Caring for oregano: tips for wintering, cutting & Co.

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Oregano should not be missing on any pizza. In order to be able to harvest the Mediterranean spice from your own garden, however, a few care tips must be observed.

Oregano in a pot
A south-facing window is ideal for the oregano [Photo: Anna Andersson Fotografi /]

Hibernate oregano

The home of oregano (Origanum vulgare) lies in the mild Mediterranean regions. Not all varieties are particularly hardy. From temperatures of -15 ° C, the Mediterranean herb gets real problems. The Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. shepherdess) the end. In any case, you should play it safe in late autumn and cover the plants with fir branches or rice to protect them from the cold. Bring oregano into the house in a pot and don't forget to water it!

Cut oregano

Oregano can reach heights of growth of up to 70 cm. If not harvested for several years, the shoots can become very long and bare. Then it's time for a more radical cut back. This is ideal immediately before the oregano sprouts vigorously in spring. However, it can be carried out at any time during the summer months. Oregano is extremely vigorous and immediately sprouts new. The pruning also promotes the branching of the plant. It is ideal to combine the shaping pruning with the harvest and use of the cut shoots.

Oregano with plate
Oregano should be repotted regularly [Photo: nikashmeleva /]

Transplant oregano

In the bed, oregano can stand in the same location for several years without any problems. However, if the classic Italian spice is cultivated in a pot, care must be taken to allow the plant to grow in new, larger root space from time to time. A vessel that is too sparse can quickly become too small for the subterranean stem axis system (rhizome). Then the oregano has to be transplanted so that it has new space and fresh substrate for rooting. A special herbal soil like our peat-free Plantura Organic herb & sowing soil is ideally suited for this. In addition, a larger vessel avoids having to constantly water the oregano cultivated in the pot. The optimal time for repotting is spring. It can be done at the same time as dividing the plant (see Oregano: Propagate successfully) and a shaping cut back.

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