Gardening in December: everything at a glance!

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The garden in December is anything but quiet - you can find out here which gardening work is still pending in December and what is even blooming in December.

Gardening in December
The garden in December also needs maintenance [Photo: Svetlana Gorbacheva /]

The end of the year is slowly approaching and it's getting colder. Nevertheless, gardening doesn’t need to rest in December: On the contrary, it’s not just that Planning the new garden year is pending, but also some plants require yours in December Attention. You can find out which seasonal vegetables can still be harvested in December and which plants are still starting to bloom in our gardening tips for December.


  • The vegetable garden in December
    • What can you sow in December?
    • What can you plant in December
    • Seasonal vegetables in December
    • Further work in the kitchen garden in December
  • The ornamental garden in December
    • What blooms in December
    • What flowers can be planted in December
    • Further gardening work in the ornamental garden in December
  • The orchard in December 
  • The lawn in December
  • Support garden animals and insects in December
  • Properly care for indoor plants in December
    • What houseplants bloom in December
    • Further work on houseplants in December

The vegetable garden in December

December is one of the quietest months for the kitchen garden, because only a few types of vegetables are sown or harvested. The kitchen garden cannot completely do without maintenance in December, because it is not only the right one Month to prepare for the new garden year, but can also be used excellently for maintaining your kitchen garden will.

What can you sow in December?

December is the darkest of all months and therefore not ideal for sowing new plants. Between the end of November and the beginning of December, if the weather is frost-free, the Chervil be sown in the bed to be ready for harvest next year. After that only hardened representatives like winter purslane (Claytonia perfoliata), Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) and lamb's lettuce (Valerianella locusta) are sown in the greenhouse in December and grow there slowly until they can be harvested in February in frost-free weather. Also wild garlic (Allium ursinum) can be used in winter as Cold germ can be planted in the greenhouse and even benefits from the low temperatures.

In contrast, December is a wonderful time to go Microgreens to put on the windowsill: cress, parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and many other types of vegetables can be easily sown and cultivated on the windowsill in December. Due to the high protein, trace element and vitamin content, the young seedlings are very well suited to keep our health strong in winter. In addition to microgreens, sprouts can also work well in one Sprout glass grow in December.

Sowing outdoors: Chervil

Sowing in the greenhouse: Wild garlic, lamb's lettuce, garden cress, winter purslane, hardy spinach varieties

Sowing on the windowsill: Sprouts, microgreens

Seasonal vegetables in December
Parsnips, turnips and cabbage are seasonal vegetables in December [Photo: Diana Vucane /]

What can you plant in December

In December it looks bad in the vegetable patch with new plantings: only particularly hardy garlic varieties (Allium sativum) can be planted outdoors in December. At a depth of 2 to 3 cm and 10 to 15 cm apart, the garlic can easily survive the winter and be harvested the following summer. When planting, be sure to choose a frost-free day.

Plants in the field: garlic

Seasonal vegetables in December

Especially in the cold season, people long for fresh home-grown vegetables. Fortunately, you don't have to go without the extra portion of vitamins and nutrients in December, because there are numerous types of vegetables that can still be harvested fresh now.

Seasonal vegetables in December include types of cabbage such as kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) and savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda), but also beets such as turnip (Brassica napobrassica) and butter beet. Mushrooms (Agaricus) and hardy leeks (Allium porrum) ensure fresh green in the kitchen in December. If you have a greenhouse, you can also have a rich spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and celery bulb harvest (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum) be happy. Even salad lovers will get their money's worth in December: lamb's lettuce and chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) can be harvested in December on frost-free days.

Harvesting Jerusalem artichoke
With the Jerusalem artichoke you can combine harvest and sowing [Photo: djhalcyonic /]

Vegetables: Mushrooms, butter beet, kale, parsnips, leek, Brussels sprouts, black salsify, turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, savoy cabbage

Salad: Chicory, endive salad, lamb's lettuce, purslane

In the greenhouse: Spinach, celery bulbs

Further work in the kitchen garden in December

Gardening in December is of course not just about sowing and harvesting. In our gardening tips for December, we will tell you what other work is due in December.

