Yucca palm: properly caring for & cutting

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The yucca palm is a very thankful plant. Nevertheless, there is no avoiding some care and possibly an occasional cut.

Yucca gigantea Yucca palm
With their prickly shape, palm lilies can grow very expansively and can tolerate pruning well [Photo: Peter Maerky / Shutterstock.com]

Yucca palms (yucca) are considered to be particularly easy-care houseplants in the home that only need to be watered or cut a little. It is home to the agave family (Agavoideae) in the dry regions of North and Central America, in which sometimes harsh conditions prevail. We show you how to optimally care for the yucca and when it should be cut.


  • The right location for the yucca palm
  • Caring for the yucca palm properly
    • Pour the yucca palm
    • Fertilize the yucca palm
    • Repot the yucca palm
  • Cutting off the yucca palm: when & how?
    • When to cut the yucca palm?
    • How to cut the yucca palm

The right location for the yucca palm

Yucca palms are mostly kept as decorative houseplant in this country, the giant palm lily is particularly popular for this purpose (Yucca elephantipes

). Conveniently, different types of yucca thrive in Germany despite the severe winter outside, including the candle palm lily (Yucca gloriosa) or the filamentous palm lily (Yucca filamentosa). The following applies to the location of all yucca species: The plant needs enough light because it originates in a sunny area. Yucca palms for the house are ideally placed by the window; outdoors, a sheltered and warm place such as on the south side of the house is suitable for them heat-resistant plants. You should also choose the substrate carefully, as the agave plant does not tolerate waterlogging and too much moisture at all. Therefore, choose a well-drained and nutrient-rich substrate. In an emergency, it can be loosened up with a little sand.

Yucca palm on windowsill
The yucca feels most comfortable in a light spot by the window [Photo: Amilao / Shutterstock.com]

Caring for the yucca palm properly

The care measures for yucca palms are limited both indoors and outdoors. We present everything you need to know.

Pour the yucca palm

Yuccas are typical desert plants that are adapted to little water. Too frequent watering can therefore harm them more than too much dryness. The prickly plants react particularly to waterlogging in the root area with root rot and leaf fall. The top rule is therefore: Better to pour less than too much.

Fertilize the yucca palm

You should also be careful when fertilizing. In the case of yucca palms in the garden, the annual incorporation of compost into the soil is completely sufficient, but when cultivating in pots in the apartment, a few fertilizers help. Our Plantura, for example, is suitable as a fertilizer Organic indoor & green plant fertilizerAs an alternative, the use of diluted nettle manure is a good option.

What to do with symptoms of illness such as yellow leaves on yucca palms can do, find out here.

Repot the yucca palm

Repotting the yucca palm is a useful method of supplying the plant with fresh, nutrient-rich soil and at the same time creating more space for the roots. Change the pot around every two years in spring when the roots are already looking out from the underside. Even if the roots have grown so strongly over time, it is always advisable to change the substrate with permeable and nutrient-rich soil. Your yucca will thank you.

Yucca substrate exchange
Every 2 years your yucca looks forward to fresh substrate [Photo: Valerii Kolomiiets / Shutterstock.com]

Pay attention to the following points when caring for the yucca palm:

  • Pour little; do not generate waterlogging
  • Only fertilize moderately
  • Repot every two years; new substrate is important

Cutting off the yucca palm: when & how?

Even if yuccas get rid of superfluous leaves from time to time, in some cases it can be useful to cut them off.

When to cut the yucca palm?

Yucca palms do not necessarily have to be cut, but this can be an advantage for thinning the leaves. Even if your specimen has taken on a certain size in the living room and is slowly getting out of hand, reaching for scissors (or saw) will help. The yucca is usually cut off in spring to early summer so that the plant has enough time to recover before winter.

Yucca palm cut with scissors
When pruning, you can win new cuttings and offshoots immediately [Photo: Li Varnava / Shutterstock.com]

How to cut the yucca palm

To properly prune the yucca palm, you will need sterile cutting tools to prevent infection. Depending on your needs, you can either remove individual leaves or cut off part of the stem directly. Yucca palms also tolerate heavy pruning very well and sprout again quickly. When removing some of the sharp leaves, it is always advisable to wear gloves. Cut off dead, yellow and overhanging leaves right at the roots. With a radical cut, you should cut the trunk cleanly with a saw and then seal it with tree wax. The cut parts of the plant (even leafless parts of the stem) can be pulled as cuttings into new plants.

More about Propagation of the yucca palm you can read about it in our special article.