found in Australia, America and Africa cultivated.

The tree can reach a height of 20 meters and an age of up to 200 years and is very drought tolerant. It grows very quickly and can bear fruit after just a few years. A fully grown tree can produce up to 50 kg of fruit.

The flowers are white and their scent is reminiscent of jasmine. The resulting edible stone fruits are oval and up to 2.5 cm long. The seeds contained consist of up to 40% oil - neem oil is made from them. The helpful active ingredients of the neem tree occur in all parts of the plant, but in different compositions.

Almost all parts of the neem tree are used in various ways: leaves, seeds, flowers and even the bark. For example, at the Indian New Year, Hindu believers bathe in a brew made from the leaves of the neem tree, to cleanse the body and soul while the branches of the neem tree used to clean teeth became.

Neem tree
Neem trees have their origins in Southeast Asia [Photo: BigIndianFootage /]

Neem oil: Manufacture of the plant protection product

The fruits that fall from the neem trees are picked up and the pulp is removed. What remains are the kernels, which are processed in a wide variety of ways. The production of the neem oil can be done by these three methods:

  • Cold pressing: The whole or ground seeds of the neem tree are gently pressed. A yellow and bitter smelling oil is obtained.
  • Water extraction: Another method is the water extraction. Unfortunately, this is not very effective, but it is cheaper than the other methods. The ground kernels are placed in water and an extract is created.
  • Oil extraction: The neem oil can also be extracted from the kernels. Saturated hydrocarbons are used for this (hexane).

Many insecticidal and acaricidal substances can be found in the plant parts of the neem tree. The former are effective against insects, the latter against arachnids such as mites.

  • Azadirachtin (the main active ingredient)
  • Nimbin
  • Nimbidin
  • Nimbandiol
  • Salannin
  • Meloiantriol

With an optimal extraction of the oil from the seeds, an azadirachtin content of 30% can be obtained in the oil.

Neem seeds and neem oil
The seeds of the neem tree are ground and then the oil is pressed out [Photo: wasanajai /]

Tip: If you have purchased neem oil refurbished this way, store it in a cool and dark place so it doesn't go bad or lose its effectiveness.

Neem for pest control

The active ingredients from the oil of the neem tree give us an excellent opportunity to keep pests on plants in check in a natural way.

Neem oil is used against these pests

Plant protection products that contain neem are mainly used against insects that damage crops or ornamental plants by biting or sucking. It works particularly well with biting insects, as it is absorbed through the feeding activity. The azadirachtin in neem oil has an inhibiting effect on feeding and disrupts the moult. Neem has a wide spectrum of activity, it can be used against the following insects:

  • Beetles (Coleoptera) like the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata) or Weevils (Curculionidae).
  • Equal winged (Homoptera), they include Aphids (Aphidoidea) or cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha).
  • Diptera, or simply put different ones To fly.
  • Butterflies (Lepidoptera), including pests like the Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis).

Our Plantura organic pest-free neem is based on neem oil and is biologically effective against a wide range of pests.

This is how neem oil helps against pests

Azadirachtin from neem oil primarily acts on the larval stages by reducing the production of the hormone ecdysone, which is important for the molting of the larvae. As a result, the metamorphosis of the larvae is disturbed or delayed and no adult insects emerge from the larvae. The insects either die off, are damaged or they can no longer reproduce. In adult insects, neem inhibits eating. The death does not happen immediately, but the feeding stop occurs relatively quickly. Since these hormones are very widespread in the insect kingdom, azadirachtin or neem is not specific, but broadly effective. In addition, it should be noted that azadirachtin only acts on the last larval stages and damage by larvae can therefore not be avoided.

The following effects of neem oil can be observed on insects:

  • Fraßhemmed
  • Food deterrent
  • Moulting and pupation disorders
  • Egg-laying disorder
  • Decreased fertility

Since the active ingredients of neem oil are absorbed by the plants, insects that are not can also be detected come into direct contact with the agent, but rather that eat on the plant or in a leaf or the root mine. Mining means that an insect eats the inside of a leaf and thereby creates "mines". The uptake of the active ingredient in the plant takes place part-systemically, so it is not distributed throughout the plant, but only in the immediate vicinity of the sprayed parts of the plant.

Neem oil is sprayed on the plant
The emulsion can then be sprayed onto the infected plant [Photo: NinaMalyna /]

Tip: Preparations based on neem oil are particularly effective against plant lice such as aphids or whitefly.

Neem oil as a plant protection

Important: The use of specially mixed preparations made from neem oil as a pesticide is not permitted. Only substances that have been tested and approved are allowed in the EU. Illegal behavior threatens a heavy fine. The same applies to the use of vinegar, rapeseed oil or soft soap on plants. If you want to use the oil of the neem tree, we recommend an approved remedy based on neem oil.

Our Plantura organic pest-free neem is based on the highly effective neem oil and is approved for use in the garden, indoors or in greenhouses. The remedy is designed so that you can simply dilute it with water and spray the emulsion on the plant. The purely herbal product ensures that the pests quickly stop damaging your plant and then disappear completely from the plant. You can Organic pest-free neem use both in your home and outdoors. The agent can be used against various sucking, biting and leaf-mining pests and is not dangerous to bees. Please make sure that you dose and use our organic pest-free neem exactly as specified in the application recommendation. Read the instruction leaflet before use.

Also, neem can be used as a powder, which is just as easy to purchase as neem oil. Residues from oil production - the neem cake - can be dried and processed into powder or pellets. You can work these products into the soil and thus achieve an improvement. The neem cake is a valuable fertilizer and can fight nematodes that are harmful to plants.

Neem powder in white bowl
Neem can also be used as a powder [Photo: espies /]

Another possible use of neem is neem meal. The meal consists of the whole seeds of the neem tree, which are crushed. As Neem meal apply correctly, you will find out in our article.

There are many benefits to this precious oil, but like any remedy, neem oil has side effects. Some plants are sensitive to the agent and lose their leaves due to phytotoxic reactions. We have listed these special cases for you in the package insert for our Neem pest-free, so that you don't accidentally damage your protégés instead of curing them. All in all, prepared neem preparations are better tolerated by plants than pure neem oil.
The fact that neem oil kills so many annoying pests is practical, but of course neem oil does not know who is a pest and who is a beneficial one. Beneficial organisms such as brackish wasps (Aphidius rhopalosiphi), Lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea) or Predatory mites (Amblyseius cucumeris) react. It is therefore extremely important that neem supplements are only used according to the instructions for use in the package insert, in order to keep this risk as low as possible.

Other uses of neem oil

The ingredients of neem oil can also be used in our pets. The neem oil can be used to treat wounds or to repel insects. As Use neem oil in dogs and horses we explain to you in our article. Not only is neem good for our plants and animals, but we can also use neem ourselves. As Neem oil for your skin we explain in our special article.
Important: According to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, neem oil is classified as safe for cats. However, some scientific studies have shown that neem oil treatment can lead to more or less severe malaise and clinical symptoms such as tremors and cramps in individual cats. Therefore, only use neem oil on your cats after consulting your veterinarian.

Isn't Neem Oil Right For You? In this article, we will introduce you to 10 Home remedies for pests in the garden.