Digging up soils: Those who struggle with particularly heavy clay soils in the kitchen garden can use December to dig up their soil before the first frost. During the cold season there is what is known as frost bake, in which water deposits in the earth freeze and the coarse clods of earth virtually burst. In spring, what remains is a fine crumbly soil that is ideal for growing vegetables.

Use raised beds: If you have your own raised bed, you should definitely not leave it empty in December. In fact, you can Raised bed in winter can also be used wonderfully because they are around 5 ° C higher than the In the open ground, it is excellent for growing “conditionally” frost-hardy plants such as spinach, sugar loaf or endive suitable.

Propagate Jerusalem artichoke: December isn't just that Harvest time for the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), you can also multiply the plant wonderfully in the same step. For this purpose, the largest and most well-formed tubers are sorted out after the harvest and put back into the ground, where they sprout again in spring.

Blooming Christmas rose
Christmas roses continue to bloom tirelessly in December [Photo: Natalia van D /]

The ornamental garden in December

Is everything cold and gray in winter? That is not true - there are also some beauties to be found in the ornamental garden in December, which delight us with their pretty flowers or their impressive leaf color.

What blooms in December

Many associate December with evergreen plants, such as fir trees (Abies) or Ilex (ilex), but rarely with colorful flowers. In fact, there are some beauties that also show their impressive flowers in December. But what is in bloom in December?

One of the classics among the flowering plants in December is, for example, the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger), which presents its white or pink flowers from December to March regardless of wind and weather. The snow heather (Erica x darleyensis) is also one of the most popular winter bloomers, which often causes splashes of color in the garden with its pink flowers as early as December and is ideal as a ground cover.

Even among the shrubs and trees, there are still some plants that bloom in December: Winter snowball (Viburnum bodnatense) and scented snowball (Viburnum farreri) show their eye-catching flowers and also those in winter Witch hazel (Witch hazel) often opens its bright yellow, orange or red flowers as early as December. The winter cherry (Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’) enchants with its splendor of flowers. The yellow one has a particularly bright appearance Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum), which boasts countless yellow flowers in December.

Evergreen plant used
In frost-free weather, robust, evergreen plants can still be planted in the bed [Photo: Radovan1 /]

Perennials: Christmas rose, pineapple and sage bloom in winter quarters (Salvia rutilans ‘Pineapple Scarlet’) and garlic (Tulbaghia violaceae)

Ground cover: Snow heather, Lower Himalayan slimeberry

Climbing plant: Winter jasmine

Shrubs and trees: Mediterranean snowball, autumn camellia (Camellia sasanqua), Winter cherry, winter blossom (Chimonanthus), Witch hazel

Tip: Not only flowers can beautify the garden in December. Also colorful fruit decorations like him Ilex (ilex), Love pearl bush (Callicarpa giraldii) or Shamberry (Gaultheria) is extremely decorative.

What flowers can be planted in December

Not only do a few plants bloom in December - if you want to enjoy the colorful blooms next year, you should start sowing new ornamental plants as early as December. Cold germs in particular should definitely be sown in December as they need the low temperatures to overcome their dormancy, i.e. dormancy. The classic cold germs include, for example, high mountain plants such as gentian (Gentiana) or the peasant peony (Paeonia officinalis). Also the bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos / Dicentra spectabilis) and the scented violet (Viola odorata) need the cold stimulus to germinate.

If it does not freeze permanently, December is also ideal for planting new trees: Bare-rooted roses (pink), but also robust native woody plants and evergreen conifers can still be planted in the bed in mild temperatures and frost-free soil.

Shrub protected from snow
So that bushes do not break under the load of snow, they are tied together [Photo: photowind /]

Perennials: Peasant peony, scented violets, monkshood, gentian, bleeding heart

Woods: Cherry laurel, privet, rose, holly, wild rose

Further gardening work in the ornamental garden in December

So that the ornamental garden can shine in its full splendor also in the coming year, it is particularly important to take good care of it in December. We have therefore summarized further gardening tips for December in the ornamental garden for you.

Frost protection: Particularly exotic ornamental plants such as oleander (Nerium oleander) and citrus plants do not tolerate frost and should therefore move to their new location for the winter at the beginning of December at the latest Hibernate oranges you should avoid temperatures below 5 ° C. Less sensitive potted plants can be left outside in December, but it is worth installing frost protection: a A burlap sack filled with leaves around the pot or styrofoam sheets under the pot keep the cold out and prevent the pot from freezing through can.

