Queen of the night tomato: cultivation & care

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This tomato variety owes its name ‘Queen of the Night to its beautiful and elegant coloring. We will introduce you to the Queen of the Night tomatoes and explain what needs to be considered during cultivation and care.

Queen of the night tomato variety
The ’Queen of the Night’ shows a true play of colors of blue, red and orange [Photo: thekovtun / Shutterstock.com]

The ‘Queen of the Night is one of the few striped and blue beefsteak tomatoes. In this profile you will find out everything about the taste, properties and use of this unique tomato variety.


  • Tomato Queen of the Night: Wanted poster
  • Origin and history of the beefsteak tomato
  • Taste and characteristics of the tomato variety ‘Queen of the Night‘
  • Cultivation in pots and in the field: you should pay attention to this
  • Tomato ‘Queen of the Night‘: care
  • Harvest and use of the Queen of the Night tomato

Tomato Queen of the Night: Wanted poster

fruit Beefsteak tomato; red-orange with black shoulders
taste slightly sour, spicy, aromatic
Ripening time medium late
growth Stick tomato, up to 140 cm
Location Greenhouse, pot, protected field

Origin and history of the beefsteak tomato

The ‘Queen of the Night is a newer German breed. The aroma nursery Deaflora near Potsdam names the ‘Queen of the Night as its own variety. Unfortunately, the year of its creation is not known. The fact is, however, that the blue and black tomato varieties have only been part of the huge range of popular nightshade plants for a few years. For about a decade, more and more new varieties have appeared with the anthocyanin dye, which is not found in our classic varieties. Sunlight can produce all shades of color from light purple to night black.

Taste and characteristics of the tomato variety ‘Queen of the Night‘

The ‘Queen of the Night‘ reaches a height of barely more than 140 centimeters. The slightly ribbed, round fruits can weigh up to 150 grams, so they count among the beefsteak tomatoes. As the fruit grows, the green fruit is covered with purple shoulders that turn black until ripe. The first red-orange striped tomatoes can be harvested from mid-August. The taste of ‘Queen of the Night is slightly sour, spicy and aromatic without any noteworthy sweetness. It is solid and can be reproduced again from its own seeds.

Queen of the Night tomatoes
The more sunlight the "Queen of the Night" gets, the darker the blue coloration [Photo: KeemMiDo / Shutterstock.com]

Cultivation in pots and in the field: you should pay attention to this

The ‘Queen of the Night‘ is ideal as a compact beefsteak tomato for keeping in a pot. But it is also robust, hardly susceptible to disease and insensitive in the protected field. Before planting, you should wait for the ice saints in mid-May and then put the young plants out. For planting in pots, we recommend using a substrate such as ours that is adapted to tomatoes Plantura organic tomato soil. The high proportion of compost replaces peat that is harmful to the climate and provides tomatoes with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and flower formation, such as potassium and phosphorus. After planting, the young plant should be well watered and then supported.

Tomato ‘Queen of the Night‘: care

The ‘Queen of the Night‘ begins to fruit from June and soon a delicate violet covers the young fruits. Now the harvest time of the tomato begins and it needs more nutrients in order to supply all fruits well. An organic fertilizer like ours Plantura organic tomato and vegetable fertilizer, supplies your plants sustainably and gently with all the necessary minerals and nutrients. The liquid fertilizer can simply be applied together with the irrigation water about once a week. The small beefsteak tomato can withstand two shoots, all other side shoots are broken out early. The right thing Mulching and watering for tomatoes is very important, especially in the field, to prevent diseases and promote soil life.

Harvest and use of the Queen of the Night tomato

The first fruits of the ‘Queen of the Night‘ are ripe from the end of July to mid-August. On the shady side, the fruit turns red and orange, and the now soft pulp gives way when lightly applied. The ‘Queen of the Night hardly tastes sweet, it is more of a processing variety for soups and sauces. But only in the raw state can it present its wonderful play of colors and so the storable tomato can also score points optically in salads or as raw food.

Even with tomatoes there are good and bad neighbors. What you can do with a Mixed cultivation of tomatoes should be observed, we explain to you in our special article.

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