Mixed tomato cultivation: the best neighbors

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Which plants get along with tomatoes? We reveal with which neighbors you can best plant the delicious fruits together and give tips for the perfect mixed cultivation of tomatoes.

Tomatoes and lettuce together in a flower bed
Tomatoes can be planted well in a mixed culture [Photo: Hirundo / Shutterstock.com]

A mixed culture is probably the most original form of vegetable growing, because different species grow together on one area. Whether in the bed, in the greenhouse or in a plant trough - different plants always come together and complement each other. Such a mounting form at tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum) not only ensures diversity on the plate, but also has very specific advantages for the plants themselves.


  • Advantages of mixed cultivation in tomatoes
  • Which plants do tomatoes get along with?
    • Good neighbors for tomato
    • Bad neighbors for tomatoes

Advantages of mixed cultivation in tomatoes

The advantages of a mixed cultivation of tomatoes compared to a monoculture with only a single vegetable species are evident throughout the season:

  1. Mixed cultures are generally more productive and significantly more diverse than individual cultures.
  2. The different vegetation shades the ground and protects it from drying out.
  3. Plants that are hungry for nutrients and those that are frugal prevent the soil from leaching out.
  4. Good neighbors protect each other from diseases and pests.

The high-growing tomato plants are therefore best placed next to low-growing vegetables that only require small amounts of nutrients. In this way, the ground is always shaded by leaves and never dries out completely, even in midsummer. The diversity of plants also prevents insect pests and diseases from spreading unchecked. In this colorful plant society there are always members who are shunned by pests. Some even produce substances that can deter and drive pests away. This also includes the hot garden cress (Lepidium sativum), which keeps aphids and aphids away from tomatoes. The community of convenience between tomatoes and good neighbors is a gentle way of keeping uninvited visitors away.

In addition, the different levels of vegetation protect the soil, prevent erosion from wind and heavy rain and also reduce evaporation on hot summer days. The different root systems loosen the soil at different depths and provide food for earthworms and other soil organisms after the harvest. So they serve as a source of nutrients for the next plants. But what is the best way to fertilize in a mixed culture? You can't possibly supply nutrients to each culture individually. Our tip: Organic long-term fertilizers such as ours are particularly suitable for fertilizing with a mixed culture Plantura organic tomato fertilizer. Since the nutrients are only released slowly by the organisms in the soil, even low-eating vegetables can feed on them without any problems.

Which plants do tomatoes get along with?

In mixed culture, a wide variety of plants with different needs are grown in one bed at the same time. Here - as in real life - there are neighbors who would like to live next to each other and those who tend not to. In the following we introduce you to good and bad planting partners for tomatoes. For further mixed culture combinations, we recommend our special article for the best Plant combinations for mixed crops.

Good neighbors for tomato

The tall tomatoes are ideal for planting low-growing vegetables with low nutrient requirements at their feet. A wide variety of salads are added to tomatoes (Lactuca sativa), Spinach (Spinacia oleracea), Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and parsley (Petroselinum crispum), also as an early culture. This means that the herbs and vegetables are planted or sown long before the tomatoes, i.e. in March or April. Their roots loosen the soil and thus ensure a good soil condition for the later growth of the tomato plants. They shade the soil as they grow, reduce evaporation and save a lot of irrigation water, especially in summer.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and basil (Ocimum basilicum) keep annoying aphids away from tomatoes with their essential oils.
Also carrots (Daucus carota) and parsnips (Pastinaca sativa) make use of the space under the large nightshade plants, at the same time loosen the soil deeply with their roots and ensure good drainage.
Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), Celery (Apium graveolens) as well as most types of cabbage (Brassica sp.) are generally considered good neighbors for tomatoes. Onions (Allium cepa), Leek (Allium ampeloprasum) and garlic (Allium sativum) can be planted very well with tomatoes, because these plant neighbors keep whiteflies above ground (Bemisia sp.) and can even drive the vole out of your bed underground.
Also the Marigold (Calendula officinalis) stays low, keeps the annoying nematodes away and at the same time attracts pollinators to the tomatoes with their flowers.

Mixed culture with tomato and lettuce plants
Salads are good neighbors for tomatoes [Photo: sanddebeautheil / Shutterstock.com]

Bad neighbors for tomatoes

However, some plants do not get along well with tomatoes, for example if they have completely different demands on the location or if they represent competition. The natural root excretions of bad neighbors let both partners grow insufficiently, sometimes even stunted growth. Even if the nightshade family generally get along well with each other, you should refrain from mixing tomatoes with potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) to grow. Because the latter are almost without exception from late blight and brown rot (Phytophthora infestans) also infect and infect the tomatoes growing nearby.
Bad neighbors for tomatoes are also other heavy eaters who have a high nutritional requirement. In the long run this leaches out the soil and the plants suffer from deficiency symptoms.

Peas (Pisum sativum) should also not be planted directly with tomatoes, because both suffer from root excretions and the similar space requirements. Fennel is also not a good neighbor for tomatoes (Foeniculum vulgare) and red cabbage (Brassicaoleracea var. capitata f. rubra).
Often people plant cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) and tomatoes together, but these plants do not get along well either - this harms both partners more than it does. Cucumbers need a completely different location than tomatoes and are quickly infected with powdery mildew, which they then transmit. In extreme cases, both species grow poorly and hardly bear fruit.

Unfavorable mixed culture of tomato and cucumber
Unfortunately, tomatoes and cucumbers are not good neighbors [Photo: Valery Rybakow / Shutterstock.com]

With the right choice of plant neighbors for tomatoes, you can achieve quite a few positive effects - both for the vegetables themselves and for the soil. But not only the neighbors of the tomatoes play an important role, but also the new tenants. That is why we have everything about the in our special article for you Crop rotation in tomatoes collected.