Don't forget to pour: Especially when December is dry and mild, you should reach for the watering can every now and then and supply flowering and evergreen plants with water. Only when the temperature is below zero is it not advisable to give water, as this is not deep enough in the frozen ground can penetrate and in the worst case form an additional layer of ice above ground.

Cutting cuttings: Forsythia (Forsythia × intermedia), Weigela (Weigela) and other flowering shrubs can be easily propagated in December with cuttings. To do this, cut off this year's shoots and divide them into pencil-length pieces, each with a bud or a pair of buds at the top and bottom. Until they are planted in early spring, the cuttings can easily be stored in a shady, sheltered place in loose soil.

Prevent snow breakage: When the first snowflakes fall from the sky in December, this can become a problem for shrubs and woody plants, as they can suddenly weigh up to 20 kg. To prevent branches from breaking under this load, it is worthwhile to preventively tie the branches of sensitive shrubs with a loose, non-cutting band. The snow slides off the upright shoots faster, so the shrub has to bear less weight.

Planted fruit tree
Fruit trees can still be planted in December [Photo: Eag1eEyes /]

The orchard in December 

The orchard in December is one of the least work-intensive places. No wonder, after all, the fruit harvest is completely over in December. Who already in November pears (Pyrus) and Apples properly stored but can also look forward to fresh fruit from the cellar in December. However, you cannot do without working in the orchard entirely in December:

Frost protection: While older fruit trees almost never have problems with severe frost, it is often different with younger specimens from: The frosty temperatures in combination with the bright winter sun can lead to so-called frost cracks to lead. The bark of the trees then bursts vertically. To prevent this, it is worth giving the trees a light-reflecting, white lime coating on frost-free days. Newly planted vines and kiwis should be protected from the cold with fleece or jute sacks in winter.

Remove fruit mummies: If there are still dried apples on the branches in December, diseases like that are often stuck Monilia fruit rot behind. To prevent the disease from breaking out again in the next year, all fruit that has not fallen should be collected from the tree in December and then disposed of.

Refine fruit trees: Who his cherry, pear or Refine apple tree can start the travel cut in December. The noble branches, i.e. the shoots with which other fruit trees are to be grafted, are best cut off on a frost-free day. They can then be stored slightly moist and dark at temperatures of around 2 ° C until the time of refinement in spring. The same applies to bushy berries such as currants, gooseberries and walnuts: vines can now also be cut from these.

Planting fruit: If December is mild and frost-free, it is still ideal for planting new fruit trees in the ground. So if you are thinking of planting a new apple tree, you should use December again - of course, this also applies to plum, cherry, pear or plum trees. Rhubarb can also be planted in December if the weather is frost-free.

Propagation via root cuttings: Raspberries and blackberries can be propagated from root cuttings in December. The root ball of the plant is carefully exposed and 5 to 7 cm long, fleshy root parts are cut off. The root cuttings are then buried again in another place about 5 cm deep and begin to develop into a new plant in spring.

The lawn in December

Anyone who owns a lot of lawns can look forward to winter: In December, the lawn hardly needs any attention and care if it has been well prepared in November. The only task left at the beginning of December is sweeping away the last of the leaves. These should not linger on the lawn, as the grass underneath often dies or even begins to rot. If the lawn is leaf-free, it is best to simply leave it alone. So you can lean back and relax while caring for the lawn in December.

Frozen lawn
If possible, do not step on frozen lawns [Photo: fotorauschen /]

Support garden animals and insects in December

Winter is a particularly difficult time for all garden animals: lack of food resources and bad ones In December, weather conditions mean that many animals need support to cope with the rough season survive. We have compiled the most important tips for supporting garden animals and insects in December here for you.

Avoid tidying up: Since there is less gardening in December, many gardeners choose to use the free time to clean up and remove piles of wood, piles of brushwood, and wild-growing hedges. For garden animals, however, this is a horror: Many have already looked for winter quarters in December and are rudely emerging from hibernation torn if their hiding place is suddenly torn down - especially for hibernators like the hedgehog, this is an enormous burden that even kills can mean. Compost should also no longer be converted in December, because lizards, toads and insects often seek shelter in the warming pile.

