Ear pince-nez in the apartment: That really helps

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Ear pussies cause disgust in many people - especially in the home. Here's how to fight them or get rid of them with traps.

Ear pince-nez in the apartment
The ear pince-nez is not welcome in the apartment - although it is harmless [Photo: Natalia Zhabalieva / Shutterstock.com]

Have Ear pince-nez (Forficula auricularia) Chose your hallway, your garage, your garden shed or even your bedroom as a pincers hotel? While the prehistoric flying insects are very useful in the garden, they are occasionally a nuisance in the house or in the gazebo. Here you can read how to drive them away or fight them gently.


  • Ear pince-nez in the apartment
    • What are ear pikers?
    • Fight ear peasants
    • Prevent ear pimples
  • Ear pince-nez traps
    • Clay pot trap against ear pince-nez
    • Trap made of damp cloth against ear pince-nez
    • Glue trap against ear pince-nez
    • Biological remedies for earache
    • Chemical remedies for earache
    • Home remedies for earache
    • Fight ear pimples with light
    • Get rid of ear pussies from bed and laundry

Ear pince-nez in the apartment

First we will introduce you to the often underestimated ear pincers in more detail, then you will learn everything about fighting the animals. Here we go into preventive measures, the use of traps as well as household remedies, biological agents and chemical control agents. Here you can also find out whether ear pimples are more likely

useful or at least harmful and are dangerous.

What are ear pikers?

Earwigs (Dermaptera), as the animals are often called "earwigs", form an order within the class of flying insects. They actually have wings - only they almost never use them. The earwigs that are common in Germany are the common earwig (Forficula auricularia)which occurs in Europe and North America. He mostly eats mushrooms, algae, dead plant material and small insects. Ear peasants are always hidden: under bark and leaves, in crevices or in piles of wood. Here in spring and autumn up to 100 eggs are laid by the females and the larvae that hatch from them even undergo extensive brood care. Ear peasants are active at night and at dusk.

Note: The ancestors of our earwigs (Dermaptera) already lived on earth in the Jurassic Age, so the order is at least 150 million years old. This also explains the archaic appearance of the animals.

Ear pince-nez on leaf
In the garden, earwigs are usually more useful than harmful [Photo: Alonso Aguilar / Shutterstock.com]

Fight ear peasants

Ear pikers like it slightly damp, not too warm and hidden. They don't really feel at home in the house. If you find one or a few ear pussies in a normally heated and dry apartment, it is most likely one Coincidence - the animals may have gotten into your house through a crack and perhaps got an interesting source of food lured. They can occur more frequently in sheds, garages, garden sheds, on balconies or in greenhouses. If you really want to get rid of them there, you will find the following tips on the right approach.

Note: Ear pikers only produce one or a maximum of two generations per year. A pince-nez plague can hardly arise in this way.

Prevent ear pimples

If a room is to be kept free of ear peckers, all existing entrances must be sealed: Spread the cracks with silicone, clay or another filler. Doors and windows should also be tight so that the narrow ear peasants cannot penetrate in search of winter quarters. You should also avoid storing potential food in the space in question: food and dead plant material of any kind must be inaccessible and well sealed. You can also use traps and other methods that we will now introduce.

Ear pince-nez traps

Because ear peasants are not dangerous and are usually useful in the garden, we recommend that you first attract them with traps. You can then bring the animals out unscathed so that they can go about their day's work. What is meant here, of course, are traps in which the catchy tunes do not perish.

Clay pot trap against ear pince-nez

It has proven to be a good idea to offer the ear peckers a nice shelter overnight and to remove them the next morning. A clay pot filled with straw, hay, newspaper or wood wool and sprinkled with some earth, then upside down set up (so that the catchy tunes can still get underneath), should be used for regular gatherings to lead.

Ear pince-nez on a plant pot
Ear pinks feel good in pots - also in those of our indoor plants [Photo: Dmitrii Pridannikov / Shutterstock.com]

Trap made of damp cloth against ear pince-nez

Even with some damp paper or fabric in a corner of the room, laid out overnight, you can already be successful. Because of the preference for moisture, some of the catchy tunes usually find their way here quickly and can then simply be brought outside. Of course, this only applies if the rest of the room is dry.

Glue trap against ear pince-nez

If you want to keep ear pincers away from your fruit trees, you can use the usual glue rings. Because ear pincers (almost) never fly, they also stick to it on the way up, although the rings are actually for Frost wrench are intended. However, ear peasants are rarely or never the cause of great damage to fruit trees - they rather keep them free Aphids.

Biological remedies for earache

Fighting ear pinworms in the garden is a punishable offense - however, it is possible to fight it in living rooms. Because this should be done as gently as possible and people and pets should not be harmed, we recommend biological control.

Combat with ours is effective Plantura ant remedythat also against Ants (Formicidae), Cellar lobsters (Porcellio scaber), Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) can be used. Unfortunately, many other means of pest control are anything but gentle on pets or beneficial insects. The approval in organic farming is linked to the natural origin of the ingredients. But highly concentrated natural substances can be just as harmful to bees, beneficial insects and aquatic organisms as synthetically produced ones. Our Plantura Ant remedies is not based on a chemical, but on a physical effect: the kieselguhr contained in it ensures that the ear peasants dry out or suffocate within a few days.

Plantura organic ant remedies
Our Plantura ant repellant relies on its physical effect in combating pests

Chemical remedies for earache

Bait traps made with chemical insecticides or sprays are also available for use in the house to control ear peckers. As you hopefully could see from the previous paragraphs, the use of poisons is for Combating ear pimples, however, is neither necessary nor more effective than biological remedies or home remedies are. In addition, ear pincers are tough: even if they are sprayed directly with a pest control spray, they often crawl after a certain amount of time and continue as if nothing had happened. We advise against the use of these insecticides in the house - also for the protection of human and animal residents. Use in the garden is punished with heavy fines anyway.

Home remedies for earache

You can use these simple tricks to prevent ear peasants from invading your house.

Fight ear pimples with light

Because ear pikers tend to shy away from light and heat, they can also be driven away by them. Tidying up the affected room and lighting it up and heating it for a long time therefore forces them to retreat.

Get rid of ear pussies from bed and laundry

Sometimes ear pincers can be found in folded laundry. You can get there easily if it has been dried outdoors and not removed completely dry. The animals feel very comfortable in the narrow spaces between the folds of laundry. You can also make yourself comfortable in bed - here, too, it is often slightly damp, well tempered and dark. You can prevent these awkward encounters by doing the following.

How do you get rid of ear pikers from bed and linen?

  • Remove laundry only when it is completely dry or knock it out thoroughly
  • Air your bed linen during the day and do not leave it on the bed
  • Regularly heat and ventilate rooms with linen and bedding to remove moisture from the room

Here you can find more detailed information on whether Ear pince-nez useful or dangerous are.

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