Buy camellia: tips & sources of supply

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Camellias enchant with their splendor of flowers. What you should already consider when buying camellias, as well as good sources of supply, can be found here.

Camellia wrapped in plastic pink flower
How do you recognize a healthy camellia plant? [Photo: Quang nguyen vinh /]

Camellias (Camellia) adorn the garden landscape and numerous winter gardens with their blossoms between autumn and spring in an otherwise rather colorless environment. In order for the plants to have really abundant blooms, their health has to be in good shape. When buying, you should therefore be on the lookout for signals that speak for a reduced vitality of your photosynthetic new growth. We will show you how you can recognize healthy plants when you buy them and where you can also buy one or the other special variety.

Buy camellias: what should be considered?

Camellias can live up to 100 years. You should create optimal starting conditions for your camellia culture so that you can even begin to reach this considerable age in the garden or in the pot. This not only includes good basic health of the plant, but also good health. This is influenced in the plants from the germination point onwards. That's why you should pay attention to a few essential things when buying a camellia:

  • Look for shiny, deep green leaves. Camellias are evergreen and accordingly they should have full foliage when buying.
  • The buds, if any, should not be dried up.
  • Check the root ball: the plants should be neither too wet nor too dry and the pot should already be well rooted.
  • Look for the leaves or roots to turn brown or yellow. Both of these indicate a plant that is not entirely healthy.
Camellia tree pink flowers
Especially with evergreen plants, the appearance of the leaves is a direct indicator of their well-being [Photo: Nick Pecker /]
  • Check the plant for pests or other signs of pest infestation such as coverings, scuff marks, discoloration, smells or deformations.
  • Look at the location of the plants on sale. If the plants receive too much or too little light, this can also have negative effects on the subsequent culture. The temperature and the distance to other plants should also be right.
  • If the camellia has many buds, the flowers will also be profuse. You should therefore pay particular attention to plants with plenty of blossoms.
  • If you want to plant out the camellia, you should only buy plants over the age of five.
The buds give an outlook on the health and subsequent abundance of flowers of your camellia [Photo: Ian Grainger /]

Buy camellias: Recommended sources of supply

You can come across your dream camellia in many places - whether in the hardware store, in the tree nursery, in a nursery or even in the supermarket. Finding a few of the most common strains isn't much of a problem. We also present a few points of contact where the variety selection also does justice to the more discerning camellia friend:

NewGarden Nursery: Large selection of beautiful camellia varieties and a large number of other plant species for the home garden by mail order.

Camellia nursery Michael von Allesch: Nursery specialized in camellias in the south-east of Hamburg.

Camellia crops fishermen: Offers camellias of various types and sizes in Wingst (near Cuxhaven).

Horticulture cracks: Horticultural company in Coswig. Over 160 Japanese camellias and hybrids are on offer here.

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