Feed birds: Birds have a particularly difficult time in winter, as there is often a choice in many gardens bird-friendly plants are missing, which serve as a food source in winter. If you want to grab the feathery creatures under their wings, you should set up a bird feeder in December. Filled with a fat and protein-rich scatter food like ours Plantura litter for wild birds, it soon turns out not only as a paradise for birds, but also as an interesting observation point for young and old.

Let the bird bath stand: Many make theirs in winter Bird bath back to the shed - birds like to take advantage of the fresh water even in December. The bird bath not only serves as a place to drink, but also to clean the plumage. This stimulates the heat balance and the production of fatty secretion, which the animals distribute in their plumage to protect them from wind and water when cleaning. For this reason, especially in December, watering helps keep the birds healthy and dry.

Bird bath in winter
Many birds also take a bath in winter [Photo: Danita Delimont /]

Properly care for indoor plants in December

Colorful indoor plants are the highlight of room decorations, especially at Christmas time. But which plants actually bloom in December and what care do the potted plants need in December?

What houseplants bloom in December

Flowering house plants in December are a must for many. Classic Christmas plants in particular are popular with many guests and provide colorful accents: The Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) above all enchants the house with its eye-catching colorful flowers that appear from November to January. Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) and amaryllis (Hippeastrum) are among the classics of the Advent season. A little less known, but it is just as beautiful Christ thorn (Euphorbia milii), which is also counted among the Christmas plants.

But if you prefer a little less Christmassy, ​​you don't have to do without colorful flowers: indoor cyclamen (Cyclame persicum), Pot azaleas (Rhododendron simsii) and Flaming Käthchen (Kalanchoë blossfeldiana) are just a selection of winter-blooming indoor plants that impress with their blooming splendor.

Blooming Christmas cactus
The Christmas cactus blooms colorfully in December [Photo: luckakcul /]

Another beautiful tradition that brings splendor of flowers into the house are the so-called Barbara branches. At 4. December, the day of St. Barbara, branches of fruit trees, such as cherries or plums, or of early flowering ornamental trees cut off and then cut off at an angle in a vase with water posed. Due to the warmth in the house, the buds of the branches begin to develop into flowers and, just in time for Christmas, the branch shows itself in full bloom. For this to happen, however, the branch needs a cold stimulus beforehand. Should it be on 4. If you haven't frozen in December, you can simply put the Barbara twigs in the freezer for 12 hours. Then you can set it up. This is how the Barbara branches succeed even in warmer years.

Barbara branches in bloom
Barbara branches ensure blooming splendor in winter [Photo: Pixel-Shot /]

Flowering houseplants: Begonias (Begonia), Cattleya orchids (Cattleya), Christ thorn, Flaming Käthchen, Pot azalea, African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha), Christmas cactus, poinsettia, room cyclamen

Suitable plants for barabara branches:Blood plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’), scented snowball (Viburnum farreri), Real jasmine (Jasminum officinale), Forsythia (Forsythia), Cherry (Prunus), Almond trees (Prunus triloba), Plums (Prunus domestica), Witch hazel

Further work on houseplants in December

House plants also have to be cared for regularly so that they stay healthy in the long term. You should not neglect your indoor plants, especially in winter. The following work must also be done on indoor plants in December.

Pest control: Dry heating air ensures that indoor plants particularly like to grow in December Spider mites to be haunted. You should therefore regularly examine the leaves of your plants for the typical damage pattern with fine white speckles on the leaf surface. In the event of an infestation, you should then immediately take countermeasures, for example with our Plantura pest free neemto prevent the pest from spreading.

Adjust care: In winter, not only are garden plants dormant, potted plants also take a break. Plants that overwinter indoors at low temperatures, in particular, hardly need any nutrients in this phase and should therefore no longer be fertilized. The pouring intervals can also be increased slowly. But indoor plants are also often harmed with fertilization in winter, so that you only have to pay attention to an adequate water supply.

Together with December, Christmas and the purchase of a Christmas tree are just around the corner. In our article we will tell you whether a traditionally felled Christmas tree makes more sense or whether you should opt for the variant in a pot: Christmas tree in a pot: a sensible alternative?.
And what work to do after the holidays, you can find out in our article on Gardening in January.